A priest friend sent me this. I wonder Sr. Simone Campbell thinks about this.
From Cincinnati.com:
A Greater Cincinnati nun is suspected of illegally casting a ballot for another nun who died before last November’s election, a new case of alleged vote fraud that emerged as local officials move to wrap up their investigation into election improprieties last fall.
Sister Rose Marie Hewitt, 78, died Oct. 4 after a 59-year career as a Sister of Charity [My priest friend calls this a “prototypical LCWR type of congregation”…] that included service in schools here and across the country, as well as in various other positions in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.
Although her death occurred before absentee ballots had been mailed to voters throughout Hamilton County, a completed ballot was returned to the elections board in Hewitt’s name.
Officials believe the ballot was sent by another local Sister of Charity who was a friend of Hewitt and is registered at the same Delhi Township address. That person cast her own vote at her polling place on Election Day. [Who thinks they voted GOP? Raise your hands!]
In a Feb. 19 letter to elections board members, county Prosecutor Joe Deters said a preliminary investigation has turned up “sufficient information … to determine that there is probable cause to believe that criminal activity has occurred.”
The Enquirer left messages Wednesday but did not hear back from the second individual, who is a dean at the College of Mount St. Joseph.
Elections board staffers have been aware of the matter since earlier this month. But details were concealed until The Enquirer this week pressed for public release of documents outlining what occurred in it and other cases.
When dozens of alleged cases of double-voting and other alleged improprieties emerged after last November’s presidential race, election officials routinely made records relating to those episodes available to the news media.
This is how the whole of the Magisterium of Nuns works.
I don’t know about “prototypical,” but I did find read this on the suspected nun’s faculty bio: “has taught a number of interdisciplinary courses drawing on eco-theology, a first passion from her undergraduate studies in environmental studies. She has also done research in feminist methodologies for cross-cultural spiritual care.”
Is this noble voter fraud?
Queue FrJim’s GOP voter suppression post in:
Voting by the deceased, after all, is in Chicago a core practice.
Perhaps this will be the beginning of a journalistic expose on voter fraud which will lead all the way to the White House…. keep dreaming right?
Really? Really? Sigh. I am so thankful for the sacrifices those of the order of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet made to educate me (and of course for my parents’ sacrifice, too) so this type of story breaks my heart. I know, I know how radical the nuns have become, including the CSJs; the founders of these religious orders sacrificed and endured so much, and for this? Furthermore, the sisters are privileged to be the spouses of Jesus Christ who is all truth and honesty and integrity.
Well, we all know. Words are not necessary. God have mercy.
Father, shame on you for persecuting those dear nuns who do nothing but care for the poor and the little children. Why do you hate the poor and the little children? sarc/
wmeyer wrote, “Voting by the deceased, after all, is in Chicago a core practice.”
They just sentenced a former cop to prison for murder and former Cong. Jesse Jackson, Jr. pleaded guilty to misuse of campaign funds. At least two, maybe three, former Governors are in jail. Former Chairman of the House Ways and Means Cmte went to prison. Should I continue? Chicago and Illinois are full of corruption.
Oh, isn’t that where Obama is from?
Amazing how voter fraud only goes one way… why its almost as if democrats have no morals.
“Voting by the deceased, after all, is in Chicago a core practice.”
New Orleans also.
Maybe next time I see Sr Simone I’ll ask her.
[Who thinks they voted GOP? Raise your hands!]…LOL!
This story is just further proof that liberalism is a mental illness.
Let us be careful to avoid rash judgment, even concerning those we suspect have been guilty of it themselves. The devil never minds taking down multiple birds with a single stone.
Like any member of the clergy who commits a crime–and when the ballot of a woman dead before her vote was mailed to her is returned to the elections board, a crime has surely been committed, since voters have a duty to be certain they return their own ballots, and not someone else’s–a religious sister who commits a crime cannot be shielded from the legal consequences without bringing disrepute on the whole congregation. That some member congregations of LCWR need reform does not imply that they are all out stuffing ballot boxes, after all.
The sisters who have been superior about the way the bishops handle sex abuse cases need to prove that they walk as well as they talk. They need to demand that the person responsible be held accountable, and stand up for scrutiny and judgment by the legal authorities. I hope even then they will see the wisdom and fairness of having of their congregations pony up for legal counsel, even though some bishops have been criticized for doing the same for accused priests who have not yet been convicted.
“This story is just further proof that liberalism is a mental illness.”
Actually, there have been fMRI studies comparing the brain functioning of liberals and conservatives and guess what…there really is a difference between the way the brains function. Liberals have the thrill-seeking regions of the brain more activated, while conservatives have the more moral assessment areas activated. Actually, liberals integrate uncertainty better and conservatives integrate stability better.
Now, I’m not a materialist, so this simple brain mapping does not account for the large differences between liberals and conservatives, nor their inability to communicate to each other, but it sounds as if there are certain situations where liberals would be better suited (many writers are quite liberal) and certain situations which would be better suited for conservatives (anything involving morality).
Just keep that in mind when talking to a liberal or a conservative – without the effects of grace, it might really be difficult for people to reach a common understanding.
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Sad to say, but this really doesn’t surprise me at all. It’s all about what your priorities are. Honesty sounds like it was pretty far down the list in this case.