I am still absorbing the big news.
One way I am absorbing it is by trying to find ways to express appreciation of the Holy Father’s time as Pope.
I added a section to my online store in case you want to do the same.
I will add more things along the way.
For now just some car magnets and stickers.
Click HERE.
Wonderful thing, Fr. Z. I would like to share this video with everyone. I just watched it on You Tube and teared up.
“Dear Pope Benedict . . .”
Aside from the twitter message of thanks to our beloved Holy Father, I saw this too…
The love and support and prayer that has been poured out since our Holy Father’s announcement has been wonderful and very moving. I remain grateful to our Lord Jesus for having given us such a wonderful Pope.
I am most grateful to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for Summorum Pontificum. May the next pope continue to propagate the TLM. Thank you Pope Benedict XVI for your pontificate, and May God Bless you for all your days. +JMJ+
CNS Video: What the Holy Father’s new retirement looks like.
I want to thank the Holy Father for Summorum Pontificum and his books on Jesus of Nazareth.
acardnal: thank you for posting video of where the Holy Father will retire to!
On the stained glass window, “Totus Tuus”, the motto of Bl. John-Paul II taken from St Louis Grignion de Montfort.
Many who have made the Total Consecration to Mary say that it changes their life. I personally have never regretted it. For anybody visiting Paris, St Louis de Montfort said his first Mass in June 1700 in the Chapelle de la Vierge in the Church of St Sulpice. He was “like an angel at the altar” according to those present.
The 25th March is the date recommended by St Louis de Montfort himself to make the Consecration (there are other days in the year). The preparation begins on 20th February (21st for a leap year), so in 8 days time for anybody considering making the Consecration this year. Fr Z, I have just come back from Paris full of renewed zeal for speaking of “True Devotion to Mary”
Thanks to you Lord for letting us have Pope Benedict, however briefly.
Thank you Holy Father for Summorum Pontificum and reminding us all in both big and small ways what Tradition was and still is. Thank you for every thing you did with Tradition in mind. You have been the impetus to my personal renewal of Faith. You will continue to remain in my prayers. I am grateful to you for all you have done for the Church. For that I pray for your serenity and peace.