I tuned into the live stream on CSPAN2 of Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) filibuster.
In 1957 Sen. Strom Thurmond, (D&R, SC) filibustered for 24 hrs 18 min.
I think the Senate rules allow for the Senator to yield the floor for questions without relinquishing the floor. I the Senator has to talk about something that is germane. I don’t think they can read from cookbooks any more.
They are dealing with the confirmation of John Brennan as the next director of the CIA. There are lots of factors involved, including the use of drones against U.S. citizens abroad and, it seems now (if the Obama Administration continues as it does), on U.S. soil as well.
Today was the first time in my life that I tuned into CSPAN. I have had his filibuster running in the background while at work. I went to make a holy hour… and he is still going. He isn’t just talking nonsense either.
The media, of course, will treat him as a kook. It’s nice to see someone today showing a little backbone. The country is on the course it’s on because too many good men remained silent; and the ones who didn’t remain silent were wishy-washy.
Today would be a great day to give a monkey a set of oil paints.
I’m not a fan of Sen. Paul at all. In my view, his father skated very close to the “anti-semitism” line, and the Senator’s caving on the Chuck Hagel nomination suggests to me that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Where one finds anti-semitism, one frequently finds anti-Catholicism as well.
I have been watching it too. Good for him!
David Zampino wrote, “Where one finds anti-semitism, one frequently finds anti-Catholicism as well.”
Wow! What a statement. Do you know there are Catholics who are and have been anti-semites?
Once Hitler eliminated the Jews, the Catholics were next on the list… just sayin.
I like Rand…God bless his efforts. As having Jewish ancestors, my antennae for anti-Semitism are fairly keen and I would not put this Paul in that category.
As far as things I find enraging go, the current administration’s method of eliminating suspected terrorists is pretty high up on the list. Citizens of a country can’t call themselves “free” when the executive branch possesses the power to have them unilaterally assassinated without due process. The point of due process isn’t to protect the guilty, it’s to protect everyone else–and that protection is gone, replaced by empty assurances that the power won’t be abused. Given the civilian death toll from drone strikes to date, that power already has been abused, in a big way. And it’s completely counterproductive, since it surely creates far more terrorists than it kills.
Wow. I can’t believe it…Three men smeared by Mr. Zampino as “anti-semitic” in two lines with no substantiation.
Too bad that’s generally how accusations of anti-semitism are thrown about.
Congressman Paul is against aid to any country, including Israel; Sen. Hagel pointed out to the lobbyists begging for increased money for Israel that he is a U.S. senator, not an Israeli one; and Sen Paul voted for Hagel. Yep, that warrants smearing all of them as anti-semites!
I have been rather disappointed in Rand Paul – until today.
A congressman who impartially opposes ALL foreign aid?
A senator who votes to confirm a prospective SoD who is marginally less of a war hawk than the average establishment neo-conservative?
It is this abuse of the term anti-semitic that is robbing the charge of any sting – and sense.
Of course pro-life people are labeled as terrorists. There is a man from homeland security hired by planned parenthood at their fortress abortuary for ‘security’. Prayer warriors there wonder if he is assembling info on them. Could be. As the Catholic prayer warriors note: it is important to always remain in a state of grace with extra Masses and regular confession.
My friend’s son was in the marine bootcamp and was told there that pro-life folks are ‘terrorists’. Well I do have my (spiritual) weapons and I do know how to use them.
Would not be surprised to see more laws aimed at pro-life praying people.
Dear @Joseph-Mary, your son was told what?
And did they mean that in English, or was it sort of a Marine-slang for “I’m against the pro-life issue” (bad enough in itself, of course)?
From what I hear (my picture of the Marines is pretty-much formed by Full Metal Jacket…) you know, plenty of words I neither know nor, if I did, could write in this combox without being banned, translate into civilian English merely as “I’m your superior and you’re my subordinate”.
Thanks, Sen. Paul. Sad statement that it is unusual to see a man stand up and be steadfast on a moral point. Many times in the past 20 years or so I have privately lamented we need many more of those men, and where are they.
I wonder at how the Germans felt before Hitler really got going. I know myself I have thought why they didn’t see what was coming and rise up and do something about it. Always easier said than done, but still you wonder…but it’s likely that things have a way of sneaking up on people a little bit at a time…not all at once so you know…even the Grand Canyon started with just a trickle.
Is it me, or is this a classic example of why democracy doesn’t work?
“Is it me, or is this a classic example of why democracy doesn’t work?”
Geoffrey, we do not live in a democracy. We never have. We live in a constitutional republic, and the Senate is functioning as it was intended… in its facility to advise and consent to Presidential nominations to cabinet level positions, or their equivalent. The filibuster was put in place in order that the majority would not be able to oppress or subjugate the minority. It is also functioning exactly as it was intended. The only caveat that I would add is that this country should repeal the 17th amendment, and return the election of senators to the state houses of the individual states… where it properly belongs. The Senate was originally intended to act as a balance to the populist House, where the people were directly represented. The Senate was to represent the interests of the states, as a result of the Great Compromise of 1787 (also known as Sherman’s Compromise).
I am proud that Senator Paul is my senator.
Reading the entire text of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would certainly allow Sen. Paul to break Sen. Thurmond’ record. And then the Congress would finally know what’s in it!
Rand Paul should have 99 other Senators right beside him! The idea that drones are used to kill American citizens is a severely serious issue, especially after Holder’s comment that it could happen, legally, on U.S. soil!
The Department of Homeland Security (as opposed to the Dept. of Defense) is buying billions (with a “b”) rounds of ammo, plus thousands of armored vehicles! http://www.infowars.com/media-portrays-dhs-ammo-purchases-as-conspiracy-theory/ Why?
When Pope Emeritus Benedict warned the American Bishops, at a recent ad limina meeting, about the growing religious persecution in the U.S., he likely meant more than the Obamacare disgrace, I bet. The elites seem to be planning a major, physical persecution!
The drones are just the tip of the iceberg.
12 hours and 52 minutes.
Chuck 3030: “Once Hitler eliminated the Jews, the Catholics were next on the list…”
Hitler didn’t just target the Jews. Here’s an article that speaks of the 5 million non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust among them Polish Jews but also Polish Catholics.
Heinrich Himmler said “All Poles will disappear from the world…. It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles.”
During World War 2, my mother, who was 4 years old, her parents and many, many others were rounded up in Warsaw and forced to leave for destination unknown. Thankfully they managed to escape and several difficult years later were able to find a home in England. Deo Gratias.
Rand Paul sends his son to the Catholic school in my city. Of course I don’t agree with everything he says, but if I did, he’d be me. Rand Paul is a good man and no anti-Semite and no anti-Catholic either.
He’s more in tune with Catholic teaching than Pelosi or Biden, that’s for sure.
@Geoffrey, Senator Paul actually spent a good 45 minutes explaining the difference between our system of government, a representative republic vs. the problems with democracy and majority rule.
@David Zampino, I have not heard Senator Paul voice any anti-Semitic or anti Catholic views. Are we now judging folks by who/what their parents are?
David Zampino says:
I’m not a fan of Sen. Paul at all. In my view, his father skated very close to the “anti-semitism” line, and the Senator’s caving on the Chuck Hagel nomination suggests to me that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Just because someone doesn’t consider Israel the 51st state doesn’t make him an anti-semite.
He’s more in tune with Catholic teaching than Pelosi or Biden, that’s for sure.
I don’t doubt that he is, but that’s a very weak assertion, given the public actions of Pelosi and Biden.
I used to be an insatiable political buff, listening to talk radio, reading and watching the news, reading political books, etc. I even have my degree in political science. I stopped paying attention to politics altogether after the Usuper-in-Chief was reelected. I’ve had enough. It is all the same charade with different clowns performing. Someone on this blog may very well say that I have a civic duty to pay attention but, really, I think the change has to come within souls through conversion and intense prayer. “Trust not in princes”. The political situation in our country is a humiliating stain on our national honor. Kudos to Senator Paul but I’m not holding my breath.
Here’s a simple test to see if a President should have an additional “X” power, aside from the inherent duties of the office:
If you’re liberal, would you want Bush to have it?
If you’re conservative, would you want Obama to have it?
No? Then you should be against it. Because eventually, the “other” guy will get into office.
IMHO, it’s more than a bit anomalous that it’s OK to go into Pakistan to push the button on Osama Bin Laden, but not OK to take him to a remote site for waterboarding.
I haven’t always agreed with Rand Paul… but he was right on the money with this! And for that I support him. Why my own, supposedly “conservative” senators were not there with him, like Ted Cruz (R-TX), I don’t know. They were probably schmoozing with a donor or two… :(
Since reading the book on Dietrich Boenhoffer, that Fr. Z recommended, I have become more than a little nervous for the state of our Republic. I think we are in deep trouble. And yet, most people seem to think everything is just peachy…
Someone on this blog may very well say that I have a civic duty to pay attention but, really, I think the change has to come within souls through conversion and intense prayer.
Conversion must first affect those who are less visible: the choices we make in the voting booth are limited to what we are offered on the ballot. We must work on those responsible for the selection of candidates.
Laura98, We are indeed in deep trouble. Checks and balances are not working. Lawyers detach themselves altogether from right, wrong, truth and lies. It’s about rules of law in the courtroom, and who better manipulates presentation. The media, which was supposed to be the watchdog of our freedom, has joined one party. I pray I am wrong, but I see no solution through electoral means.
ALL: I’ve switched on the combox moderation feature. I’ll check in once in a while.
I thought the point of a real filibuster was rather interesting, since the real thing is pretty rare. I didn’t intend to get into all this other … stuff.
In meantime, please go VOTE for this blog!
I’m with those who express extreme cynicism with our political system. It seems clear to me that change will come through cultural, not political means.
What I found especially encouraging was that Rand Paul was not just spewing gibberish to hold the floor, but speaking to the case at hand. Now, if we could just rustle up a few hundred more like him….
Good for Sen. Paul! While I prefer Ron over Rand, I find both (esp. Ron) to be more in tune with the teachings of the Catholic Church than most politicians who profess to be Catholic.
Laura98 says:
7 March 2013 at 11:06 am
Why my own, supposedly “conservative” senators were not there with him, like Ted Cruz (R-TX), I don’t know. They were probably schmoozing with a donor or two… :(
Sen. Cruz was there. In fact he spent 20 minutes reading a list of tweets tagged with #StandWithRand as part of a “question” he asked Sen. Paul, allowing Sen. Paul to take a break and eat.
Thank you Senator Paul. While I think your father’s view of Islam as hopelessly naive as that of some of my fellow Catholics, I do admire your stand on this un-Constitutional power grab by the administration. You have awakened even some on the Left who would not normally listen to your arguments. I applaud your stand and your vocal chords.
Unfortunately, John -“Jihad what jihad?”- Brennan is now our CIA chief. We will rue the day and some will not live to rue the day! But Brennan is a perfect fit for this administration of our Dear Leader who thrills to the call of the muzzein.
As for me, when I renew my baptismal vows on Holy Saturday, I KNOW who I am thinking of when I renounce Satan and ALL his lies; a certain cave in 610 AD and its blood soaked legacy.
Father Z. is quite correct; that was a real filibuster. One never knows with King Barack I whether he’s ‘bee-essing’ the ‘it may be appropriate to use drones’, or if this is one of his every other week, keep them stirred up outrageous remarks. As nothing he says can be believed, it’s hard to discern. However, as abortion is a kind of drone strike on Americans, one can see how Holder et. al. may believe that ‘Hellfire now’ on other Americans is just fine as well.