John Paul II – 8 years

Today is the 8th anniversary of the death of John Paul II.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. VARoman says:

    What a gift JPII has been to the world! And to me personally. It was the story of his passing, and highlights of his pontificate that drew me to visit St. Matthew’s Cathedral in DC. In the next couple of days, I made my first confession in nearly 20 years, validly received Communion and started a spiritual re-birth that has been the corner-stone of my life ever since. Thank you blessed John Paul!

  2. TNCath says:

    Blessed Pope John Paul II began the restoration of the Church after Vatican II. Pope Benedict XVI picked up where Pope John Paul II left off. Let us hope and pray that Pope Francis continues the good work his two immediate predecessors initiated.

    Oremus pro Pontifice….

  3. While a fan of Benedict and a supporter of Francis I still miss Bl. John Paul (the Great). He was a true father to the Church. May God reward him!

  4. chantgirl says:

    Beautiful man. I credit his writings with saving me from giving in to the many voices that urged me to contracept early in my marriage. He inspired me as a teenager when he visited St. Louis and I could palpably feel his holiness at a time in my life when I was struggling with slavery to mortal sin. He was a true father to me and I wept like a daughter when he died.

  5. RidersOnTheStorm says:

    Bl. John Paul (the Great) instituted Divine Mercy Sunday to be celebrated (in a few days time) on the following Sunday after Easter.

    The Good Lord took him home to his bosom during the Vigil of Divine Mercy Sunday.

  6. Lucas Whittaker says:

    Blessed John Paul II, Please pray for us and obtain for us the grace to live lives worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  7. Jack Regan says:

    Pope Saint John Paul the Great… Pray for us!!

    (Okay, I know that’s premature, but still…)

  8. oldcanon2257 says:

    Mozzetta!!! Symbol of jurisdiction…

    May Blessed John Paul II intercede for his successor our Holy Father Pope Francis.

  9. Jim of Bowie says:

    I agree Jack that he was a great and saintly man, but, yes, a couple of years premature on canonization and about 200 years on ‘the Great’.

  10. AngelGuarded says:

    I will never forget the utter grief during Pope John Paul II’s passion, and this right on the heels of the utter horror of the passion of Mrs Terry Schiavo, murdered slowly with our government’s approval. I remember being so heavy of heart during that time. It was faith and prayer that got us through it. May Blessed Pope John Paul II receive the crown of glory he so richly deserves for all he gave the Holy Church. Thank God for his ministry.

  11. tealady24 says:

    How I loved this Pope! I always felt we were in the presence of a living saint before he passed. Today is my mom’s birthday, and she was Polish, too. And JPII’s feast day is my wedding anniversary, so there is something special about this great man!

  12. Geoffrey says:

    Beate Ioannes Paule magne, ora pro nobis!
    Beate Ioannes Paule magne, ora pro pontifice nostro Francisco!
    Beate Ioannes Paule magne, ora pro Ecclesia!

  13. Andkaras says:

    chantgirl , I’m with you. His books “Love and responsibility” and”Theology of the Body”, changed my life and literally my family size as well. :)

  14. chantgirl says:

    Andkaras – Yes, I’m pretty sure that JPII, as a celibate priest, was responsible for many more babies being born than he could have ever been as a married man! He showed us that the yoke is a joyful and free thing, and that the heart of the law is love.

  15. Lou K says:

    What a giant JPII was. I wish I could have seen the looks on the faces of the leaders in the Kremlin when the announcement of his election was made. I like to think that not a few of them realized that Soviet communism’s days were numbered when he became Pope.

  16. Margaret says:

    Eight years since his death means seven years since my friend’s young son nearly died in a freak accident. She called me frantically late that night from the ER, asking for prayers. As we were praying and crying together over the phone, through the fog I remembered what day it was, and we put the care of her little fellow into JPII’s good hands. He woke up the next morning, and asked for– I forget what now, but something totally “right” for a four-year-old. Maybe his blankie? His favorite food? But he was right as rain, no long-term injury or brain damage, after mom had had to resuscitate him and perform CPR until the paramedics arrived. Thanks be to God.

  17. BarefootPilgrim says:

    JPII’s death drew me back into the Church after 25 years of darkness. I remember watching his funeral on TV with a feeling of intense longing that I hadn’t experienced in years. That longing drew me to the nearby shrine of Our Lady of Fatima later that summer. I sat in the back of the church for quite some time, then (thank you Jesus!!) plucked up the courage to walk into that confessional. “Bless me father, for I have sinned…” Wow ~ ~ JPII was a fisher of men indeed. Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints!

  18. catholic_at_nd says:

    Is that Cardinal Siri above the pope’s left shoulder?

  19. BillyHW says:

    Gasp! Look at what he’s wearing in that photograph. His dress is laced with flamboyant colours. Thank goodness we now have a humble pope for the first time, who cares about the poor, rather than the papal fat cats of old.

  20. HighMass says:


    Yes That is Card. Siri, and on his right is Card. Pericle Felici, who made the announcement twice in 1978, “Habemus Papam” IF you use You Tube you can here Card. Felici saying Annuncio Vobis Gaduem Magenm (spelling not great in latin)….

    Yes I also notice the mozzetta….funny when you water down fine wine you no longer have fine wine but watered down or diluted drink…..sure missed the Papal regalia this time…..reminds me of Paul VI and his doing away with the Tiara,etc….history repeating itself again????

  21. HighMass says:

    Sorry I meant to say on Blesses John Paul II’s Left is Card. Felici… well we remember that day!
    Blessed John Paul II Pray for Pope Francis and the Church.

  22. Kathleen10 says:

    very moving comments all.

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