I used to ask every Monday if you had good news.
What is your good news?
I am feeling a better! Time for phase two: azithromycin.
I used to ask every Monday if you had good news.
What is your good news?
I am feeling a better! Time for phase two: azithromycin.
Comments are closed.
Coat of Arms by D Burkart
St. John Eudes
- Prosper of Aquitaine (+c.455), De gratia Dei et libero arbitrio contra Collatorem 22.61
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020 8133 4535
“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
- Fulton Sheen
Therefore, ACTIVATE YOUR CONFIRMATION and get to work!
- C.S. Lewis
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A monthly subscription donation means I have steady income I can plan on. I put you my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I often say Holy Mass.
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"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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Prayer Before Using The Internet HERE
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Good news…
After working hard over the greater part of last year making a quilt to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, it is now entered into a quilt show next month. I will be delivering it to the show ground on 13th May. Auspicious? I made the quilt in honour of our Queen while thinking almost constantly of the Queen of Heaven.
Ooh, Fr Z, bronchitis is ghastly. You poor chap. I’ve only had it once, that was enough. One has to try and be phlegmatic about it.
5 more weeks of school! Welcome back to the land of the living, Fr. Z.
Vale bene, RP Moderator, die Lunae XXII Aprilis, anno MMDCCLXVI ab urbe condita, et salutationes omnibus.
Just got back from a relaxing weekend in Lewiston Maine, where we will be relocating to in August. Trip was topped off by the TLM at the Basilica yesterday morning complete with Vidi Aquam and clouds of incense, and an excellent homily which seemed to speak to all of us family members present.
I needed 5.000 euros to restore the tabernacle. Somebody suggested I payers to Saint Nicholas. I offered the Mass this morning with this in mind, and then I began to ask for money to a list of people I had prepared. The first person I asked offered me the whole sum. Prayer works!
I forgot to ad this. Do you know the name of the street where the bank where this person has his account is located ? Saint Nicholas.
Only one more week of classes here at my university, then I just need to suffer through finals. After that, I get four months off and finishing my seminary application is top of my list!
For the first time ever I didn’t try following word for word in a Missal at the TLM, it was amazing!!
About a week left of classes and then finals (finals week translates for me as Yay I can go to daily Mass!!!)
Catholic Underground CT Saturday night was awesome!! got to see one of my closest friends for possibly the last time before she enters Carmel.
And so far I haven’t caught whatever illness my roommate has. :)
oh and I made my schedule for next semester and managed to work it around Daily Mass everyday!! :)
A good friend received his acceptio and will be ordained a deacon in September in the diocese of Breda (Netherlands). His oldest son will be with us for two weeks on a school-sponsored visit. Meanwhile, I have “merely” made my 1st degree initiation into the Knights of Columbus.
A good friend received his acceptio and will be ordained a deacon in September in the diocese of Breda (Netherlands). His oldest son will be with us for two weeks on a school-sponsored visit. Meanwhile, I have “merely” made my 1st degree initiation into the Knights of Columbus.
Azithromycin! Commonly known as… a “Z-pack.” ;)
My Mystic Monk coffee arrived!!
Also, a faithful Catholic woman I like very much has agreed to be Confirmation Sponsor for my daughter, 7, who will be Confirmed and make her 1st Communion next month.
Today is my 18th Wedding Anniversary. God has blessed me with an outstanding wife and five beautiful children. Last night we had the added treat of hearing a recital by Musica Sacra at Rockhurst University in KCMO: they sang Handel’s Chandos Anthem for the 51st Psalm, Mozart’s Regina Coeli, and his Coronation Mass. Splendid performance!
Hope you get well soon, Father!
My good news …maybe a God incident…I was finishing my rosary on my drive to work this morning, turned on my Gregorain chant CD, as I am about to say the Salve Regina, I hear the monks singing the Salve Regina, which I try to follow with my very poor Latin, which I always mix up with my native Italian…anyway I just thanked our Blessed Mother for this great moment..what a beautiful faith we have!!!!how priviliged are we?
PS..I wish Father Z a speedy return to full health
Great news to hear that you are feeling better, Father.
My husband is going through the Permanent Deacon formation process in our diocese. I’m studying the Master in Theology with him. This past Saturday we had our final for the Old Testament class and we have 4 more weeks to relax a bit before we start with our summer term on Christology.
BTW, I’ll have knee surgery tomorrow Tuesday 4/23/13. This is my first time ever having surgery, so I am terrified! Prayers are welcome, specially for peace and for a speedy recovery. God bless you!
High Mass on Sunday at the Friary with new St. Edmund Campion Missal Hymnals followed by a dinner party with our local priest, older son serving Mass with the Bishop tomorrow, High Mass with Fr. Z on Thursday (!), and High Mass with a dear priest friend next Sunday.
Friends of ours have a young boy with Down Syndrome who has recently been diagnosed with ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) – he appears to be responding and, so far, there is a good chance of a cure.
My son will be confirmed next week and he apparently easily passed the written text yesterday! It will be an EF ceremony, the first of our kids to have it. (The other three had OF – the first was confirmed by a cardinal, the second on an Indian reservation [which was… unique…], and the third in a relatively normal/mainstream OF). So we’re excited and proud!
Also, I have been a little uneasy about my job situation, but a position opened up in a sister company that seems like a great opportunity with better long-term stability.
God is Good.
My good news for Monday? I woke up on the right side of the dirt!
Prayers up for a speedy recovery; my only suggestion for a speedier recovery……don’t read depressing books about the imminent demise of anything. Remember, everything’s a business model and TEOTWAWKI is one of the most profitable business models on the face of the Earth! Fear Sells; Doom Sells. Fear and Doom REALLY Sell Big! Along with that, Conspiracy Theories Sell! And practically every known media platform is part of (among other things) a huge Business Model benefiting a multitude of Business Platforms. Those Business Platforms include, greasy Politicians, slimy Wall Street Types, slick Madison Avenue hucksters and everything in between.
So………for Lent, I turned it all OFF! And, I haven’t gone back! My deal is simple; I don’t want their voices in my head! I have no control over the outcome anyway so I’ve turned it over to God. He can control anything and everything everywhere forever. And He’s got a plan for ME! And it’s a good plan! And like me, its relatively simple………….The End of My World as I’ve known it will come long before The End of This World as We Thought We Knew it! Thank the Lord for small favors!
So get well, think happy thoughts and remember one other smallish thing; a cup of hot tea with a dollop of Southern Comfort goes a long way toward healing much!
In 33 days our eldest son will be getting married to a lovely Catholic young lady. Joy abounds!
Did you know that from Easter to Christmas this year is just a shade over 38 weeks?
The Miltons do! Baby number 3 is due December 20th! But shhhhh! It’s still a bit of a secret!
“Under his forming hands a creature grew,
…. so lovely fair,
That what seemed fair in all the world, seemed now
Mean, or in (her) summed up, in (her) contained
And in (her) looks; which from that time infused
Sweetness into my heart, unfelt before,
And into all things from (her) air inspired
The spirit of love…”
Her or him, we don’t care. We’re just excited to be so blessed again.
On Saturday night, I was at a state-wide Knights of Columbus event. At the close of the proceedings, all the seminarians present (six or seven), went onto the stage and sang the Regina Caeli, in Latin. Afterwards, I commented to them that I thought that was how Church music should be and that I was glad they knew how to do it. Their enthusiastic agreement was good news in my mind!
Had my first colonoscopy today. All went well! Don’t listen to the horror stories. Even the preparation was easy.
My sixth grader served his first EF mass on Sunday. Torchbearer. He told me he liked it. Seems excited actually. FrZ.pak is good. hope it works.
What is my good news? I’m out of the hospital. Gallbladder be gone!
Welcome into the order! Vivat Jesus!
Good news? Even though my allergies are making me feel like a zombie today, I am still functioning, praise be to God!
Went to my two weekly Sunday Bible studies yesterday – morning study is on the Acts, evening study is currently delving into Ecclesiastes. Both are wonderful studies. The evening study is conducted by Fr. Bill Helbing.
I got to read the First Reading at Mass yesterday morning. So many lectors at our parish that I hardly get the chance anymore, sadly.
Yesterday I served at a beautiful Missa Cantata, and today I am continuing to make preparations for my discernment retreat this summer with the Carmelites of Wyoming. Pray for my vocation!
I have, by the grace of God and the help of an FSSP Priest,finally, hefted up a cross I’ve been spitting and hissing at for a long while. More than just accepting it Father’s words have helped me to embrace and even come to love it a little. Because I need this cross. b/c the good God would not send me something that I did not absolutely need. When I think of it that way patience and a gentle voice replaces the aforementioned spitting and hissing. And there is peace where there was once anger. If anyone had even suggested that i’d ever feel this way, last week. I’d have thought them unrealistic. Amazing how relative to God reality is. Thing is this Priest probably has no idea that his simple 4 word answer had the power to pull me up from the pile of self pity I’d been wallowing in. His words replayed in my head as did the look in his eyes. That look seemed to say “enough now, get up and move along” And something in me obeyed. I can’t explain it and who cares. Today with my cross firmly on my shoulder I feel free. Thank God for the Priesthood. Thank God for the holy men of the Priesthood! DEO Gratias!!!
@eben I agree with everything you said except the part about the tea and southern comfort. Much better for starting a fire in your chest is equal parts of espresso and rum, the good stuff. If you are drinking enough water that rum concoction will have that phlegm outta there in a hurry. And it’s tasty too ;)
Glad you are feeling better, Father. That Z-pack should do the trick for you. Maybe consider adding a probiotic to the mix to keep your intestinal micoflora in balance. Our good news is that our daughter and family of 5 are moving home from MT! Searching for good Catholic School in our area – St. Ambrose Academy is top of the list!
Our Latin Mass Community was expelled by a new Vatican II pastor after 15 years at Mission San Juan Buenaventura. At our new location, St. Mary Magdalene in Camarillo, 10 am every Sunday, our attendance has doubled. Our new Church Northwest of Los Angeles is wonderful:
Thanks are due to Archbishop José Gomez for finding us a new home.
Hope the Z-pack is effective … isn’t that the one with 2 pills the first day?
Really hope you can nip this in the bud.
I received word that I passed the bar exam in my home state, praise to Him from Whom all blessings flow.
The two table’s worth of de-cluttered stuff I took to freecycle after Mass went to bless their new owners in no time.
The three little sisters in our First Communion class liked the veils I made them.
Been offered the possible chance to teach a sewing/ knitting class at home school co-op next semester.
The repairs on Fr.’s lace alb went well.
Glad to hear you’re feeling better, Fr. Z! Thanksgiving for all the good news!
I have two fourteen year olds whose two main interests are altar serving and baseball. They do their own homework and get As with an occasional B+ at our parish school; I never have to nag them about their assignments or even check whether they’ve done their work. Having a brother to hang out with, they don’t have video games. They have their own opinions, but so far we all keep our differences on a civilized level. They are respectful of their coaches and don’t fool around at practice.
I see other parents with all sorts of teen problems to deal with, and think “There but for the grace of God…” I knew the first time I held them that they’d grow up to be fine men, but wow! We have some wonderful sons, because they have decided to be so. May the Lord grant that our family be granted the grace to keep dodging those societal bullets.
Their first game of the season is tonight…wish them well!!
@idelsan… that is awesome!
I would like to thank St Jude, for once again.. helping me.
Father Z is coming Thursday to Harvard for Juventutem Boston’s very first Solemn Mass at 5:15pm. It will also be the first Extraordinary Form Mass of the St. Paul’s Boys Choir School, the only Catholic boys choir school left in the country.
Glad you are feeling better Father.
Two sons (13 & 15) being trained to serve EF Low Mass by FSSP priest can’t wait to wear cassocks.
Middle son to be confirmed on May 9 wishes to attend Ascension Thursday Mass at our FSSP parish (90 miles away) at mid-day and return to hometown parish for the confirmation Mass (NovO) that eve.
Oldest son (18) may be home from first year studies at Notre Dame in time for younger brother’s confirmation; sought special permission to re-arrange his final exam schedule for this purpose.
Youngest son seriously discerning applying to attend Benedictine HS Seminary in the fall as an 8th grader (all prayers appreciated!).
Celebrated 22 years of marriage on Saturday…we are so blessed.
New shop (#4) open and operating.
Homeschooling is still legal!
Good News: At the end of his 20-minute homily Sunday dedicated to the memory of Bello, Paglia said: “Just today, the day of the death of Don Tonino, the cause of the beatification of Monsignor Romero has been unblocked.” – NPR
eben, I can’t stop laughing! “My good news for Monday? I woke up on the right side of the dirt!” My good news has to be your good news! Father, this morning’s Rosary was for you. So glad you’re feeling better. And I admire you for not losing your sense of humor during sickness–that’s the mark of a good man. God bless all!
Oh, Father I’m so glad you’re on the mend.
Now THAT is good news
Have been saying a decade of the rosary daily for you.
My husband had to take that some time ago.
I don’t know if he was allergic to it or what.
It said not to lie down for an hour after taking.
He did.
He reacted.
Hasn’t taken it since.
My good news
Husband’s cancer PSA count remains stable.
2 Grand-daughters receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this coming weekend
their brother receiving First Holy Communion the next day.
What a beautiful story, Indulgentium.
yes, thank God for Holy Priests. Deo Gratias.
On Friday I had my eyes dilated by my regular optometrist, who declared that the previous doctor was jumping the gun a bit in that the cataract in my right eye is nowhere near to being severe enough to qualify to be surgically removed, even though it appeared to have grown quite a bit since last year’s exam. And despite my hating those rotating lenses and the constant “better or worse?” the eye is functionally corrected to 20/20. Deo gratias!
Bridget Theresa, that is a blessing!
“Unless the LORD build the house,
they labor in vain who build…
Certainly sons are a gift from the LORD,
the fruit of the womb, a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the sons born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them…”
Psalm 127
Good news Monday is back! Thanks, Fr. Z , and, all of you, who cheer me up with your good news. It really helps! :)
received a bunch of school papers back- All A’s and A-‘s!
Yesterday, a couple Dominican Friars visited campus, and we all had a lovely chat with them after Mass. Among other interesting topics, they spoke about their province’s vocation problem- namely, how to find room for all their brothers currently in formation! Fifty in DC, ten in Ohio, and another large group expected this year!
With some serious, intense grace from Our Lady, I actually managed to keep my cool all day yesterday and not get mired in some unpleasant storm developing in our little parish’s politics. It was complete with uncanny clues—like the priest using in his homily the exact same unusual and technical words in an instruction by Our Lady that I had ‘just happened’ to read the day before in the unabridged vol. 1 of City of God by Mary of Agreda. Personal affirmation!
Aimed for being a “reservoir of joy and peace” and actually came close to it with a boatload of supernatural help! Deo Gratias!
Whoops! Only meant to italicize by Our Lady in above comment.
Day 2 after a Z-pack for bronchitis is The. Best. Congrats and more Deo Gratias!
The manager of the local Lowe’s agreed to donate all of my supplies for my Eagle project! I am building an in-ground sprinkler system for Lifehouse, a maternity home here in Louisville for women in crisis pregnancies.
But of course Fr. Z was prescribed a Z-pack!
The azithromycin was able to finally root out a stubborn bout of bronchitis I had this winter. (I’ve now gone a couple of months without catching a cough…that’s my bit of continuing good news for the day.)
Vax Laudis —
Feel your pain on that. Cataracts not quite ripe here, could self pay to have them done early but a bit too costly for me right now.
— f/j
I had been in a spiritual rut… pretty deep spiritual rut… sin spiraled into more sin which in turn spiraled into more sin! It was only for about a week and a half, but it was deep.. No matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to get myself out of it. Then, I went to CONFESSION yesterday and Missa Cantata. (It had only been 2 weeks since, my last confession though). I’m a new man now. I feel GREAT!!! Isn’t God awesome?! He fills us with his graces and we’re new again!
Glad you’re on the mend, Father!
Today is our son’s 19th birthday. He’s just finishing his second year of college and is working hard so as to be able to graduate a year from now. He is making some sacrifices in order to graduate a year early, but he has felt a call to the priesthood since he was a little boy and is ready to apply to the FSSP seminary. (I think the Holy Spirit is calling him rather loudly right now.) And speaking of holy priests, Bea, the holy priests at our parish have had a huge influence on my son during his teenage years. They may not know it, but they really have. I am very grateful for them.
Our daughter will graduate college in a couple weeks and has found an entry level job with full benefits. She is very excited about starting this new adventure.
Good News Monday! It’s good news that you are up to requesting it, Father! Prayers continue for your returning health.
Our good news? Well, we thought we might go hungry the last week of this month but we are managing with what’s left in the pantry.
And we love our new priest (and so do other members of our parish). He’s a good preacher and a fine confessor. I am grateful for him.
And a niece is getting married this weekend and a family member is helping us financially so we can go and be with the whole family to celebrate.
God is gracious!`
My good news,
Father Z is feeling better
My 13 year old grandson prefers the EF, is on the honor roll, and will be Confirmed in June
the mom and 2 daughters I made veils for are veiling in their NO parish
My AWESOME parish priest was bold enough to remind us that while summer is just around the corner, we must still DRESS MODESTLY for Mass.
My husband’s knee will not require surgery
My AWESOME parish priest was bold enough to remind us that while summer is just around the corner, we must still DRESS MODESTLY for Mass.
Argh! I’m always fascinated by people who think it’s their job to tell other people how to dress. Gauche in the extreme!
frjim4321 I agree that it is shameful that a priest needs to tell Catholic women to dress modestly for Mass or for anytime. It is a shame that adult women feel it’s fine to wear daisy duke shorts with their ‘cheeks’ hanging out to Mass. Or how about the EMHC wearing a spaghetti strap low cut, mid thigh sun dress with lace inserts ?? Yes, indeed it’s terrible to ask people to dress as though they are going to the house of God!
Father Dominic Mary gives a hearfelt sermon on modesty at Mass here
An excellent 2 part sermon on WHY modesty is important can be found here,
Yet another good priest requests modesty here
Maybe we should ask Father Z how he feels about women at the altar rail with low cut shirts?
[Happily there is always a properly held Communion paten lest a Host fall.]
I don’t mind people (especially people who have a job to do so) telling other people how to dress.
Only it can come over as problematic if what they say is unnecessarily strict. The “let’s forbid 20 things even if we wouldn’t need to forbid 18 of them, so that the other two, rather easily recognized as the ones most important, may perhaps be not done” is not, if I may be so bold, the Catholic attitude; the Catholic has freedom to do all that pleases him which is not forbidden, and it is only the forbidden things that are forbidden.
Modesty has nothing to do with the summer. The usual clothes worn in the summer (or winter for that matter) are not immodest.
If we are talking about “no free shoulders in the Church for women”, there may be something said for it (especially if you have some cloths outside), but this, neither, is modesty specifically. It may be appropriateness for the sanctuary, but: a woman with shoulder-free clothing is not immodest.
It is, of course, a good custom (to the least) to go to the obliging Sunday Mass in some clothes of some specific quality. (At the weekday Mass anyone can come, because it is better to come in lax clothing than not come.) Yet even here the tuxedo has a very loose connection to morality, And this is not modesty either. It may be appropriateness in festivity, but the boilersuit is not immodest.
FrJim, sarcasm is very tricky to detect in written expression. I hope very much that you are indeed, being sarcastic. If not, I would like to assure you that we laity rely heavily on our priests and bishops to remind us of such things, and these things bring a sort of comfort and structure to our world.
Not only that, but seeing the young things in spaghetti straps and plunging necklines during Mass is upsetting to females and distracting to men. It is inappropriate in God’s house.
Everyone, I am happy for your GOOD NEWS!! I will pray for your intentions as well.
Fr. Z., the Z-pak is manna from heaven. Love that stuff. Whoever said Day2 is glorious, YES. I hope you are feeling better.
My sister had a procedure today, and they have found the source of her illness. She has ulcers, which can be fixed thank God.
Can I be so bold as to ask prayer for another sister, who is recovering from chemo and radiation, but does not feel well yet? Her name is Linda, and her heart is gold. Thank you so much for any prayer.
Fr. Jim — What do you actually feel able to teach your congregation? Seriously, I’m becoming curious. Do you lecture on mathematics or cellphone manufacture, or do you teach Catholicism and the Christian life?
A lot of people out there _don’t_ have parents to tell them even the basics of how to dress. _You_ are their father (and their mother, and their grandparents). If they mess up, it will all go on you.
If you don’t tell these people, they will think it’s okay to show up however they want, including naked. And don’t say, “Ooh, that’ll never happen.” Because you know it could.
St. Paul didn’t comment on proper dress and deportment because he thought it was a fascinating subject; he did it because some people didn’t know any better and had to be told the basic basics. Teachers and fathers don’t scorn the fundamentals, and you shouldn’t either!
Well I don’t want to go to far afield on this rabbit hole (which I did not open) but after 25+ years I’ve never seen it go well when a priest takes it upon himself to tell people how to dress. Also, I ‘ve never seen church attendance go up after a priest has done so.
Banshee, no, I try to preach on the scriptures which I must admit is getting much more difficult lately. Dear Patricia Sanchez has been unwell and Roger Karaban has been writing for Celebration and I don’t find him helpful at all. My subscription may be lapsing soon.
If Roger would spend less time pushing his idiosyncratic agenda and more time breaking open the Word I would be much happier.
After Mass a friend of mine was telling Father that his homily from a month-or-so-ago had inspired her to reach out to an estranged friend. They had not spoken for years but now, after a few short phone calls, they are going to have a brief in-person visit.
Father was looking very pleased and so was my friend. The air around them was joyful!
My good news for Monday? (even though its nearly midday tue here on the East coast of Aus);
I have gotten through a dark study patch (mid-way through first semester of final year studying B.theol) in one piece when things were looking a little shakey.
had a wonderful confession and Mass at my Marounite parish this past sunday, but think I’ve blown it; does swearing and cussing about Govt. intervention on parents with kids with a disability risk mortal sin? (gotta work on this problem) . Mon 22nd April in our Marounite Calendar is the feast day of St. alexander; I learn something every day re my (relatively) new faith. and, as others have voiced, Fr. Zuhlzdorf is on the mend which is an excellent thing.
Oh, and our Mgr. has been named Marounite bishop of Australia!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS FR. TARABAY!!!!!
he’ll make an excellent bishop. May god bless and prosper his ministry to the Australian Marounite family.
Aussie marounite.
My good news: I’m enjoying my job of 4 months and things are going extraordinarily well for me there ! I’ve graduated another home-schooler – Deo Gratias ! She is on to RN school in the fall.
Fr Z, the z-pack is effective and powerful medicine. I would humbly like to strongly suggest you take a daily probiotic, if you don’t already, particularly now and for some time after completion. It has a notorious reputation for also wrecking your guts.
It is still Monday here in Alberta. My good news? My daughter’s post surgery infection is responding to antibiotics. Thank you, Lord! Still praying for Fr. Z to be healed of his bronchitis.
I just finished saying a rosary for you.
If you are a troll, you are in need of it
If you are truly a priest you need it even more.
Granny and other commenters did not create the rabbit hole.
We (at least I) find it a source of joy and good news to hear a priest tell us how we are to dress in the house of God to give Him honor and not to be a distraction to others.
It is a source of joy to hear Bold Priests give us God’s Truth, fearlessly without anxiety to others’ reactions. It shows his love of God and his love for his parishioners that he wants whats best for us, mainly the purity and modesty as shown to us by Mother Mary in order to achieve heaven without undue time in purgatory.
As JPII said “Be not afraid”
Sock it to your parishioners.
You may be surprised at their happy reactions to bold sermons.
Maybe that will be your Good News to us next Monday
God Bless you and
God Bless Granny’s Awesome priest.
Fr.Jim4321 might be a Sadist:
“Good News: At the end of his 20-minute homily Sunday dedicated to the memory of Bello, Paglia : “Just today, the day of the death of Don Tonino, the cause of the beatification of Monsignor Romero has been unblocked.” – NPR”
If you Google “Bergoglio Peronista” you may realize next up could be:
Santa, Santa Evita,
Madre de todos los niños,
De los trabajadores
De la Argentina…
This is a truly humble working class Bishop of Rome. If this is your type of good news, enjoy. I am terrified.
My good news is that I am going back into the monastery for trial two in nine days. I have been invited to stay for a six month “postulancy” or “come and see” experience in the cloister. Please pray for me. I have a vocation to contemplative prayer, but the problem is finding the right place. I shall need supernatural physical stamina as well as willpower. My will has always been stronger than my body.
The fear of appearing “gauche” is sooooo Episcopalian.
The joke going around in the day was that when Piskies go to hell, they do so for using the wrong dinner fork or putting Bordeaux in the Burgundy glasses.
Catholics should be supporting Truth, not worrying about human respect. Especially Catholic priests.
And, y’all, remember to give them kind words and support when they do.
Yes, the Servant of God Romero has some irritating “devotees.” But yes, he really did get martyred in much the same way as St. Thomas a Becket. Annoying devotees don’t negate holiness of life and death.
Evita Peron, OTOH, is pretty much like Eva Braun if she’d had more personality. Nobody ever seriously believed she was a saint, even the Peronistas. A celebrity, maybe, like an evil Vanna White.
Go, Supertradmum! Pray, pray, pray!
Seriously, I’m envious in a totally holy way. Whatever happens, it will be a good experience to grow in soul, I’m sure.
Suburbanbanshee, thanks for the encouragement. As my wise son, all of 25 (almost) states, “Mum, whatever happens, it is part of your formation.” True….
A Z-pack for Fr. Z. How appropriate! It has worked for me in the past.
My good news is that I just had an excellent iPad lesson from a friend. Still seeking employment.
Best wishes for a fast recovery, Father.
When I was a teenager, the parish priest privately told me that my skirt was too short. I appreciated that he let me know about it, but not embarrassing me in public.
It’s been an unusually cool spring here in TX., but I’m sure we’ll get the talk when it warms up.
In addition to the every week bulletin reminder re: respect for God and others.
As Fr. puts it: “Ladies, don’t even ask. Our necks are higher, our skirts are longer and we’re wearing black. Our sympathy is limited.”
Brick-by brick in San Francisco. Got this good news from a friend who works for a parish in San Francisco (not the parish below):
If you enjoy the Traditional Latin Mass (as I do), it will soon be celebrated on a weekly basis at Star of the Sea. From the Archdiocesan intranet:
At the request of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will begin to be celebrated at Star of the Sea Parish, 4420 Geary Boulevard (at 8th Avenue) in San Francisco on May 26th, Trinity Sunday, at 11:00 A.M. and will continue each Sunday and Holy Day on a regular basis.
I live 10 blocks from this church. I’ve been driving to Oakland (across the Bay Bridge – 32 miles round trip) for Mass for the past 10 years.
After an extensive job search, my husband has an interview tomorrow. It’s with our Saint Vincent de Paul society, so it would be an ideal position for him.
And I’m still attempting to suffer fools gladly for the last 3 weeks of the semester, and then I’ll be finished with my meager attempts to improve teacher education. God have mercy on my soul.
Supertradmum, is this a different community or the same one you entered previously?
My good news:
My spiritual director, a good and holy priest, has allowed me to live with him for the summer. It will be good for me to leave this depraved (c)atholic college campus upon which I currently reside. Fr. is pastor of 4 small rural parishes at the edge of the diocese, “put out to pasture” as he would tell you.
Now I only need to find a job for the summer.
acardnal, same
My youngest boy, 11 years, revealed that for some time now he has desired to be a priest.