Just to remind us of who we are and who we are not, this is from SpaceWeather:
Space Weather News for Oct. 18, 2013
http://spaceweather.comFAINT LUNAR ECLIPSE: On the night of Oct. 18th, the full Hunter’s Moon will pass through the outskirts of Earth’s shadow, producing a faint “penumbral” lunar eclipse. This is much less dramatic than a total lunar eclipse; nevertheless it should be easily visible to the naked eye as a dusky shading in the southern half of the Moon. The zone of visibility stretches from the eastern half of North America across Europe and Africa to western parts of Asia. Check http://spaceweather.com for maps and details.
How about a mnemonic:
I use to be a liberal but now I’m way pastoral
(or maybe the cartoonist is too obscure).
Very cool. Just went outside to check it out.
Lovely, ethereal. Saw it at 6:50 in central PA.