Scalfari’s interview with Pope Francis removed from Vatican website. FINALLY!

Do you remember when I burst out in my own nutty melt-down about the fact that the interview by the atheist Eugenio Scalfari with Pope Francis, during which Scalfari neither made a recording or notes, was posted on the Vatican website as if it were an official speech of Supreme Pontiff (like to something from his official Magisterium).

It seems that the interview has been removed.

Fr. Z’s Blog says: WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!?

Click for my post.

I still have to ask: Who thought it was a good idea to put it on the Vatican website in the first place?


Vatican Insider has this.  HERE

Molte polemiche e discussioni aveva provocato anche un’affermazione – peraltro del tutto compatibile con il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica – riguardante il primato della coscienza. Lombardi ha comunque smentito che la decisione di togliere l’intervista dal sito sia stata presa su richiesta del Prefetto dell’ex Sant’Uffizio, Gerhard Ludwig Müller.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. dans0622 says:

    Who or what is in charge of the website, anyway? Somebody in the Secretary of State’s first section?

  2. Salvelinus says:

    I remember reading somewhere that St. Peter himself did some provocative things, like hightailing it out of the area when Our Lord was crucified… along with a bunch of other folks… Also, there was that whole falling asleep and denying Christ three times… Yes, Pope Francis is just a man, able to make errors in judgement and not immune from scandal.
    The one thing I wished though would be a strong rebuke of the article and what was “remembered and written down”. The silence indicates acceptance of the relativism-sounding, and total outright rejection of extra Ecclesiam nulla salus. Did the latter just disappear in 1970? It’s seemingly less important, especially in the liberal parishes.

  3. Admiral-GER says:

    Seems that the issue came up at a journalist meeting (a friend of mine participated).

    Please check:

    Sorry, only german, but Google translate will surely help… Or lead to funny results:
    Dieser Sachverhalt wurde am Samstag, den 8. November, gegenüber dem Präfekten der Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre, Erzbischof Gerhard Ludwig Müller, zur Sprache gebracht. An jenem Wochenende fand in Rom zum vierten Mal ein vom „VATICAN magazin“ organisiertes Journalistentreffen statt, zu dem neben dem Präfekten des Päpstlichen Hauses, Erzbischof Georg Gänswein, der diese vertraulichen Gesprächsrunden seit ihrem Bestehen unterstützt, auch Erzbischof Müller eingeladen worden war. Dass dieses Interview eine Verfälschung darstellt, stand für Müller außer Zweifel. Auf die Tatsache angesprochen, warum es dann immer noch auf der Internetseite des Vatikans an einer wichtigen Stelle stehe, antwortete er: „Das wusste ich nicht. Ich werde mich darum kümmern“. Was nun sichtbar ist: der Text ist gelöscht. Gut organisierte Treffen haben Sinn und zeitigen Wirkungen.

  4. S.Armaticus says:

    Don’t look now, but the week ain’t over.

    Over at Rorate Caeli, the headline is as follows:

    “Italian President to Pope:
    “Thank you for having impressed us for the absence of any dogmatism, by leaving room for doubt”

    That’s the Fascist/Communist Italian President, and I am assuming a correction from Fr. Lombardi is forthcoming in 3……,2……,….

    [Do we care what a Communist Italian politico says? No, we do not.]

  5. S.Armaticus says:

    “That’s the Fascist/Communist Italian President, and I am assuming a correction from Fr. Lombardi is forthcoming in 3……,2……,….

    [Do we care what a Communist Italian politico says? No, we do not.]”

    But should we care what a Communist Italian politico can say to the Pope’s face in front of the world media?

    But after all, the Communist Italian politico was only repeating the popes words, so I guess that’s ok.

    Never mind.

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