Cracks in the liberal adulation of Pope Francis

I have been saying that the Left will turn on Pope Francis.  You can already see cracks in liberal unity appearing.  The catholic Left is splitting.  Just start reading carefully at Fishwrap.

I was sent this cartoon by Matt Bors.  I haven’t heard of him before, but his Wiki entry (FWIW) says: “His work has since appeared in The Los Angeles Times, The Nation, Village Voice, The Daily Beast, and on Daily Kos.” I’m not thinking that he leans to the traditional or conservative side of things. Maybe some of you can educate me.

Still, you can see what is starting to happen as the libs wake up to the fact that no matter what Pope Francis does in certain other spheres he is not going to change the Church’s doctrine concerning faith and morals.  Their Pope Fluffy, the most wonderfullest Pope eh-vurrrr, is not going to say that it is okay for two-people of the same sex to have sexual relations or marry.  He is not going to change the Church’s teaching, as if it were mere “policy”, and ordain women.  Not. Going. To. Happen.

And as this realization breaks over them like the dawn, they will turn on him.

So, TIME names Francis Person of the Year.  Immediately after, the Pope brings the axe down on any hope of women’s ordination.  Then…

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Vecchio di Londra says:

    This cartoonist has pretty much the same viewpoint as the Lutheran satire video on Douai monk Fr Somerville-Knapman’s excellent blog ‘Dominus mihi adjutor’.
    You need to scroll down the following page for the video:

  2. AngelGuarded says:

    That cartoon says it all, Father, just as you said. It makes me laugh but I do not think the liberal fans of Pope Fluffy will laugh. The unfunny part is that this is the way these people think; that they (culture, society) are the determiners of what is “good” and what is “bad.” Sorry, you brood of vipers, God decides what is good and bad. And God never changes. Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. Robbie says:

    Respectfully, I’m going to disagree in part here. Without a doubt, a portion of the liberals and the modernists will eventually become agitated doctrine has not been changed. But I suspect their complaints would be no different than members of the traditional wing griping that a Pope Ranjith hadn’t reinstated the Tridentine Mass within a year or two of his election. In other words, there’s the possible and there’s the pie in sky outcome.

    My guess is the modernists, while they would love changes in doctrine, believe their goals can be accomplished just as easily through perception and deeds. After all, I don’t believe any doctrine was changed at VCII, but its perception and deeds effectively changed whole swaths of how Catholics viewed their own faith. I suspect that’s what we’re seeing with the world media and Francis today. Through his comment “who am I to judge” and other actions, they see the ability to rewrite the perception of Church doctrine without ever changing one letter of one word.

    It’s in this area I think Francis could be more forceful. He’s allowed the “spirit of Francis” to overtake the real Francis in much the same way the “spirit of VCII” overtook the real documents of VCII. If he believes his image is being hijacked, he needs to set everyone straight just as he did about the crazy idea of female Cardinals.

  4. Charles E Flynn says:

    The cartoon will not fit on a mug. Perhaps it is time to introduce a line of dishtowels, preferably 50% cotton/50% linen.

  5. paulbailes says:

    Robbie is quite correct (except for the wisecrack about pie in the sky and the TLM).

    To self-paraphrase a comment on another WDTPRS thread: from the point of view of inculcating en masse violation of the 6th commandment, it didn’t matter that Humane Vitae confirmed the ban on artificial contraception; what did matter were the years of indecision and false expectation leading up to same, so that when the Church finally said “no” lots of people refused to submit.

    Similarly, every day that Francis fails to re-assert the Church’s traditional teachings (and including in the failure his maintenance of the NOM instead of the TLM), invites practical detachment from same by innumerable faithful. Just like the 1960s.

  6. The Astronomer says:

    While we knew the liberals were going to turn on the Holy Father, the venom being poured out on the Fishwrap comments about Abp. Niestedt makes me think that when THE persecutions begin in force, these ‘catholics’ will be at the forefront of the lynch mob with their torches and pitchforks. One consistency they share is a smirking, self-congratulatory sarcasm towards anything having to do with the Church’s hierarchy. The bile and hatred they pour out on cardinals, bishops and priests not in their heterodox camp is truly Satanic in its intensity. Sooner or later, Pope Francis will be in their sights.

    St. Padre Pio, pray for us!!!

  7. SimonDodd says:

    Robbie says: “My guess is the modernists … believe their goals can be accomplished just as easily through perception and deeds. After all, I don’t believe any doctrine was changed at VCII, but its perception and deeds effectively changed whole swaths of how Catholics viewed their own faith. I suspect that’s what we’re seeing with the world media and Francis today. … He’s allowed the ‘spirit of Francis’ to overtake the real Francis in much the same way the ‘spirit of VCII’ overtook the real documents of VCII.”

    I think that’s trenchant and helpful. I agree.

  8. Nancy D. says:

    To deny The Word of God, Is to deny The True God; The Deposit of Faith resides within Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, The Catholic Church.

  9. acricketchirps says:

    Well, there’s liberals and then there’s the comment box at The Fishwrap Online.

  10. Grabski says:

    The Pope’s call to the confessional will definitely turn off cafeteria catholics.

  11. Ben Kenobi says:

    “it didn’t matter that Humane Vitae confirmed the ban on artificial contraception; what did matter were the years of indecision and false expectation leading up to same, so that when the Church finally said “no” lots of people refused to submit.”


    So we blame the Pope for the failure of the Catholic laity to submit? I don’t see it that way. The vast majority are confirmed. This means that they made a promise to God and to the Church to defend the teachings of God and the Church – which includes contraception. That those who, later on in their mission, wearied of keeping their earlier promise is not the fault of the Pope. Each of us have the obligation to stay true to the promise that *we* made. We can make all the excuses we can for poor formation, but who’s fault is that? Could the church do a better job? Absolutely. In the end – it’s our own duty to come to a proper understand and to develop our own consciences so that we understand what the Church teaches and why. Should we let the laity who refused to submit and broke their own vow off the hook? No.

  12. Netmilsmom says:

    I’m not sure if anyone is old enough to remember the early years of JPII. He was also a rockstar in the press until Humane Vitae came out. Then they nitpicked all that he did.
    Pitifully, the secular media will find the shine they put on Pope Francis will fall away as soon as they realize he is (surprise, surprise) Catholic.

    As for blaming the laity for the lack of formation, how in the world do you expect children of those who have been told by liberal Priests and Bishops since the 70s, “God made the flowers and Jesus is a socialist” to even have a clue that those men left them hanging? You don’t know what you don’t know. When every Catechism class is just “Jesus loves you” and not “Jesus forgives your sins” with no guide to what those sins are, and priests won’t hit on any real teaching in a homily, you can’t expect Pete in the Pew to spend his time disproving what he has been told by the leaders of his diocese. In an ideal world, every Catholic would hunger to learn. In the real world, they do what is easiest. If I had a dime for the amount of people who told me, “Fr.—- said that isn’t a sin” I could retire in a warm climate.

  13. oldcanon2257 says:

    Netmilsmom says:

    I’m not sure if anyone is old enough to remember the early years of JPII. He was also a rockstar in the press until Humane Vitae came out.

    Humanae Vitae came out in 1968. Karol Józef Cardinal Wojty?a was not elected to the papacy until 1978.

    You must have meant Paul VI then?

  14. Pingback: Christmas Eve Special: Pope Francis | Big Pulpit

  15. Pingback: Christmas Eve Special: Pope Francis | iwannabeasaint

  16. Confitemini Domino says:

    Gänswein: “Liberals will soon turn on him”

    In an interview (read this summary) of the monthly German magazine “Cicero” (January 2014), Georg Gänswein states:

    “Die Begeisterung über Franziskus ist manchmal der Versuch, ihn auch und gerade in Deutschland vor den eigenen Karren zu spannen. Es kann sein, dass manchen reformbegeisterten Jublern schnell der Jubel in der Kehle stecken bleibt.”

    So, he says, the cheering of the liberals means, they are trying to use Francis for their own goals, and maybe their cheering will soon stick in their throats…

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