Be sure to view the recent episode of The World Over on EWTN. Raymond Arroyo interviewed His Eminence Raymond Card. Burke on a range of issues.
They dig into The Francis Effect, the recent Apostolic Exhortation and its controversy, reform of the Roman Curia, Summorum Pontificum and what Francis might do about it, the closing and removal the US Embassy to the Holy See, the ACLU lawsuit against the USCCB, and Mother Angelica and use of the media.
The interview starts at about 9:00 in the video.
Also in this video catch my good friend Fr. Gerald Murray, who speaks about recent issues at about 34:45.
What a great Interview…..for a Cardinal who is so Extraordinary, as this Holy Cardinal is….God Grant him the Grace to live a long and Healthy life…
I had the pleasure of Meeting his Eminence in person and visit with him when he was in the Pendleton Oregon, at a Men’s conference……again what a kind and Holy man….
Fr. Z if we wanted to email his Eminence, does he have an email address ???
The Pope is going to have to start to clarifying some things before they get out of control. I feel sorry for Cdl Burke and those like him serving the Church who are being demonized.
HighMass, I believe he does, though I suggest you write to him at the Apostolic Signatura. It will get to His Eminence in time, and he will write back when he finally finds a hole in his schedule. Just be patient about it. (I’ve done it!)
26:14: “… a more palpable expression of the divine action of the Sacred Liturgy.”
Reason #1 for Summorum Pontificum.
Pingback: Cardinal Burke: EG “not a part of the papal magisterium” « New Sherwood
What a fine man! I really enjoyed the interview and found it reassuring.
Thanks Matt R! :)
Hmmm, Msgr. Murray down at EWTN headquarters at the same time as Cardinal Burke. I wonder if there is preferment in the offing. One can only hope.
I love Card. Burke, such an amazing man. I think I should get his book thats mentioned in the interview.
[Follow this link HERE.]
I am saddened Cardinal Burke is being replaced. Glad to know about his book.