A Pontifical Mass at the Throne

At the Brigittine Priory of Our Lady of Consolation in Amity, Oregon, His Excellency Most Reverend Alexander Sample, Archbishop of Portland, celebrated Holy Mass in the older, traditional form of the Roman Rite, a Pontifical Mass at the Throne.

It will not be stopped.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Magpie says:

    Good to see this. Lifts my spirits knowing that somewhere the beautiful Traditional Latin Mass is freely offered for the little people and the poor.

  2. Archbishop Sample has also taken a personal interest in the Dominican Rite.

  3. TXKathi says:

    Those purple vestments …………. gorgeous Catholic eye candy.

  4. filioque says:

    Archbishop Sample is a very thoughtful and prayerful proponent of the Extraordinary Form. Ad multos annos!

  5. iPadre says:

    Beautiful! Back to the future!

  6. Sword40 says:

    Would love to know who the Deacon and Subdeacon are in this Mass. I visit Portland often. My brother-in-law lives in the south end of the town.

    We rarely get word when these events happen so miss them. We will be down for the March 25th Dominican Rite Missa Cantata.

  7. lsclerkin says:


    What you said. :)

  8. Liz says:

    Beautiful photo!

  9. Legisperitus says:

    That’s the sort of deep, rich purple that actually makes me hungry for penance.

  10. NO ambiguity as TO WHOM Mass is being offered here. Thanks for the eye candy, Father!

  11. HighMass says:

    Most Beautiful Mass this side of Heaven! How we pray for more Bishops and ArchBishops like Archb. Sample, he is so open to the Mass in the E.F. and even celebrates it!


  12. It will not be stopped.

    I am losing hope. I wish I had a time machine to look 100 years into the future and see what happens.

  13. Jim in Seattle says:

    An interesting take on the subject, from Joseph Shaw of the LMS of England:


  14. amsjj1002 says:

    Dear Lord, how beautiful You are; this picture consoles me after a week of hospitalization.

    I saw this listed in Archbishop Sample’s schedule and was hoping to see pictures of the Mass.

    Also in Portland, OR news, the Holy See announced the appointment of new auxiliary, Father Peter Smith, to be consecrated T-April 29.

  15. New Sister says:

    @ Sword40 – I want to know, too; pray they’re diocesan priests (two appear to be young) and that it catches on!

    @ Anita Moore OP: surely you know of Holy Rosary Catholic Church, the Dominican priory in Portland. That parish and those priests are an oasis in an otherwise difficult area to find solemn liturgy of any form. (They’re also known for having excellent confessors)

  16. Chon says:

    Magpie–Yes, that is an encouraging photo. However, I was amused by the comment about the poor. The Mass in the photo was offered only for those who had paid to go to a chant conference, not “freely for the poor.” :-) But I think that will eventually happen here in my Archdiocese (Portland). We love Archbishop Sample.

    The good news is that the Archbishop has been present and preached at the older form of Mass more than once at my Dominican parish. He has also preached at another parish where Cantores in Ecclesia sings regularly. We do not yet have a regular EF or Dominican Rite Mass we can depend on every Sunday in a central location in Portland (with access by public transportation). But I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens relatively soon.

    More good news is that the Archbishop has assigned a diocesan priest to help out at the Dominican parish. He is training altar boys to serve the EF Mass (we already have boys for the DR), so we have had some EF Masses to enjoy lately on Sunday mornings, along with some DR Masses. I think that some of those boys must have served the Mass pictured above, because our pastor told us they were practicing for Mass with the Archbishop. That diocesan priest and my Dominican pastor were present for the Mass in Amity. It will be easier to have EF Masses if there are boys to serve it! So, hoorah for the training phase. Before now, there was very little chance to be trained. The priest had tried, but was stymied by the powers that be. Now he is free to train away!

    So, at the Dominican parish, we have a lot of liturgical “diversity.” One can find the OF in English, the OF in Latin, the Dominican Rite, and the EF. For Ash Wednesday we’ll have a Dominican Rite high Mass. The Archbishop will be speaking at the Dominican Forum on March 18th. I feel hopeful and blessed.

    The Archbishop celebrated a Mass for us Saturday morning for the kickoff for 40 Days for Life. This was at a suburban parish near my home. We soaked in the Archbishop’s inspiring sermon, including his comment that in days to come, we will also be fighting for traditional marriage. And we felt encouraged as the Archbishop stood freezing with us in the pouring rain, saying a rosary at the clinic. I was wearing gloves and several layers of wool. He was dressed only in his cassock. He is no self-serving wimp :-) Good things are coming.

  17. Nicholas Shaler says:

    What does “at the throne” mean?

  18. Pingback: Obispo de Portland celebra Misa tradicional | Una Voce Cordoba

  19. Uxixu says:

    Those vestments are beautiful. I pray for Archbishop Gomez to celebrate at the throne at Our Lady of the Angels.

  20. RichardHardisty says:

    @Sword40 From Left to Right:

    Fr. Charles Vreeland, FSSP (Seattle)
    Deacon Timothy Furlow – Transitional Deacon for the Archdiocese of Portland
    Fr. John Boyle – Diocese of Suffolk in England, here working for the tribunal in Portland

    Other priest just of to the right is Fr. Theodore Lange – Archdiocese of Portland, not pictured is Fr. Eric Andersen – Archdiocese of Portland; and Fr. Vincent Kiebler O.P. from Holy Rosary in Portland

  21. Marcus 22 says:

    If you’d like to see more photos from the Mass I posted them here. Enjoy!


  22. RichardHardisty says:

    I also forgot, Fr. Mark Bentz – Archdiocese of Portland

  23. churchlady says:

    We are very blessed at Holy Rosary in Portland, a Dominican Parish and Priory. We have had for years regular Dominican Rite Masses; always for big feasts and solemnities there is a Missa Cantata or Solemn High Mass. Our altar servers, especially for the Dominican Rite, train extensively and have had wonderful friars to guide them, including our pastor, Fr. Vincent M. Kelber, O.P. A number of the servers for this Pontifical Mass were our Dominican Rite servers.

    Tonight (Ash Wednesday) at 7:30 p.m. will be a Dominican Rite Missa Cantata and also, on March 25 for the Annunciation.
    First Friday Masses at 8 p.m. are either the Dominican Rite or EF.
    This past Sunday, our pastor celebrated the Novus Ordo (in Latin) ad orientem.

  24. Sword40 says:

    Thanks for the update, Richard and all others. Its really exciting to watch this happening. We will be coming down more often. Right now we drive to Tacoma for the EF each Sunday and occasionally to Seattle for the FSSP.
    Holy Rosary is actually closer to us than Seattle and just a bit farther than Tacoma. So it makes a doable drive.

  25. Pingback: A Middle English Poem About the Assumption - BigPulpit.com

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