The New York Time’s (aka Hell’s Bible) took money for an anti-Catholic full-page ad featuring the racist Margaret Sanger.
From American Thinker:
Anti-Catholic full-page ad in the New York Times today
By Ed LaskyThe Hobby Lobby decision has ignited liberals and unleashed their prejudice. And this ad is shameful.
The New York Times has a full-page ad in its print edition today that should elicit protests around the nation (but likely won’t).
Here is a copy from the website of the Freedom From Religious Foundation [Based in Madison, WI, btw] that wrote and paid for the ad HERE :
The photo of the woman at top is that of Margaret Sanger-idol of the pro-choice movement (and the founder of Planned Parenthood) who — this has been all but erased from the panegyrics to her greatness — was a proponent of eugenics. She was, in the words of Arina Grossu a “racist, eugenicist extraordinaire” whose role in pushing these Nazi-like laws resulted in more than 60,000 sterilizations of vulnerable people, including people she considered ‘feeble-minded”, “idiots” and “morons.” [Not to mention people with dark skin.] She also spoke to KKK women’s groups. [Okay… let’s mention them. The Freedom From Religion Foundation has as their poster child, literally, a black-hating eugenicist.]
But what is worse is this line from the ad: “All-male, All-Roman Catholic Majority on Supreme Court Puts Religious Wrongs over Women’s Rights.”
Anti-Catholicism apparently is no problem for this group. Should there be a religious test for public office or the highest court of the land? Such a religious test was specifically rejected in Article VI, paragraph 3 of the US Constitution.
But in the Age of Obama respect for the Constitution and the law — and the views and beliefs of religious people — are attacked routinely with nary a complaint from liberals.
Unless, of course, the group happens to be Muslim.
For more on the nexus between liberals and other haters of these USA, read The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America by Andrew C McCarthy.
It is fascinating to watch the mobilization of the Left’s Grand Jihad Smear Machine. The blatant lying and spinning is amazing.
Meanwhile… some quotes, including:
“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
– Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon’s Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976 (emphasis mine).
The Freedom from Religion Foundation has a nasty, racist bedmate.
The irony of this is that there was no effort in recent years by the Catholic Church to gain the six seats on the Supreme Court for Catholics. It wasn’t our idea. It was Protestant politicians — of both parties! — who wanted this.
Had anyone asked this Catholic priest–priest! — my preference, I’d have favored several Protestants over two or three of the Catholics now on the High Court. Or, in the case of Robert Bork, an atheist (which he was at the time of his nomination).
I wonder what Sanger would think about abortion now considering in her own biography she wrote “[In 1916] we explained what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way—it took a little time, a little trouble, but was well worth while in the long run, because life had not yet begun.”
Tomorrow all the major newspapers will be running my full page color ad, on behalf of our “Freedom from Totalitarianism Foundation” — be sure to pick one up at your local newsstand!
Catholics are largely responsible for giving the Left this wonderful world that we live in. This kind of treatment should be (but won’t be) noted by all of the apostate Catholics, both lay and clerical and especially the ranks of functional apostates in the episcopacy, as to what happens when you don’t give this world and its prince exactly what it wants exactly the way it wants it and even deviate a smidge from their agenda.
Considering the news of that Black Mass in Oklahoma, it does not surprise me. Still, considering the picture of Margaret Sanger, I actually thought it was an ad from the 1850’s before I read the article.
More good news:
Supreme Court Order Suspends Contraception Rule for Christian College, by Adam Liptak, for the New York Times.
Charles E. Flynn, the article says the issue is who the college notifies and whether it has to use a specific form.
The court’s majority said Wheaton College need not fill out the forms. Instead, the order said, the college could just notify the government in writing. The government, it said, remains free “to facilitate the provision of full contraceptive coverage.”
The court issued a similar order in January in a case involving the Little Sisters of the Poor, an order of Catholic nuns. That time, there were no noted dissents.
Who’s up for co-founding the FFFFRF…Freedom From Freedom From Religious Foundation.
Does anyone know, from non-internet sources, the places in which Mrs. Sanger said or wrote that which is attributed to her on these posters?
Old Annie Gaylor.
She’s what, now, like 167 years old?
She ain’t long for this world.
Chris Garton-Zavesky the photo of her speaking to the Klan, and their enthusiasm for what she had to say is worth a thousand words.
The quotation referring to “Slavs, Latin, and Hebrew immigrants” can be searched online. The citations I have seen refer to the April, 1933 issue of the journal “Birth Control Review”. I have not seen any claim that the quotation is from a different issue of “Birth Control Review”.
For example, from
Maggie Sanger Racist.
Sanger was without question a racist of the first rank, and it is incomprehensible to most pro-life activists that she continues to be honored in this country. School films routinely portray her as a ‘pioneer for women’s rights.’ And the United States Postal Service issued a stamp in honor of her 100th birthday in 1979.
Human beings were nothing more than farm animals to Margaret Sanger, and this view is reflected in the terms she applied to those that did not measure up to her high standards of perfection. For example, she habitually referred to blacks and Jews as “bad stock.” Her label for her dreamed-of Master Race was a “race of thoroughbreds,” as described in the November 1921 Birth Control Review.
In the April 1933 issue of the same periodical, Sanger said that “[Slavs, Latin, and Hebrew immigrants are] human weeds … a deadweight of human waste … [Blacks, soldiers, and Jews are a] menace to the race. … Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need … We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock.”
Sanger advocated a program that would;
… hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.[4]
We must conclude from the above statements that Planned Parenthood possesses at least a rudimentary if crude sense of humor. The recipient of the 1963 Margaret Sanger Award (for outstanding dedication to PP’s principles) was none other than Martin Luther King the best-known Black minister of his day!
The periodical “Birth Control Review” is sometimes kept under restricted access in academic research libraries. Volumes 6 and 7 are on Google Books, but they do not include the April 1933 issue.
The April 1933 issue appears to be at:
If you download the pdf and search for the words “Slavs”, “Hebrew”, and “immigrants”, they do not appear. Of course, the pdf itself could be faked.
This page has references to a number of misattributed quotations, which in some cases are in “Birth Control Review”, but not in articles by Margaret Sanger. The quotation about the Negro population is apparently another error:
The only way to know for certain what Margaret Sanger wrote would be to go to an academic research library and consult the original materials. There appears to be quite a bit of repetition of error on the Web about some of these alleged quotations.
Birth Control Review
Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1917)-v. 24, no. 3 (Jan. 1940)
Ceased publication.
Title from cover
Founded and for many years edited by: Margaret Sanger
Suspended July 1917-Nov. 1917
Issues for Oct. 1933-June 1937 called new series, v. 1-4, no. 9
Issues for 1917-Apr. 1918 published by M. Sanger; for May 1918-Apr. 1922 by New York Women’s Pub. Co.; May 1922-Jan. 1939 by American Birth Control League; Feb.-Mar. 1939-Jan. 1940 by the Birth Control Federation of America
LC subject
Birth control — Periodicals
Other Au
Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966
American Birth Control League
Birth Control Federation of America
19010026 //r863
What did all half dozen of the FrFrRF’ers, (prounounced, fur-fur-erf-er, accent on the erf), have to say in 1993 when President Clinton signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act?
Did silence give consent, we wonders?
even more good news….. Cardinal O’Malley says citizenship for illegals “essential” and even throws Know-Nothings into the mix.
The people I’m trying to persuade about Mrs. Sanger’s true positions will dismiss an internet picture as a photoshop piece.
Margaret Sanger of Eugenics fame was anti-African-American and now I see pro-KKK. Planned Parenthood should be wearing a hood or paper bag and not be subsidized by our President.
Chris Garton-Zavesky, Have you seen this link? Here is an excerpt:
Margaret Sanger: “Seemingly every new approach to the great problem of the human race must manifest its vitality by running the gauntlet of prejudice, ridicule and misinterpretation. Eugenists may remember that not many years ago this program for race regeneration was subjected to the cruel ridicule of stupidity and ignorance. Today Eugenics is suggested by the most diverse minds as the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems. The most intransigent and daring teachers and scientists have lent their support to this great biological interpretation of the human race.”
Think about it this way, this may add some perspective — in Sanger’s day, in the U.S. and internationally, many were infected by the false utopian ideal that was eugenics, which is premised upon xenophobia, and the notion that human beings are the enemy to human beings and need be dominated and exterminated by the “fittest”. The fact that Pelosi was awarded the Margaret Sanger Award this year shows that there is a troubling lingering investment in Sanger’s line of thought coming right from the place most invested profit wise to cull, eliminate and cherry pick the crop of human beings on the horizon, for arbitrary or even malicious reasons. In the area of the social sciences, almost anything touched by eugenics has been purged, this throughout in secular academe, having nothing to do with “religion”. So, if it is good enough for secular academe and research, why isn’t it acceptable for everyone else, politicians, civil service, humanitarians?
I have to thank my pastor, Fr. Pete, for opeing my eyes to this women and the eugenics movement. About 5 years ago he showed the film Maffa 21 at our parish. Not many showed up but thises that did were in shock of the truth that unfolded before them. Here a link to the film, if anyone wants to learn more about her and Planned Parenthood. I will also say I learned alot about how not to trust our government. What they did then with forced sterilizations and continue today with the push for free contraceptions and abortions, shows me that eugenics is alive and well in our government.
I see no reason to trust internet memes using supposed quotes from Margaret Sanger — or anyone else. Before quoting her myself, I would want to see the original document. I imagine that most big libraries have the Birth Control Review archived. Someone who was interested in this could easily go to a library, comb through them, write down the quotes and take photos to document them. Has anyone done that? If so, I would trust that source and quote it. But polemical films and books/articles are not reliable sources. They may well be accurate sources, but it’s important to check.
Hillary Clinton also received the Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger award.
“MEXICO CITY (California Catholic Daily) – A day before receiving the Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s highest honor – the “Margaret Sanger Award” – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton paid a visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, leaving a bouquet of white flowers “on behalf of the American people,” and asking the basilica’s rector, “Who painted it?”
“Dogma should never trump our civil liberties”
Isn’t that a dogmatic statement, Freedom from Religion Foundation?
These people are neither free nor civil.
You can see nearby libraries that have issues of “Birth Control Review” by going to and searching for the title “Birth Control Review” and format “journal, magazine”. This is not as convenient a view as the one requiring a university affiliation, which shows that about 200 libraries worldwide have issues of this journal.
There may be a few libraries that own issues of this journal but have decided not to upload their holdings to WorldCat.
Given Sanger’s well-known attitude toward “inferior” races might not the New York Times be accused of a “hate crime” by printing that ad?
Just wondering.
Gail, is that a subtle defense of Sanger? Certainly propagating false quotes discredit one’s cause. However, there is zero doubt that she was a eugenicist who’s fruits of labor are such that even the leftist/government propaganda main stream media reported recently and widely that more blacks are aborted in NYC than are born, Sanger targeted blacks and her first center was in Harlem. With that track record, who needs to make anything up about her? She is in the same league (literally, ideologically and effect-wise) as Hitler.
Please assure that your defense has nothing to do with a widely held “catholic” belief in abortion “rights” (pelosi and most “catholic” democratic voters/followers) as fundamental to feminine liberty and health rights.
Time to take out a full page ad attacking the FFLMNOP’s beloved idols of Darwin and Copernicus. That should get them nice and riled up.
There’s a case to be made that they’re using government funding alongside secular museums to promote the religion of atheism to the public on their Holy Darwin Day. If this happens to be in your State, then pick up the phone and start dialing –
Gail F, would you believe NPR? This story isn’t directly about Sanger, but about the North Carolina Eugenics Board, which ran from the 40’s-70’s. The chairman of the NC Progressive party, Wallace Kuralt forcibly sterilized women in NC. He believed exactly what Sanger believed, he even received the Margaret Sanger award from Planned parenthood.
The Charlotte Observer also did a series on Kuralt, and the Progressives behind the Eugenics board. The Charlotte Observer is hardly online polemic. As you will read, the majority of women sterilized were black.
Ck, Hitler apparently justified his eugenics holocaust by citing precisely the progressive eugenics movement in the us and England. He focused on the near universal number of states that practiced forced sterilization of women to stop undesirables from breeding. At least then women had brains and had to be forcibly strapped down and sterilized. Now, they willingly do it to themselves and believe it’s the exercise of freedom yet it’s all serving the same master. It just looks more civilized now.
It’s a perverted world where one proudly wears a Margaret Sanger award. Imagine wearing a Hitler or Stalin “humanitarian” award?
They get it wrong from the start. The trinity is dogma. Christ’s rising from the dead is dogma.
The liberty of life and religion is dogma of no individual faith. Rather, the notion is gained from the objective reasoning of Aristotle, Aquinas, and Jefferson (along with a crude understanding of embryology). Catholics happen to be immersed in this moral reasoning; the NYT doesn’t possess such logic.