My View For Awhile: Jiggity Jig Edition

I completed all my tasks except one and I am on my way home.  

Zipping to the airport we had a couple last sights.

The church in which I was ordained a deacon.

This is also where we had the Pontifical Mass at the faldstool with Card. Burke last January.

And just for nice…


This classic has been translated into Romanesco.


I topped my Italian phone, found my friends for a last coffee (they are off to a different city) and …





Back on the ground.  Customs was really fast and the bag came right away.  

Now for the next leg.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. benedetta says:

    Lovely photos.

    At least the bare-legged passenger within vicinity is wearing something on the feet, and, at least for the moment appears to be keeping those dogs away from others’ personal spaces. The hairy leg thing is just so brutta though. Khaki and black slipper thingies, major fail as well.

  2. Latin Mass Type says:

    My bad. I thought Father was posting a picture of the row he was in.

    Obviously those are not his legs. He would be wearing clerical black shorts…

    I was wondering if he was sitting in that row where they usually put the prone-to-screaming babies. But then I realized that as a priest he would be used to that noise at Mass and glad to hear it!

    Have a good flight Fr. Z!

  3. Venerator Sti Lot says:

    Have you already told us something about – should I say Father or Professor Dodaro’s book before? How are you enjoying it? (He certainly has several interesting-looking St. Augustine titles!)

  4. philologus says:

    Fr. Dodaro is not exactly “plane” reading :)

  5. PostCatholic says:

    Exupéry is my favorite Saint.

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