The other day I wrote about two upcoming books. The “sequel” to the Five Cardinals Book™ is coming. HERE
The Eleven Cardinals Book™ is on its way.
Eleven Cardinals Speak On Marriage and the Family
Edited by Winfried Aymans the Eleven Cardinals Book is slated for release on 25 September (in advance of the Synod on the Family). For more on the Cardinals, HERE. The publisher is – who else? – Ignatius Press!
This book has as its focus merciful pastoral ministry to those who are in challenging marriage situations. It will address marriage preparation, evangelization and conversion, the situation of the divorced and civilly remarried.
Next… slated for release on 28 September (in advance of the Synod on the Family), also from Ignatius Press (who else?)…
Christ’s New Homeland – Africa: A contribution to the Synod on the Family
This is the Ten Africans Book™!
Ten African cardinals and bishops wrote essays about the attitudes of Africans about marriage and the family. The indomitable Francis Card. Arinze wrote the preface.
Among the cardinals and bishops are
Card. Sarah
Card. Arinze
Card. Tumi
Card. Sarr
Arcbp. Kleda
There will be Kindle versions of both.
Get a Kindle now, if you don’t have one already. USA HERE – UK HERE
Watch for links on this blog!
One less African than we thought but, what the heck! Wonderful news! I hope that BOTH of these books can be gotten in to the hands of the bishops at the Synod.
Is it possible that the title of the first book was influenced by a well-known blog?
Well, Christ’s new homeland certainly isn’t Germany.