I have received a few more voice mails.
Since I pay a fee for the two phone numbers, USA and UK, I am glad when they are used.
Here is a lady who gives voice to the frustration that quite a few Catholics have right now.
Next, from across the pond, some consolation and a book alert.
I deeply appreciate the prayers. Here is the book he is talking about. Prayer by Benedict XVI.
UK link HERE
It was five years ago right now that Pope Benedict made his wonderful State Visit to Scotland and England. Who can forget the image of him with the Blessed Sacrament in Hyde Park? HERE Who can forget the incredible addresses in Westminster (wearing a stole with the arms of Leo XIII)? HERE and HERE
And Tu es Petrus by James MacMillan in Westminster Cathedral.
Times have changed.
Please leave me voice mail. I don’t call back, but I listen to it. You have three options:
020 8133 4535
TIPS for leaving voice mail.
- Don’t shout. If you shout, your voice will be distorted and I won’t be able to understand you.
- Don’t whisper. If you have to whisper, maybe you should instead be calling the police.
- Come to your point right away.
By the way, if you emphatically say at the beginning of a message, or anywhere else in a message for that matter, not to use your message in a post or a podcast… then I (probably) won’t. But then don’t complain that you didn’t see something about it on the blog. ‘kay? Yes, that happens.