Off the cuff Francis on the family

Francis in Philadelphia speaking off the cuff about the family with a more or less simultaneous translator.

Start at 1:58:29 to about 2:20:30

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Joseph says:

    I like Mark Steyn’s take on the Holy Father’s trip to the USA. “He fiddles with thew thermostat while Rome burns”.

  2. Polycarpio says:

    Monsignor Mark Miles, the translator, attracted some attention in the press for his ubiquitous presence alongside the Holy Father. Here, I noted some gaps in the translation. Simultaneous translation is more an art than a science. In the legal world, where I toil, live translators are called “interpreters” to put those who rely on their work on notice as to the provisional nature of the service they provide. In addition, Msgr. Mark seemed not to be able to hear everything properly. He seemed to strain at times. There were a number of comments made by the Holy Father that did not make it into the live translation, or were picked up in a cursory way. At other times, the translation was better or more precise than the original! All in all, it was a very good job, but I am just saying, it’s not the same as a written translation done with the benefit or a recording, dictionaries on hand, more time to finalize, etc.

  3. SanSan says:

    Even so, the Pope unplugged was energized, animated and filled with holy zeal! Very fun to watch.

  4. donato2 says:

    Pope Francis would have made a fantastic grandfather had he not gone into the priesthood.

  5. Emilio says:

    I am a professional court interpreter. I would agree with some of the comments above, but a translator translates written language, while an interpreter interprets spoken language. This is the correct way of expressing this, and you will stand out if you do, since everyone gets this wrong routinely. And life goes on! The interpretation provided by Msgr. Miles was consecutive, not at all simultaneous. To a degree this is the most stressful and difficult mode of interpretation to master, and speakers frequently forget to pause to reasonably allow their interpreter to do their job. Msgr. Miles had an unenviable task, and the Holy Father would get excited and ramble on, and thus much will be “lost in translation” even with the best of interpreters. When the Pope paused adequately, Monsignor delivered his best interpretation. And while I deeply sympathized with Msgr. Miles, it’s safe to say that some of what was actually said in the Spanish was lost in translation here, and you would do well to find a translated transcript for that evening. That said, Msgr. Miles was a much better interpreter this time around, than when I first noticed him during the Pope’s visit to the Phillippines

  6. Caritas in veritate says:

    The trip was strange. There is a natural desire to show the utmost respect for The Holy Father- so I will try to leave it there. But these are hard times indeed and have to take Our Lord at His word that “the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail.”

  7. marcelus says:

    Off topic:

    WASHINGTON, September 29, 2015 ( – Pope Francis had a secret meeting with Kim Davis, the Kentucky marriage clerk who went to jail for refusing marriage licenses to same-sex couples because it goes against her Christian beliefs.

    The Pope thanked Davis for her courage and told her to be strong. He then gave her and her husband rosaries and asked her to pray for him.

    Robert Moynihan of Inside the Vatican first broke the news. Kim Davis’ attorney is confirming the meeting took place, and Vatican sources have confirmed it happened as well.

    Apparently the Holy Father had been following Davis’ story in the media and requested a meeting with her as a result. The Vatican didn’t want to detract from the Pope’s broader messages at his planned events, so they remained quiet about the meeting until after he departed from the United States.

    On the trip back to Rome, Pope Francis strongly affirmed the right of government officials to resist being forced to support or facilitate same-sex “marriage,” claiming such conscientious objection is a “human right.”

  8. transparent2one says:

    I don’t understand when people say, in reference to pope Francis, that these are hard times. My faith hasn’t been shaken due to any comment or actions by the holy father. He hasn’t yet dug up a past pope, put him on trial and proclaimed all his works invalid.

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