From a priest:
In the [d]iocese of ___ we are expected to do more Catechesis on the Mass. I want to do this using bulletin inserts. … Any group or website or publishing company that you might recommend for this? My people need to hear the truth, but presented in a way they can handle after many years of bad catechesis.
Thanks so much for your time in advance.
Can you help Father?
The Coalition of Ecclesia Dei publishes a short catachetical booklet that explains the mass very well. It is small and could easily fit inside a bulletin. The complete explanation on their website is, “‘A Short Catechism’ ? Fr. Godfrey Carney. The Old Mass explained in 16 pages.” I have a copy of it, and I think a priest or anyone else could easily use it to explain the true sacrificial nature of the mass (either EF or OF). It’s written in the style of the Baltimore catechism. Here is the website used to order the booklet: I’m sure I have some extra ones laying around somewhere. If Father wants to take a look at one, I could send him one, or mail it to another location. Or he might be able to work out something with the Coalition to get some.
Maybe EWTN has something fitting?
[Find it! C’mon!]
Excellent idea. More parishes should do this, not just for mass but for general catechetics to our poorly catechized laity. I’m sure 90% of the people in the pew won’t ready most of inserts…..But if it’s always there, most of that 90% will end up at least skimming some of the inserts.
Fortunately there are numerous places that offer free Catholic pamphlets on a variety of topics. The quality varies from topic to topic, but each one of these links provides liturgical catechesis on the mass and various other topics. Hope this helps:
Interesting exercise. When I went a-Googling for ‘Catholic Mass catechesis’, I found stuff that contains gems like “we are encouraged to be Eucharist”: that from a parish in the Diocese of Orlando, in which diocese I have attended one (1) NO Mass, which number shall not increase in the foreseeable future.
A moment’s reflection — and, I trust, the Holy Ghost — inspired a more precise search on ‘mass adoration thanksgiving contrition supplication catechesis’. That turned up this and this, either of which would seem a suitable bulletin-stuffer (with attribution / permission, natch).
Although not in print, besides some notes located at the bottom of the page, here is some audio from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel FSSP: Lectures on the Liturgy by Father Joseph Hearty, FSSP
These were developed by the Diocese of Duluth as bulletin inserts. HERE
But Fr, but Fr., it’s 11 pm here! Got to go to bed now :-)
The Diocese of Marquette has 9 bulletin inserts called Understanding the Mass. They can be downloaded at
Hope this helps.
I have some on ad orientem.
It may be different in the USA, but over here inserts have a very small read rate, my breif guide to the mass is ” A walk through mass by fr bede rowe ISBN 978-1-4092-7099_7″
You might want to look at a series of short videos produced by the Liturgical Institute. Each video has a brief caption that can be used as short bulletin notice and a two page study guide that could be used as an insert.!episodes/c2025 has tracts on every topic imaginable regarding the Church and teachings. Most of their tracts are very affordable when purchased in bulk.
Our priest uses Growing In Faith bulletin inserts 1/month from
Saints Peter and Paul Basilica in Chattanooga, TN has a link to catechetical resources on the Mass:
Seriously, one book that helped me learn more about my faith was Catholicism for Dummies by Fr. John Trigilio and Fr. Ken Brighenti. I even used some of the explanations from this book to help teach 7th and 8th grade CCD. The book is written in plain English (the Eucharist is summed up well in about two pages), and honestly, I wish I would of had something like this during my days as a member of a parish youth group in the 1980s. Those reading this who grew up in the 1980s remember their youth group meetings being too much of “God loves you I’m glad”, “let’s sit around in a circle and discuss our feelings, then cry and hug (ugh)”, and while we did have some worthwhile discussions on issues such as drugs, alcohol, peer pressure, etc., we didn’t have much about the faith.
Father, you could probably take excerpts from Catholicism for Dummies and make your own, one page handouts. You could do a couple on:
– The precepts of the Church
– Reconciliation
– Proper reception of Holy Communion (my pastor did a really good one for the parish newsletter that is mailed monthly to parishioners)
– The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (I did one for my CCD class, and borrowed some materials from The Baltimore Catechism)
– Mass Etiquette (my pastor did a good one for our parish newsletter, and another priest did a quarter page summary for a parish bulletin that is well done, saying thing like please don’t bring water bottles or Starbucks cups to Mass)
I will also post a second idea separately that I just remembered. I hope this helps, and I don’t think this will take too much time. Thanks for asking.
Here’s my second idea:
The Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy (C.P.M.) have a pamphlet that is a very helpful summary of Church teaching. In fact, my parish priest puts these pamphlets in the narthex. They are short and cover certain prayers, the Ten Commandments, the Precepts of the Church, etc.
Here is what it looks like, and 100 copies can be ordered for $12.00 from the Fathers of Mercy store. I don’t think either Fr. Bill Casey, Fr. Wade Menezes (he’s doing our men’s conference in two weeks), or Fr. John Zuelsdorf would mind if I share this download:
Again Father, thanks for your ministry.