In the midst of ongoing bad news, seemingly on all fronts, I had some good news.
My friend Fr. Dave Ireland in S. Euclid OH had at his beautiful Church of St. Gregory, a Solemn Mass in the Traditional Roman Rite in reparation for the sacrileges and blasphemies perpetrated a little while ago by amateur Satanists in Oklahoma City.
Some photos.
Looking at these photos is like peering into Heaven. So beautiful.
What are those things hanging on the candles? What is their purpose? Where can I get some?
A solemn traditional Latin high mass needs to be said over the spot the OK satanic mass stunt was perpetrated. We need to not wring our wrists and fret about our own popularity and appearances to the world. It just needs to be done – this and other bold actions by our leaders needs to happen, otherwise we’re just spinning our wheels and hoping the time on the clock runs out. We can’t sit back any longer and continue burning more daylight than we already have.
Those plaques on the candles contain images of saints and I believe the two candles in the center of either side contain the crest for the Lyceum, which is the school located at the old convent that follows a classical education curriculum.
The church also has as part of the mosaic on the left hand side an image of Pope St. John XXIII, since the mosaic was completed during his pontificate.
Fr. Ireland is a wonderful pastor. We are extremely lucky to have him and the other wonderful priests we have in residence. He is not shy in proclaiming Church teachings and all the liturgies in the church are reverent and worshipful.
I was as this Mass. It was AWESOME! It was preceded by a Rosary and a Benediction afterwards. As with the prior comment, we are blessed to have Fr. Ireland and our other priests.
I was hoping that the USCCB would have been a bit more vocal in a protest of this, bit I choose to take the blessing here over the complaining. “The better portion” as Jesus says.
LAUDETUR IESUS CHRISTUS! Thank you for posting these pictures, such a beautiful Mass!
Fr. Z writes: “In the midst of ongoing bad news, seemingly on all fronts, I had some good news.”
S.Armaticus replies: Fr., you should get out more.
You really should get onto FaceBook. [And he…. fumbles the ball!] The Restoration is really picking up steam and it is easily recognizable there. A good case in point, since we LUV the military. Ft. Hood had their first TLM. A clip of the schola appeared chanting Credo I. Spectacular. This did not happen overnight. A lot of planning must have gone into it.
Next, from Dome Nico (FB nom de plume) I found out that the SSPX offers the Holy Sacrifice daily in …. wait for it…. still waiting…. St. Peter’s Basilica. Turns out that the Vatican staff don’t allow the priests to wear maniples and force them to wear polyester chasubles. But hey, small mortification for a much, much larger good.
One more. Philly has had a massive increase in vocations this year. Archbishop Chaput is really coming through. He had to move the St. Charles Seminary to smaller premises, but a few years and who knows. BTW, first major US Archdiocese that we see this PHENOMENON.
One last one. TLM at Cathedral in LA. Yea, that ugly thing. But the implications are that Opus Dei is not resisting. FSSP is offering and it would appear that they are even being supported. Who would have thunk.
Finally, SSPX opening largest seminary in 100+ years in Virginia in one months time.
So all in all, not bad at all. But you got to be on FaceBook to find this stuff out.
justteri, I had planned on going to the mass, however I had not seen my family all day and opted to spend the evening with them. My MIL did go and mentioned the large crowd. Maybe we’ll run into each other sometime in SE.
I suppose that Mass was followed by Benediction.Was it a Missa Ad Coram Sanctissimi Sacramenti after the communion rite?