Pray. Please, pray.
One of the reasons why in today’s LENTCAzT I included a prayer for priests is because I have had emails and other contacts from good, traditionally oriented priests who are being persecuted by their superiors. Even today, I had a note:
Pray for me… Today I have a meeting with the [personnel director of his diocese]. They are trying to sideline me into full-time hospital ministry.
I know another who has unjustly and without basis been stripped of faculties. They won’t even talk to him.
I know another who is being forced to take a sabbatical year when all he wants to do is parish work.
I know another who… and another who… and another….
Common threads? They want tradition. Their superiors are liberals.
The persecution is rising with a panoply of tactics.
Seminarians, keep your heads down. Fathers, be patient and use the sacrament of penance.