Outstanding sermon! Fr. Lankeit @PhoenixDiocese – response to unscrupulous homosexualist agenda

The last time I was in Phoenix I didn’t have the chance to meet Fr. John Lankeit, rector of the Cathedral of Sts. Simon and Jude (a great feast day for another reason).  I have written about him before HERE.

Here is a sermon from this last Sunday. This guy’s got game. Watch how he deals with his theme.


He moves from how the enemies of the Lord worked together against Him, to how modern day enemies of marriage work together in deliberate manipulation and obfuscation about marriage and the family.

Some bullet points:

  • “What about paying taxes?” and “Do you believe in ‘gay’ marriage?”
  • “Whose image is on this coin?” and “What is marriage?”
  • The Lord exposes their maneuver to unmask his attackers.
  • What belongs to the world? What belongs to God?
  • “Whose image and inscription is on the coin?”
  • “Whose image in the human person?” God’s image in in man, created male and female.
  • Whose inscription is in the human person?” “But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel, after those days, saith the Lord: I will give my law in their bowels, and I will write it in their heart: and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Jeremiah, 31:33
  • Juxtapose… “I identify as…” v. “I am.”
  • Dissent in the Church today centers on sex, because it concerns who we are and whose we are.
  • Hence, marriage and the family, as an icon of the Trinity, are going to be attacked by the Devil.
  • This is the decisive battle of our time.
  • So, we learn from the unscrupulous attack on Jesus, how to deal with the unscrupulous attacks on the family and marriage.
  • Chesterton said, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”

May I suggest that you, the readership, spread this sermon around?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Bea says:

    Excellent sermon. It gives us much ammunition to fight for the Truth.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Midwest St. Michael says:

    I wonder if the text of this fantastic sermon is available to copy?

    The text *and* video needs to be passed around.


  3. Midwest St. Michael says:

    It is available here: https://simonjude.org/documents/2017/10/Homily%20OT%2029%20-%20October%20222c%202017%20Year%20A.pdf

    Thank you Fr. Z for bringing this great sermon to our attention.


  4. TonyO says:

    This priest priest is an astoundingly clear thinker and homilist! I am in awe of the many layers of thought he put into this. Here’s just one example:

    “Perverted secular dogma”.

    With these 3 words, he rightly and boldly attaches to “gay marriage” the name “perversion”. Yet he does so indirectly, through the medium of the “secular dogma”, so that if you borrow this and use it in conversation you cannot be attacked as a “homophobe” for calling gays “perverts” – no, you called the secular dogma a perversion, which it is. But the REASON it is a perversion is that the whole notion of “gay” is a perversion, and the acts are perverted. And this truth shines out through the phrase he used. Brilliant!

    The whole sermon rocks with that kind of clear thinking: it’s thinking straight “all the way down” to the roots. Especially the central theme, which is that we are made beings, made in God’s image. We receive the stamp of what we are from God, we do not make ourselves.

    I am definitely going to spread this one around. Thank you Fr. Z.

  5. Charlie says:

    You are so right that this man has the real game!

    If only we had just one bishop who could speak as he spoke in this homily.

    It is worthy of a long retreat. Thanks for publishing it.

  6. Pingback: Outstanding sermon! Fr. Lankeit @PhoenixDiocese – response to unscrupulous homosexualist agenda | Fr. Z’s Blog – Bob's Blog

  7. Great job. I pursued a similar line, although not so skillfully as Father Lankeit.

  8. Geoffrey says:

    Great homily. And, from the look of things, an example of what the Ordinary Form should look like!

  9. Pingback: Outstanding sermon! Fr. Lankeit’s response to unscrupulous homosexualist agenda |

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  11. Fr Paul Lemmen says:

    I’ve been Facebook friends with Fr. John for a couple of years. Quite knowledgeable and sincere (even for a priest owned by a cat!). Excellent homily, I am glad to see more Catholic priests standing up to Satan’s agenda!

  12. Pingback: Outstanding sermon! Fr. Lankeit @PhoenixDiocese – response to unscrupulous homosexualist agenda | Fontainecourt

  13. Suzanne says:

    This is beautiful! I took notes but need to watch it several more times so that it all sinks in. It’s a great idea to follow Fr. Lankeit on social media as he posts stories of his precious, unsuspected evangelization to people he encounters in everyday life, especially at cafe and fast food drive-through lanes. Joy comes through all of those stories.

    One thing that I think is true, though, is that all valid marriages are a reflection of the Trinity, even non-sacramental marriages as between two atheists, two non-Christians, or even between a Catholic and a non-Christian when that marriage has been granted the proper dispensations. Just because a non-Christian couple doesn’t acknowledge that they were given to each other by God in marriage, doesn’t mean that their marriage is not, as well, “the living icon… that most closely reveals the very identity of God as the Most Holy Trinity.” All valid marriages reflect that identity of God, whether the couple knows it or not.

  14. dcntodd says:

    Fr. Lankeit gave a very powerful homily on abortion last summer. It can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdwT5tXvGUw

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