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Registered here or not, will you in your charity please take a moment look at the requests and to pray for the people about whom you read?

Continued from THESE.

I get many requests by email asking for prayers. Some are heart-achingly grave and urgent.

As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand. We should support each other in works of mercy.

If you have some prayer requests, feel free to post them below.

You have to be registered and approved to be able to post.

I still have three pressing personal petitions.  But one of them is really pressing now.   I ask for your prayers.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Michael says:

    Please pray mightily for RR whose body has severe chemical and food allergies and sensitivities to the point where only 5-6 foods can be eaten and tolerated and which has caused a weight loss of almost 15% over a couple months. It’s to a point where the doctors have run out of options and we now need a miracle of healing from the Lord.

  2. aviva meriam says:

    Deo Gratias for prayers answered.
    I pray daily for priests in particular for the two priests crucial for their guidance and assistance in my reversion. (Fr. JS and Fr. PI)
    Please pray for:
    two former colleagues (CG and WS) who lost their jobs this week
    RJ and his family
    continued healing for CF
    For SV and JV: providential mercy
    My Husband and his career
    For me and my Job
    NK and his military waiver.


  3. MrsMacD says:

    For the S family to pay down their debt.

    For Fr. C who seems to be having a personal crisis of some kind.

    For the J family, who’s baby is still in intensive care and in a coma after mamma J had a ruptured uterus.

    For the Z family who is having another miscarriage.

    And the PG family who just had another miscarriage.

    For the EG family because the children are a bit behind at homeschool and pappa G is threatening to put them in school.

    For the W family… For various reasons.

    For T who refuses to leave her life of sin.

    For EM and PA who is getting married soon.

    To heal the wound we caused the PM family.

    For LM who has had vertigo for a year.

    For LM who is a suffering soul.

    For MJ who is having a spiritual battle.

    For SN who has stayed at the Benedictine convent for a year, that she persevere, if it’s God’s will.

    For MT who had to leave the Benedictine convent because of illness.

    For ML who hasn’t been able to conceive after being married for years.

  4. Philmont237 says:

    For my stepmother, Patricia, who has stage IV glioblastoma multiform brain cancer. Her prognosis is less than two years.

  5. LeeGilbert says:

    Got a note from my sister, Pat, a few hours ago with the news that she has pancreatic cancer and spots on her lung. This would not be the least bit worrisome had she not left the Church in 1962 and became an Evangelical. So then, is she really going to die without the Sacraments? The thought is really unbearable. Please remember her.

  6. crjs1 says:

    Please pray for my older sister C who is pregnant with her second child and is having a difficult pregnancy.

    Please pray also for my mother D and younger sister C who both live with long-standing mental health problems including thoughts of suicide. Please pray they both find happiness and are able to see what great important people they both are.

    My prayers for your intentions Fr and all those in this thread.

  7. Elizabeth Rose says:

    Please pray for
    me for healing from chronic illness
    M who has been unable to conceive
    H who left a very messed up religious order
    My husband and his job
    My dad and his wife
    A who is pregnant with twins after two unexplained late pregnancy losses
    My son D.
    Many prayers for you, Father Z., and all you other readers. God bless y’all.

  8. John Grammaticus says:

    For my Godfather Fr JM who is suffering from MS

    For me, both in my math studies and for work

    For my friend GM who is going through a difficult pregnancy

    For Judge Kavanaugh obviously

    For my spiritual director who is going blind

  9. mepoindexter says:

    Pray for our Latin Mass community.

  10. un-ionized says:

    For my getting somehow over my encounter with the Dominican lavender mafia and wanting to go to Mass again vs. going just because I have to. “I rejoiced when they said let us go to the house of the Lord.”

  11. KateD says:

    Mrs. Mac D
    We will pray for them all…can you get ML an Agnus Dei Medal?

    I already gave mine (Saint Pope John Paul II) to a family trying to conceive…They did, praise be to God!

  12. KateD says:

    We have prayed for all of the above intentions.

  13. DanW says:

    Please say a prayer for my 4 year old nephew who is currently receiving chemotherapy for a medulloblastoma brain tumor at St. Jude’s in Memphis. Thank you.

  14. Matt says:

    Blessed Herman, the “cripple”,
    you, who composed the prayer to our Blessed Mother Mary, the Salve Regina,
    On this your feast day, despite the late hour of the day, hear the pleas of those here, in a community gathered.
    Ask , and pray, to Almighty God on our behalf, that we may always do His Will, and if so be favored, to receive more blessings for those whom we ask. Amen.

  15. jovan66102 says:

    Prayers of thanksgiving that after 15 years my wife and children have reconciled with me. Please pray for all of them to return to the Sacraments.

  16. discipulus says:

    That I may survive this current crisis.

    Also, for our diocese, currently vacant, and for whomsoever will be our next bishop.

    Also, that I soon find a better job.

  17. JesusFreak84 says:

    Leading with good news, I’m starting a job on Monday after over 2 years of barely getting interviews, but it’s 1.5-2 hours from my house depending on traffic and tolls and gas alone will be several hundred a month, so I would like to be able to be working somewhere else a year from now. The way job searches go for me, I better start begging Sts. Jude, Rita, Philomena, and Joseph now…

    My family needs conversions/reversions, (especially since I have 3 family members off of the top of my head who may be dead by this time next year…or next month…or tomorrow…get the idea?) and that a “divorced” couple I was friends with in college will someday reconcile and…yeah, I could get into a laundry list about those two, but I should focus on confessing my sins rather than others.

    For the reposed of my deceased relatives, especially those who, (being saved despite false religions rather than because of them,) never had the chance to utilize indulgences during their earthly lives.

    Also, for the Shrine’s restoration :D They’re trying to finish Phase I before Chicago winter starts x.x

  18. GrumpyYoungMan says:

    Several family illnesses, one most likely terminal.

  19. Johann says:

    Please pray for all Catholics who have had their faith shaken by the current abuse crisis, that they may not lose hope. And pray for all the faithful bishops and priests who are trying to help the faithful (including Father Zuhlsdorf, Father David Nix and Father George Rutler, to name a few).

  20. VexillaRegis says:

    May I please ask you to continue praying for my family. Your prayers have made a huge difference for us – things are looking considerably better for us, but the matter isn’t yet finally set. Sadly my husband discovered last night, that his boss and board council are trying to trick him in YET another, new way. Luckily the unions are very strong here, but we really need help from you and the Saints.

    Please ask St Joseph and St Joan of Arc to intercede!

    Renewed prayers for my poor parish, the one with the angry and downright scary pastor, would be highly appreciated too.

    I will pray for all intentions on here!

  21. Gab says:

    Is it just me or are the links in Father’s post not working?

  22. snegopad says:

    Please pray for me:
    chronical illness, have to move as soon as possible to an other federal state, ( because I cannot afford living , where I am now),..being not young anymore…,the future flat is not yet ready and it is still not clear if I can get it, its in a very bad state, has to be renovated,…
    and my financial situation is bad….

  23. Fallibilissimo says:

    Please pray for I going through some turbulent waters.
    Please pray for L who will need to undergo knee surgery soon.
    Please pray for me to have the courage to deal with my very pressing and serious duties.

  24. Elly says:

    Please pray for my son who has severe vision problems. Please pray that treatment will be effective.

  25. iPadre says:

    For my dad who is in the hospital. He was having chest pains. And for my mom. I’m taking her to get cataract surgery on on eye this morning.

  26. MrsMacD says:

    For CD who has terminal cancer and has been out of the church for years

  27. colospgs says:

    That J may seek help for alcoholism, reverse the downward spiral, and return to the Church.

  28. FN says:

    Please pray that I may be able to cope with my two children and two jobs while my husband is away on business for long periods: that I may be able to laugh at the old demons of fear, worry, and loneliness.

  29. MaryW says:

    Please pray for my family members who no longer practice the Faith.
    Pray for my nephew K who suffers from alcoholism. His illness has estranged him from his only child, a daughter, and her family.
    Pray for his brother T that he continues to be successful in his abstinence of alcohol and tobacco. He too is an alcoholic
    Prayers for my niece K who has suffered two strokes this year and is now going through a period of deep depression.
    Prayers for my grandchildren D and H that they will have a successful college year

    I will pray for everyone here at Father Z’s blog, and Father’s petitions, also.

  30. Mrs.Winter says:

    Please pray for DC a traditional minded seminarian in a difficult diocese with a modernist vocations director.

  31. grumpyoldCatholic says:

    Please pray for Fr Krier who is fighting evil in Las Vegas

  32. Elizabeth D says:

    Please pray for me I am having a difficult time and no one I can talk with about it who would understand, except God.

  33. Semper Gumby says:

    Prayers for the intentions here.

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