As we navigate The Present Crisis, let us not forget that there are wonderful things happening, too, by the grace of God and by fervent elbow grease. Isn’t that how we are meant to carry out our vocations? Grace and elbow grease?
One of the great things going on is the beautiful life of the Benedictines in Norcia, Italy.
Friends, I keep hearing from lay people that they don’t want to give one more dime to anything the Church is doing until The Present Crisis gets cleaned up. I do understand. But don’t forget the good works which have begun, such as the TMSM (my group), a great pro-life Catholic clinic I support, the wonderful Benedictines of Gower Abbey (who pray for priests and bishops), and these men in Norcia, who have suffered from earthquakes and great challenges.
Please go visit their latest page with news. HERE
A sample:
Some have compared the recent scandals and controversies in the Church to a spiritual earthquake, one bringing destruction and uncertainty. If that is true, then I am glad to share the main lesson that the earthquakes of 2016 taught — and continues to teach — us: When the Church seems damaged and disfigured we must take that as an invitation from God to a deeper faith in Him, in his Mysteries, in the Tradition of the Church. This Faith is hard but there are good and beautiful fruits, some of which we share here below.
Tradition is where we are going to find the answer to much of The Present Crisis. The rediscovery and recovery of Tradition, with lots of reparation and elbow grease.
Read the rest of the timely letter over there. Or…..
You can help the monks by buying their terrific BEER! and their chant CD.
Their beer really is good. They send me a few bottle each month and I share it around. As a matter of fact, I gave some to a couple of priests last night, who warmly appreciated it. You may not be into beer, but it makes a great gift. Order some and have it for your Thanksgiving meal. It would be a great accompaniment for savory food. The first time I had the monks’ beer, in Norcia, they presented it with savory sausages and cheeses of the region, famous for the same. When I am in Rome – and I will be in a few days – I go to the nearby norcineria for things made in that area. But I digress.
Help the monks! They are traditional and they praying for us.
Thank you Father, for sharing this.
After so much scandal and ugliness, I needed to see some authentic Catholicism in action to give me hope.
It’s a serious error (and a dereliction of our duty) to withhold all contributions from the Church. Some — maybe all — contributions should be withheld from the Vatican until we see some cleanup of corruption there. (I bitterly regretted having contributed to Peter’s Pence earlier this year after reading about what the Administrazione del Patrimonio delle Seda Apostilica (APSA) had been doing with those contributions — paying off clergymen’s homosexual lovers, giving money to the Hillary Clinton campaign, etc.)
But: Is your pastor an honest man, as most are? Give generously to your parish. Is you bishop a good one (again as most are)? Donate to the diocese. Do you know of missions that need money, to which you can contribute directly instead of letting it get filtered through the APSA? There are many. Donate to them! And think seriously about contributing to those Benedictine monks.
The bottom line: Contribute to the support of the Church’s holy work. If there are corrupt middlemen, then avoid them, but contribute through honest channels.
Yes, there are many good apostolates that operate with a tight budget and trust in God’s blessings. We need to support them!
I don’t even like beer but I’m checking this one out. I have family who like it. Why not give it to the monks instead of some chain store?
As a homebrewer, I warmly approve of their beer.
I intend to become a subscriber after the new year.
My guess is that Birra Nursia would go great with Chick-fil-A.