It is not to early to thinking about obtaining a liturgical Ordo for the upcoming liturgical 2018-2019 year.
I received from the kind folks of the Latin Mass Society in England, their Ordo for the Extraordinary Form. BTW… I don’t live in England and I visit, sadly, too rarely. However, I joined their Society. We need to support each other.
When they say 2019, they mean 2019.
They do not start with the new liturgical year in Advent, as do many versions of the Ordo.
There are quite a few good features. I like the list of opportunities for indulgences.
It is not too early to get on the Ordo issue!
Thanks to the LMS for putting one in the mail.
I also joined the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales last year. They are very active in promoting the TLM and vocations. I never made it to one of their pilgrimages but one day. . .
The Cannons of St John Cantius also have their 2019 Ordo available. You can order it from their bookstore, Biretta Books, at Also FSSP has theirs available at They each have a unique take, I’m happy to order all three.