ACTION ITEM! Prayers for the late Fr. Augustin Toshio Ikeda, chaplain of Traditional Latin Mass in Tokyo

Dear readers, I earnestly request your prayers for the repose of the soul of a great priest, extremely important to his flock in Japan, Fr. Augustin Toship Ikeda.

I met Fr. Ikeda during my last trip to Tokyo, in January.

My friend, and a coordinator of Una Voce Japan, Augustin Shinsuke Yoshikawa, sent me this notice:

Our beloved priest, Fr. Augustin Toshio Ikeda, Paulist priest, chaplin of our Latin Mass Community in Japan, passed away yesterday, on 31st March.

Thank you all for your earnest prayers for his recovery.

He guided us from 2012 and was lux mundi for us among priests in Japan who are hostile or indifferent to Traditional Latin Mass.

I was honored to serve him as acolyte and his presence always made me aware that God is merciful.

Funeral will be held in Wakaba house, Tokyo on 3rd April.

While I was in Tokyo, I learned how important Fr. Ikeda was to the Japanese Catholic community and, in particular, for the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.  These good people have endured a great blow.  In solidarity, help them with prayers.

Pray for Fr. Ikeda.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. CasaSanBruno says:

    Requiescat in pace. I’ll remember him in Mass today.

  2. JesusFreak84 says:

    As rare as Catholics are in Japan, a traditionalist Catholic has to be in hen’s-teeth territory. I wonder what’ll happen to them now…I mean, the SSPX has a presence in Japan, but it’s only part-time.

  3. Julia_Augusta says:

    This is terrible news. There are hardly any Latin masses in Japan and Father Ikeda was the one priest in Tokyo, a city of 30+ million people, to offer the TLM regularly. I will pray that a priest may take up Father Ikeda’s duties very soon. There is an SSPX presence in Osaka.

  4. Pius Admirabilis says:

    This priest really seems like a sweet man (if I may be forgiven to call him that). He probably did some very good work there while also being approachable. God will reward him for his toils!

  5. Cincture says:

    May eternal light shine upon him, and please advise as to successors of what he has sowed here on earth and there in japan.
    The suffering in China continues, as the long game of the current Vatican accepts damage in return for its though-for gain. meanwhile all sorts of humanity plays out:

  6. Liz says:

    RIP, father. May your reward be great in heaven.

    We will add him to our rosaries and have added him to our list of priests we pray for.

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