Today your planet’s yellow Sun shall appear from Rome to rise at 6:37 and to set at 17:10. And for the Curia the phantom Ave Maria would sound, if it sounded, at 17:30.
Yesterday brought a friend and I to see the marvelous Matthew paintings by Caravaggio in the French national church.
I think I know which one is Matthew, but it is clear that the call from Christ extends beyond him to all who view the scene.
The Apostle has been dragged from thr altar aand has been stabbed at least once. He reaches for the palm.
In the correspnding chapel there is a photo of Fr Hamel.
Martyrdom is not a thing of the past. It will be a thing in the near future.
I stopped to visit my old bonsai guys in the Via dei Coronari. They’ve changed their shop.
My last Roman errand was to commission tassels for the new black dalmatics which will soon be sent. GREAT shop and a nice guy.
And this morning which still feels like yesterday because it is so very early.
The check in lines were insanely long. I have priority and still it took over half and hour to get a window. I have no idea how long the rest waited. Security was swift.
My final breakfast for the Roman sojourn consumed, I brace for the trip back to MSN.
Yesterday evening for my final Mass in the City, my intention was for benefactors. I said Mass for all of you who contributed to make sure this time in Rome possible. Thank you.
Is it too early to think about May?
And this last view of a Mercedes-Benz sponsored coffee bar is for a friend, recovering from some strange ideas.
I dislike AMS (the airport, that is, not the Archdiocese).
After a boring flight (preferred) and several naps, I had the opportunity once again to be harassed at security stateside. They were very interested this time in my luggage tags. Luggage tags. It was harassment.
The last leg begins.
The book:
George Weigel’s new offering (which he signed and gave me in Rome a couple weeks back):
The Irony of Modern Catholic History: How the Church Rediscovered Itself and Challenged the Modern World to Reform
Jet LAAAAAAGGGGG…. I highly recommend an amex platinum card so they pay for your KTN.
Was there still a lot of construction at AMS? I went through AMS from Kilimanjaro last August and it was very quiet at the security checkpoint (I arrived at 6:30 am), certainly less chaotic than last year. But I did see some closed off under-construction areas. They have turned the airport into a giant shopping mall.
I did not know that those three painting by Caravaggio were a set of three. The final was was new to me as well. They are quite striking, and a reminder that good art can lift us up in prayer.
Your travels are our travels. Please God you are home safe and sound. Thank you for all the amazing photos. You move about in a world so completely alien to what probably many of us know. It’s delightful to see.
Hope you had a pleasant jouney. Thanks for all the wonderful art, food, churches, processions and Masses from Rome!
Does it bother you like it bothers me that those Caravaggio’s are not protected? Any nut job with a can of paint or a cup of acid could ruin those incredible paintings.
St. Matthew is wearing the hat. His eyes acknowledge Our Lord. He can’t believe that Our Lord is calling him, yet his legs under the table are ready to get up and follow.
I know there is a debate about this, yet I can’t see how it can be any of the other adults at the table.
“luggage tags?”
I was just on that AMS to DTW flight on Saturday. I didn’t notice anything unusual about AMS, but it was my first time flying from Europe back home so maybe I was just focusing so much on getting through.
I’m glad you made it safely back, Father!
Thank you for so much Romanità, Father. Your posts for lo these near four weeks now have been deeply appreciated. It’s currently approaching midnight over here in Western Europe, and jetlag must be assaulting you now that you’re in a more, eh, luminous timezone, so please do relax and recover. God bless you.
“Is it too early to think about May?”
Do you mean you’ll be in Rome in May, Fr Z?
I’ll be in Rome in the latter part of May for a CICLSAL conference to celebrate 50 years since the promulgation of the current rite of consecration of virgins.
Perhaps there might be a chance to meet.
God bless you, Father Z.