31 December: St. Melania the Younger

Happy Feast of St. Melania the Younger.

St. Melania was a Roman saint, and “Desert Mother” who died in Jerusalem on this day in 439.

She is the grandaughter of St. Melania the Elder.

Melania married young.  After their children died, she and her husband embraced a ascetic and chaste life.  She inherited amazing wealth, which she used to support the Church.  She and her husband visited St. Augustine of Hippo in N. Africa and founded there a convent of which Melania was the superior as well as a another for men which her husband guided.

They eventually went to Jerusalem, and founded another convent on the Mouth of Olives.  When her husband died, she built another church and a convent for men.  And so she passed her days.

St. Melania the Younger.  Pray for us.

More about Melania in Jerusalem HERE  She is much venerated by the Easterners and Orthodox.

The saint’s tomb in Jerusalem.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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One Comment

  1. Semper Gumby says:

    “She and her husband visited St. Augustine of Hippo in N. Africa.”


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