We started up our very first ZedNet on Sunday evening at 8PM EST. We had five check ins.
I had a devil of a time connecting (cf. Zuhlsdorf’s Law) because Brandmeister has been making changes for security and… I did NOT get a notice from them! Eventually the change I had to make was communicated to me and it worked after I altered the settings on my DMR hotspot.
Anyone who uses Brandmeister ought to know this about their changes: HERE
I will now have to fiddle around and make the other changes they recommend. In effect, they want you to set a personal password. Okay.
One of the participants in the ZedNet mentioned the possible conflict with the St Maximillian Kolbe Net on 80m on Sunday nights.
We are going to stick to this slot for a while, at least, to try to get it going.
So, success!
More later.
If you were trying to connect to us and couldn’t hear us, let me know.
I, too, was bitten by the DMR hotspot security rule.
A few tips for DMR users:
1. If you are using a hotspot at home, you have to “kerchunk” the hotspot at least once to affiliate it with a particular talkgroup if that talkgroup is not already set as a static talk group in the hotspot itself. For the most part, when you transmit on that particular talk group it’ll stay there until the hotspot reboots or is updated.
2. If you are using a Brandmiester network repeater – an actual repeater and not a hotspot, you will have to do similarly – you’ll need the Zednet talkgroup programmed into the appropriate timeslot for that repeater on your radio, and you’ll have to do the same “kerchunk” on the repeater to log that repeater into that talkgroup. Repeaters in my area will hold that talkgroup for 15 minutes of inactivity before it’s released and then you have to kerchunk it again.
Either way, great first effort getting a few together – hopefully more next week.
73 de N4TII
Thank you to all who joined in. A little rough ironing out all the wrinkles, but, hey, they didn’t get the Space Shuttle off the ground on the planned date of the first launch, either (and it was computer problems, too…)
As we go forward…I’m sure it will smooth out. Amateur radio operators always overcome technical issues…
73 de wb0yle/w2fuv