UPDATE 20 March:
I want to make something perfectly clear. Fr. Christensen did NOT ASK ME to do this. He posted it on his own site. One of you readers saw it and alerted me to it. Hence, on my own initiative, I put this request on this, my blog. I did this on my own for him without him even knowing I was going to do it. A public plea is a public plea. This is my response.
It is a pleasure and honor to help this good man, fighting ALS. He lost a good chuck of his income because he can no longer receive Mass stipends or stole fees. It is a humbling experience to have to ask for help. Believe me. But it is also an opportunity for many people to come together in a cause. And many hands make light work.
UPDATE 19 March – Feast of St. Joseph:
ALL: Here is a note from Fr. Christensen:
Dear readers of Fr. Z’s blog,
I have been truly humbled, and frankly, dumbfounded by your generosity to me. Know that even though I can’t thank you each individually, that I am truly grateful. I will have a novena of Masses offered for all those who donated. I was particularly touched by the small gifts, which surely meant that someone made a sacrificial gift. Now I understand a little more how the Lord was so touched by the widow’s mite. I pray that on his feast day, St. Joseph will shower you with abundant and rich blessings. May God reward you!
Fr. Dana Ambrose Christensen
Originally Published on: Mar 17, 2021
Dear friends I implore you for the love of Christ and Mary, Queen and Mother of Priests and of St. Joseph, Hope of the Sick, to give financial support to Fr. Dana Christensen whose body is slowly succumbing to ALS, Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
When he has written to me lately, he is using a computer that tracks is eye movement.
Fr. Christensen is literally begging for alms.
Father cannot any longer say Mass or administer sacraments. He no longer receives either stipends or stole fees. Without this income, he is struggling. As he writes: “If 80 people donated only $10 a month this would cover what is missing because I cannot offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.”
80? How about more than that.
You all have been so good to me and to the good causes which I have pointed out in the past.
Please, as you have helped me and others, now help Fr. Christensen.
Fr. Christensen wrote:
If you want to give a recurring monthly donation click on the red “Donate” tab above [at his site] or click
I implore you for the love of Christ the High Priest and of Mary, Queen and Mother of Priests and of Joseph, Hope of the Sick.
I’d love to see in the combox or by email here that 80 of you signed up before St. Joseph’s Feast Day!
UPDATE 22 March – 2135 EDT:
I’m in! I will also add Father to my Daily Morning Offering, right alongside you, Fr. Heilman, Fr. Altman, and a select number of local priests.
Done! I pray for him daily and am so happy to be able to help him financially.
Done. Thank you for the opportunity to give alms in Lent!
Happily, Father, along with adding him to my Rosary intentions.
thank you for making this need broadly known. glad to help.
Its done! Happy to help! As a occupational therapy assistant, I’ve seen what progressive neurological diseases do to the body. I will include him in my prayers and add him to the prayer partners list at Holy Family parish.
oh, done! Thank you for making this need known, I am happy to help. I offer my heart and prayers as well.
Any way to donate other than paypal?
I’m in. Additionally, my 15 decades of the Rosary today was offered for Fr. Christensen. He’s in my prayers henceforth!
May I suggest that you do this in the way that HE asked?
Done, and recurring.
Yes, done.
Done, and a bit higher than asked, and recurring. He’s a good man and a good priest. May God bless him during this hard time.
Done and recurring! And thanks to our gracious host for giving this incredibly worthy cause worldwide exposure via this post.
In for both my family and for my parents.
My family and I are in. We had the pleasure of meeting Father years ago. He is a good friend of our pastor and spent time at our parish. We will send this to all the people we know in our community for homeschoolers and the like. We also keep him in our daily prayers.
Done, in honor of another Fr. Dana I knew long ago.
Done, reoccurring.
Update on Anastasia (who was on life support back in November):
She’s rocking her physical and occupational therapies. Her heart improved one week after surgery but has since neither improved or worsened. Doctors say it could take up to 6 months for her heart to fully heal.
Done, I hope it is some small help to him.
Done, recurring.
Done, not recurring but should cover him for a bit.
Done, recurring, and praying for his beautiful ministry.
Done. And for some time now I have had the little prayer asking Abp Sheen’s intercession that you provided a few months ago posted on my pc monitor on one of those little electronic stickies. It’s a very rare day indeed when he isn’t prayed for thereby at least once. Alas, for Fr Christensen I’m not Padre Pio. Just some guy in the suburbs, wondering where my next confession is coming from.
Donated. Please ask him to pray for us!
I am also on the team – God Bless ya Padre
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention, Father. It’s an honor to be able to help, we are providing a monthly donation.
I’m unable, at this time, to make long term recurring financial commitments. But, I have made a one time donation significantly higher than the requested $10. Not sure if that should count against the tally or not.
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Done. As I’m on disability, I was only able to make a one-time donation, but as another person noted, significantly higher than $10.
Done and recurring. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Fr. Z. I read his blog and he is truly an amazing priest. I have also printed out the prayer that you mentioned through the intercession of Venerable Archbishop Sheen and will add it to my daily prayers. St. Joseph, Pray for us!
Late to the party, but I made a recurring donation. Cannot think of any better cause!!!
I am a single mom, in school and under financial pressure, but was looking for a place to send 10% of the stimulus check. Just sent it to Father. Prayers for his miraculous healing!
Sancte Joseph, spes aegrotantium, ora pro eo…..
Happily donating to Fr. Christensen. He bore patiently with my foolishness years ago and set me straight in a very pastoral manner. His illness is a great loss to the Church Militant!
Grrr… Paypal has to know everything we’re doing. I’ll do it, but I wish I could use something less … invasive. I’ve been praying for him every day since you told us about him.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Signed up yesterday.
Done! (recurring)
A thought on catholictrad’s comment, above: I, too, initially thought that Father’s illness was a diminishment of the Church Militant, and I even asked God why He would take such a good and faithful priest away from us. How foolish I was! Father’s new ministry is an incredible gift to us, just as the suffering and trials he is undergoing, united to the Passion and Death of Our Lord, will strengthen us in ways we can’t even imagine!
Done Fr Z. May God bless and protect Fr Christensen!
Done. May God bless Father Christensen.
One time donation made – and many prayers.
Done, recurring.
Done! Thank you, Fr. Z, for highlighting this most brave priest. May God bless you and Fr. Christensen.
My tiny bit done, please Fr. Christensen, pray for my special intentions even just once if you would! Your witness is so powerful. God bless you.
Thank you, Father. I am so happy to be able to do this. I was praying and praying for priests today at the beautiful (I had that in all caps but I don’t want to be shouting…there is no way to describe how celestial it was anyhow!) mass I was blessed to be able to attend today. God bless and keep our priests! St. Joseph, pray for us!
Done, recurring, as Fr. Dana asked.
Made a larger one-time donation since I don’t have a Pay Pal account. Fr. Christensen is also in my daily rosary intentions.
Done and recurring. I don’t know the decorum for this sort thing when it involves one of our dear priests, but would a gofundme or something similar be allowed and in keeping with Father Christensen’s dignity and privacy? Would it be appropriate to pass this your post along to other groups such as a Roman Catholic forum to which I belong?
Done. May God bless him and help him in his sufferings.
p.s. We did donate what we could, but we just can’t commit to a recurring donation at this point, but I hope you will post this again in about a month or so as a reminder so we can reevaluate things. I understand that might be cumbersome so if you can’t I will ask my guardian angel to prompt me. I forgot to say that Fr. Christensen is most definitely added to my prayers. I will go add him to my list right now. Oh, he’s on already on the list. We will continue to pray sacrifice for him!
Happy to help out this priest doing this amazing work. God bless all involved.
ALL: I’ve only been adding to the count when in know that someone signed up for a subscription, which Father asked. Some of you said you made a one time contribution. That’s GREAT! Some of you said you “helped”. But I don’t know what that means.
Just FYI.
Let’s get to 80.
I made a one-time donation yesterday. I wish I were in a position to do a recurring donation, but my own healthcare costs are cutting into my small savings already.
Monthly donation set up. Prayers offered too.
Signed up to monthly donation. May God help him, and forgive my sins.
I made a post about this yesterday evening but did not specify how I helped so that’s the reason for this post. I signed up for recurring donations, more than what Fr. Christensen requested. God bless him and give him strength and peace.
Thank you for posting this Father Z – prayers for you and Fr. Christensen!
I should have added – one time donation. God Bless!
Signed up for monthly donation.
Added a monthly donation. May God bless Fr. Christensen in and through his suffering, and the world through his witness.
$10.00 monthly donation.
Done, as requested. Thanks for sharing this need. Vivat Jesus, DHO
Thank you for this opportunity to help a Priest of Christ the King who is in need. It is a blessing to us. Contributed and recurring.
I responded “Done” earlier. To clarify, I am donating the amount requested, recurring monthly per the request.
Done. Such a sad situation, terrible disease.
Oh, sorry. “Done” meant done as you requested, i.e., recurring.
Done, Father. God bless you-
Donation complete. Thanks for the opportunity to help a priest in need.
Recurring monthly donation set up. Many prayers for Fr. Christensen.
One time to cover a few months.
To clarify, my +1 is recurring.
I donated, recurring monthly.
One more recurring donation
I did remember to offer my Holy Communion for Fr. Christensen yesterday. We will be praying for him in our rosaries and other prayers and offering little things here and there. I am so grateful for his priesthood and yours, Fr. Z. I am often in awe and wonder when I think of what one priest can do for us…I think of the priests who assisted my parents in their final battle, for the priest who baptized me and my husband (on my birthday two years before I was born!) baptized my children, grandchildren and on and on. How many good priests have heard my confession or said mass that I could attend? I could go on and on. Thanks be to God for our priests!
Donated and set to recurring.
Sorry, I signed up for this on Friday, but didn’t realize you wanted us to let you know! Thanks for organizing this, Father Z.
Donation complete. Prayers for Fr. Christiansen.
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Fr. Z. — It’s at least 80. Done on the 20th (but late with the posting).
One-time donation
Fr Z, in case I was not clear, I did set up a recurring donation exactly as requested. Vivat Jesus, DHO
Fr Z, in case I was not clear, I did set up a recurring donation exactly as requested. Fr Dana is also in my daily rosary intentions. Vivat Jesus, DHO
I went back to PayPal and doubled down, still recurring. Thank you again for the opportunity.
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