Too many people today are without good, strong preaching, to the detriment of all. Share the good stuff.
Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at your Mass of obligation for Trinity Sunday?
Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass.
Also, any heresy from the pulpit today (usually in analogies about Trinity)?
Any local changes or (hopefully good) news?
A couple thoughts about the sign of the cross: HERE A taste…
The small cross is made with the thumb of the right hand on the forehead, mouth and breast while saying Christ’s own Trinitarian formula we read and heard in the Sunday Gospel. We sign our head, the principle and principal part of the body, in the name of the Father, the mouth in the name of the divine Word spoken from eternity, and the heart in the name of the Spirit as the seat of charity, sacrificial love. We say, in the “name of”, as mentioned above, for each of the Persons, not carelessly or even ostentatiously in the manner of some liberals omitting it for the Son and the Holy Ghost as well. This threefold repetition of “in the name of” reveals the distinction of the Persons and their unity.
A most blessed and joyful 33rd Anniversary of your Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood Fr. Z!! I pray for many, many more! You are a blessing and a joy!
Yes, our pastor gave an impassioned homily about the Holy Trinity and carefully detailed heresies by name and why they were so, warning against them in modern day. He also said we could envision this “three united as one” like to knowing Nature as one but having many genus, species, etc. Same as Christ our Head but we many members are the body. It was lengthy, detailed, and spot on. This NO local parish was packed twice as much, probably due to families visiting for holiday (normal attendance dwindling and the choir music is atrocious). No surprise this pastor is one of only two who celebrate the diocesan Latin Mass for us at another church (45 minutes away) every week. Our area is four plus hours driving distance from diocesan home cathedral so our remoteness is one reason our blessed Archbishop asked his priests to make the TLM a priority here. We are all praying (very hard) that he stays around for awhile (priest and Archbishop).
At Holy Ghost FSSP in Bethlehem PA for the 10:30 AM High Mass which was well attended, practically every seat taken, especially considering the long line for confession that stretched the length of the church.
In his homily Father talked about the indwelling of the Trinity in us. While God is everywhere He comes to us in a special way to dwell in us, sort of like the difference between someone who comes to visit our house vs. someone we have a relationship with who lives there, like a spouse.
He also spoke about St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, a girl who grew up with a tendency towards temper tantrums but after receiving her First Communion became devoted to God and wanted to give her life to God by becoming a Carmelite. She was finally allowed to do that when she reached the age of 21. In the Carmel she suffered greatly due to illness (now thought to be Addison’s Disease) but her sufferings only increased her devotion. She died at the age of 28 but left letters about her devotion to the Trinity.
At our SSPX parish this weekend, our homily started with Father saying that we may never fully understand the Trinity since it is such a great mystery, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t believe it. He talked about how the experts in the world dismiss anything they can’t fully explain as untrue. We cannot do that with the faith. Then he exhorted us to be faithful to ALL the Church’s teachings. We cannot pick and choose because we like or dislike, understand or do not understand any teaching of the faith. It was short but very to the point.
First – no shamrocks (Yea!)
Now here it is:
Our pastor likes to emphasize on Trinity Sunday that if anyone hears from the pulpit that the Trinity is not important run and find another parish. His homily contained some highlights of biblical passages where “one God” is emphasized. One God – three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (I didn’t know until about 15 years ago that the Mormons do not believe this – mainstream Christian denominations do). I am glad the bible is being mentioned – this priest mentions scripture regularly – I recall Protestant friends mentioning the misconception that Catholics don’t read the bible and I appreciate teachable moments.
Happy anniversary Fr. Zuhlsdorf.