Tag Archives: Baltimore Oriole

The Feeder Feed: various colors and killing chipmunks

It has been a while since I have been able to report to you on the doings at the feeder. First, the black squirrel is back. Card. Ray is rubbernecking a bit. A Ruby-Throated Hummingbird having a bit of a … Read More

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The Feeder Feed: some Orioles and a not-Oriole

Just a couple shots. The young Orioles are still around. They fight over the grape jelly. You lookin’ at me? Really blue.

Posted in Lighter fare, The Feeder Feed | Tagged ,

The Feeder Feed: variety edition

I haven’t been much inclined to post about the feeder these days, but figured it was about time to share a view or two. You’ve seen Ray before.  He sees you, too.  Being so very visible he is as wary … Read More

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