Benedict XVI to Plenary of the CDWDS

The Holy Father lately addressed the Plenary Meeting of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments.

The address is on the Vatican website

However, … a friend sent this:

thought you’d be interested. Reports all fail to quote a couple of passages of the latest address of the Holy Father to CDWDS, which sound rather interesting in these days’ context:

[…]Therefore, I welcomed with pleasure your proposal that the Plenary assembly dedicated itself to the subject of eucharistic adoration, with the confidence that a renewed collegial reflection on this practice could contribute to clarify – within the limits of the competence of the Dicastery – the liturgical and pastoral means with which the Church of our time can promote the faith in the Real Presence of the Lord and to guarantee the full dimension of adoration in the celebration of the Holy Mass. I underlined this aspect in the Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis where I[…], to stress the importance of the intrinsic relation between the celebration of the Eucharist and adoration (n. 66), cited the teaching of St. Augustine "Nemo autem illam carnem manducat, nisi prius adoraverit; peccemus non adorando" (Enarrationes in Psalmos, 98, 9: CCL 39, 1385). The Synodal Fathers did not fail to express their concern for a certain confusion that was generated – following the Second Vatican Council – as regards the relationship between Mass and adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament (SC 66). This echoed what my Predecessor, Pope John Paul II, had already said about the deviations which at times tampered with (literally inquinato = polluted) the post-conciliar liturgical renewal, revealing "an extremely reductive understanding of the Eucharistic mystery" (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, n. 10).[…]

The Holy Father continues with a succinct but clear reaffirmation of the authentic teachings of the Council and the Popes and concludes:

[..]The doctrine of Transubstantiation of the bread and the wine and of Real Presence are truth of faith already evident in Sacred Scripture and then confirmed by the Fathers of the Church. In this regard, Pope Paul VI reminded that "the Catholic Church has not only always taught, but also lived the faith in the presence of the body and the blood of Christ in the Eucharist, adoring such a great Sacrament always with the cult of latria, which is due only to God"[…]

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Eucharistic Adoration.

    Just what we desperately need.

    It’s for everyone.

    But also for those with special vocations.

    Vocations, anyone?

  2. Deo volente says:

    Father Zuhlsdorf,

    Some time back, our Archdiocesan newspaper, The Catholic Review, in a very nice article, noted a direct correlation between those Parishes offering Perpetual Adoration with the number of candidates for the priesthood. This does not surprise me in the least. I pray that more Parishes consider this!


  3. Franzjosf says:

    I’m glad to see that the Holy Father used the T word. Of course he would, but it seems that in some circles it is studiouly avoided.

  4. ed says:

    we are so blessed by Pope Benedict he is amazing

  5. Ma Tucker says:

    Seems to me these are two very important paragraphs

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