Sts. Nunilo and Alodia, pray for us

I was delighted to receive a little book from a reader in Pamplona, Spain, about Saints Nunilo and Alodia.

Our saints, little girls, were 9th c. virgin martyrs in Huesca, Spain.  They were born to a Muslim father and Christian mother.  However, they chose their mother’s Christianity.

During the Emirate of Abd ar-Rahman II it came to pass that these little girls were executed as apostates according to Sharia law.


They were on my mind again as I had a conversation last evening which concerned the persecution of Christians in Egypt.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Clinton says:

    Here in the West, the persecutions taking place in Egypt are being described as “clashes”
    between Muslims and Coptic Christians. What is actually happening is that mobs of
    Muslims are targeting Christian Churches and neighborhoods, burning buildings and
    killing and injuring Christians. Recently, a mob of Muslims killed 12 Coptic Christians
    and torched a church whilst authorities declined to intervene. Over here, the violence was
    reported as ‘twelve die in Egypt in clashes between Muslims and Christians’.

    I do not understand why the party line for the MSM in this country seems to be to report
    on this persecution as though it were a rumble between the Jets and the Sharks, and ignore
    the fact that this is more a Kristallnacht for Egyptian Copts.

  2. David Homoney says:

    Wait a second I thought only Christians were persecuters and that Islam fostered tolerance and was the Religion of Peace. It must be yet another Catholic twisting of history. Had to have been. They would never kill someone for apostasy. They are the Religion of Pieces.

  3. James Joseph says:

    There will be many more of these little ones before the end.

  4. JKnott says:

    Last evening I was re-reading the first Epistle of John in preparation for Father’s weekly patristic instructions and it called to mind the martyrdom of our Christian brethren in the Mid-East.
    “Little children, love one another.” They are dying, not hating.
    I pray for them everyday.

  5. Penguins Hockey Fan says:

    God help me, but I can’t help thinking of Queen Isabel and King John Sobieski. They did not fool around with Muslims.

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