One of the best, attention-grabbing headlines I have see in a long time.

An alert reader pointed me to a post at the UK’s Daily Telegraph with one of the best, attention-grabbing titles I have see in a long time.

I’d go to church just to reduce the probability of spending eternity in Hell with Richard Dawkins

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. That is just a fantastic headline! Plenty of motivation for anyone to regularly take advantage of the Sacrament of Penance, right?

  2. AdamRules247 says:

    Dr Tim really does write a fantastic blog at the Telegraph.

  3. rob_piccoli says:

    You are absolutely right, that’s a great, attention-grabbing title. And as it was not enough, there are many other possible applications, in addition to the one mentioned in the title: just substitute Richard Dawkins with some other guy’s/gal’s name/surname … it might turn out to be a lot of interesting alternatives, say Sean Penn, George Soros, Dan Savage, Jay Carney, Dan Brown…

  4. disco says:

    I have to admit I thought the headline was referring to the host of family feud.

  5. PostCatholic says:

    Cometh now the hope of schadenfreude…


    What a great headline!

  7. irishgirl says:

    Yes, that is a great headline, indeed!
    Leave to the Brits to say something like that!

  8. digdigby says:

    And what other names would you add to the list? I see this joke in the context of Pascal’s wager.

  9. Brad says:

    This is offensive to God as well as uncharitable to the soul of RD, who may be languishing in purgatory right now, or may be in heaven. No one here needs a primer about how we will be very surprised who is in heaven, that is, from what depths of foolishness and sin our Lord’s blood can ransom.

  10. wmeyer says:

    Brad, RD may be languishing, but is very much still alive and kicking. He recently announced that he is actually agnostic.

  11. Random Friar says:

    @disco: Spending an eternity on the set of “Family Feud” would be Hell. One of the bottom circles, I believe, complete with laugh track.

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