D’ya s’pose these doves are unionized?

If, after this, the Holy Father gets so much as the sniffles, I am going to blame some people.


The combination of doves and Popes now makes me nervous. 

The late Holy Father’s swift and final decline began with that cold day in the window with that silly dove thing.  Requiescat.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Father Bartoloma says:

    Bird flu?!

  2. surge says:

    There was a certain charm about that occasion, the two young children, the doves that kept flying back inside, the late Holy Father being amused by things going wrong. But yes, that thought t thought also struck on that cold January morning, let it be hoped that a head cold is not the result.

  3. Diane says:

    Now, Fr. Z – God can protect anyone from anything, if He so desires. Our beloved John Paul the Great is not gone on account of a bird, I am certain. Rather, he has left us because Our Lord pulled his time card.


  4. Geoffrey says:

    I too loved that moment. It was very moving to see the late Holy Father express such joyful emotion in the midst of his immense physical suffering. He did the same when in the presence of children many times. Great pictures!

  5. RBrown says:

    Caption to the second picture

    Msgr Marini: Doves? My favorite bird. Latin liturgy? I love it. Germans? Smartest people in the world. Ad orientem? Let’s return to it.

    Whatever you want me to do, I’ll git er done. Whatever you want me to be, I’ll become it.

    But puuuuleeeeeese, don’t make me leave the Vatican.

  6. RBrown says:

    BTW, I just learned that an old friend, a fellow Convittore and a very good man, has become the chaplain to the Swiss guard.

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