I love this. Our own frequent participant Henry Edwards posted this relative to my entry and informal poll on whether or not images and statues are veiled after 1st Passion Sunday (5th Sunday of Lent):
I told a local pastor yesterday about the results of Fr. Z’s poll. He said “Let’s do it.” So my wife and I spent some time after Mass yesterday shopping on the Sabbath, looking for enough purple cloth for this purpose. (We found it, but not as easily as I’d have thought, not being a real aficionado of fabric shops.) We’ll be a bit late so far as Passion Sunday—well, Novus Ordo wise, it’s “only” the 5th Sunday of Lent—but in plenty of time for Palm Sunday (aka 2nd Sunday of Passiontide) and Holy Week. Comment by Henry Edwards
A simple suggestion, with some useful support, made a difference.
There are these days more and more priests who would reintegrate traditional practices. They need some encouragement and, frequently, ammunition.
This was a GREAT piece of news.
Three cheers for Henry, Henry’s wife, and the parish priest
This sounds like an example of,
“Save the liturgy, save the world.”
I think of that all the time now.
How very true. And also: great things can be accomplished with seemingly small resources. And it is always better to be positive and DO SOMETHING, than just gripe.
(I think Henry is Henricus but I’m not sure: I don’t have one of those dictionaries of Latin names so don’t have the inscription made in bronze yet).
Andrew: Are you aware of this resource: http://www.ipa.net/~magreyn/index.html#Record%20Interpreter (click “Latin Christian names with their English equivalents”). According to that, Henricus and Hendricus are both valid Latin versions of Henry.
Caveat: I don’t have the resources to evaluate the reilability of the information on that page.