PRAYERCAzT 10: 1st Sunday of Advent – 1962 Missale Romanum

Welcome to another installment of What Does the Prayer Really Sound Like? 

Today we will hear the prayers for the 1st Sunday of Advent in the 1962 Missale Romanum.  I speak all the prayers and readings and also sing the Collect and Post Communion prayers in the Solemn Tone.

I also have some more seasonal music and chant.


If priests who are learning to say the older form of Holy Mass can get these prayers in their ears, they will be able to pray them with more confidence. So, priests are my very first concern. 

However, these audio projects can be of great help to lay people who attend Holy Mass in the Traditional, or extraordinary form: by listening to them ahead of time, and becoming familiar with the sound of the before attending Mass, they will be more receptive to the content of the prayers and be aided in their full, conscious and active participation.

My pronunciation of Latin is going to betray something of my nationality, of course. Men who have as their mother tongue something other than English will sound a little different.  However, we are told that the standard for the pronunciation of Latin in church is the way it is spoken in Rome.  Since I have spent a lot of time in Rome, you can be pretty sure my accent will not be too far off the mark.

I deliver them at a slower pace than I would ordinarily during Mass.  But hopefully the pace will help you hear the words a little more clearly.

If this was useful to you, let your priest friends know this resource is available.  And kindly make a little donation using the donation button on the left side bar of the blog or or by clicking here.  This is a labor of love, but those donations really help.  And don’t forget to check out the PODCAzTs!

Pray for me, listen carefully, and practice practice practice.

Nota bene: With the beginning of a new liturgical year at the 1st Sunday of Advent, I will be evaluating whether or not I want to continue to do these audio projects based on the download statistics and feedback.  Good feedback and stats – PRAYERCAzTs – Bad feedback and stats – …. cf. Hamlet V.ii.363

I am not able to tell how many might be using this project from iTunes, but my podpress plugin is shows results for downloads.



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Jeff Pinyan says:

    The opening hymn (Veni Veni Emmanuel) is performed by “The King’s Singers” and is available on their album “Christmas”. I know this because I looked it up on iTunes. I particularly liked their rendition.

  2. Fr. Scott Bailey, C.Ss.R. says:

    Dear Father,

    Thank you for the time and effort you put into making these recordings of the prayers of the Mass. I know it is time consuming for you, but it is time well spent. You are helping so many of us to learn proper Latin pronunciation. Not only does this serve well for the Extraordinary Rite, but also for the Ordinary Rite in Latin. I hope you continue with these PRAYERCAzTs. I have found them to be tremendously helpful.

    With gratitude and the promise of remembrance before the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help,

    Fr. Scott Bailey, C.Ss.R.

  3. Fr P says:

    Dear Fr Z,
    As a Priest who has been ordained for only 12 years, I am most grateful for your pronunciations and singing for the extraordinary rite. As a priest of the “Vatican II” generation, the seminary training I received for the ordinary rite was limited and the use of latin was non existent. I had studied latin in college but as they say if you don’t use it you lose it. In my studying of the 1962 rubrics and missal for my private mass celebration and hopefully soon public celebrations, your podcastz has been helpful and reassuring to me. Many blessings to to you!
    Oremus pro invicem, FrP

  4. J.J. Spillane says:

    Thank you Father Z for this very well produced and useful resource. As a layman who is relatively new to the EF of the Holy Mass I have found it a great help.

    I do have a question that you or someone reading this may be able to help me with. I’m using the recently released Baronius Press (2007) version on the 1962 MR. In the case of the Introit, the Secret and the Post Communion they seem to have “cut off” the end of the prayers as spoken on your recording. It is clear that they have as they use ……… etc.

    I was wondering – is this because these are “well-known” parts or is it to save space (I can’t imagine that’s the case). It’s weird…..why would they not give the entire text??

    Forgive me if this is a very mundane question! Keep up the good work!

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