NYC new daily TLM

I had this from a reader:

Beginning Monday, November 30th there will be a new daily Low Mass (in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite) every weekday at 6:00 PM at the Church of the Holy Innocents in Manhattan.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Mitchell NY says:

    I know this Church and know they occasionally had a weekend (I think it was Satursay) Mass according to the 1962 Missal. Is there now a regular set time on Sunday for Mass in the Usus Antiquor at Holy Innocents? Any info would be appreciated.

  2. The Saturday 1 PM EF Mass has been a regular occurrence there for about a year and a half (the Mass was previously held at Our Lady of Good Counsel on E 90th & 1st Av on the Upper East Side). Maybe once or twice a month they would offer a Missa Cantata. In fact, with very little fanfare the first Ember Saturday Sung Masses in perhaps over a generation were celebrated there this past year.

    Here are links to some sound files from those two Ember Saturdays; as you will hear, it’s a wonderful place to experience a sung Mass:

    Saturday in Ember Week, Lent 2009
    Saturday in Ember Week / Octave of Pentecost 2009

    No word on a Sunday EF Mass at Holy Innocents, though the neighborhood is covered on Sunday by EF Masses at Our Saviour (Park and E 38th) at 9 AM and St. Agnes (E 43rd btwn 3rd and Lexington) at 11 AM.

  3. Mitchell NY says:

    Thanks for the update and I have been to St.Agnes many times since Our Lady does not offer it anymore..But the Latin Mass at Our Saviour is a Latin Novus Ordo I believe. I stand to be corrected if misinformed.

  4. James the Less says:


    The 9:00 Mass at Church of Our Saviour is TLM. It started about a year ago. The 11:00 Mass is Solemn Novus Ordo. Also, for the past two years there has been a Low Mass every Sunday at 8;30 a.m. in the Bronx – Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Belmont.

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