Are any registered users having a problem posting comments?

I received a note from a reader saying:

When I try to leave a comment in reply to someone else's comment, the box appears, but I'm not able to put my cursor in the box to type.  In the text box is the word 'null'.  Is anyone else having this problem?  Any suggestions or is this a WordPress issue?  I'm on Firefox 3.5.13.

The problem apparently lies with the new function allowing threaded or nested comments, whereby you can reply to individual comments creating their own thread.

I tried this and found a pesky "null" in the combox, after which I couldn't post anything.

I have turned off the threaded comments for now.

Anyone know how to fix this?  It would be nice to have the feature.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. jmvbxx says:

    Nope.  Posting just fine.

  2. shadowlands says:


  3. Andrew says:

    Posting, posting, posting

  4. poohbear says:

    seems to be working, but I had to click several times in the box before the cursor appeared

  5. ahcole says:

    I tried to post a comment early this morning (PST), but it has not yet appeared.  Perhaps a related issue?

  6. Sybilants…sybilants…

  7. nzcatholic says:

    Last night when commenting on a post I pushed the "post comment" button and it said " slow down you are posting too much" which is odd as I hardly post comments

  8. tzard says:

    This is a reply to a reply.

  9. Okay… how about now?   Make some Mystic Monk Coffee and get posting, to see if there is still a problem!

  10. czemike says:

    Posting seems to work just fine. The RSS feed is truncated, however. What's up with that?

  11. Henry Edwards says:


  12. TomB says:

    OK, now it looks like it's working … sent an e-mail since the "contact" link would not work either.  The difference this time is that there are no "reply" links to the other posts.

  13. pbewig says:

    I can write this comment, so everything looks fine.
    But when I click the login button just below the header, I am logged in to my profile, from which I can click to your dashboard, which you probably don't want me to see.

  14. danphunter1 says:

    Fine here Father.

  15. Henry Edwards says:

    Well, actually, I don't see it working. But the "Reply" feature that was not working has been removed.

    Apparently some of the posters above thought the difficulty was in posting. No, the difficulty was in replying to someone by means of a nested post.

  16. pelerin says:


  17. Henry Edwards says:

    I can write this comment, so everything looks fine.
    Again, there was never — so far as I know — any difficulty in posting a comment. The difficulty was in using the Reply feature (which I assume most commentors never even noticed) to post a "subcomment".

  18. Henry Edwards says:

    Which Reply feature now cannot be tested because, thankfully, it has been removed.

  19. Henry Edwards says:

    And finally, this
    Leave a Reply

    which you see above the "Leave a Comment" com box may be the reason most people thought we were talking about some problem in comment, rather than in posting a nested reply to a comment.

  20. Okay looking into the "null" issue.

  21. Keep in mind that I switch off the feature for the time being.

  22. Jacob says:

    I am the person who left the original comment about having problems.
    1. I tried again later last night to leave a comment in reply to another comment and was able to.  However, the comment box that appeared did not have any formatting buttons and was just a straight out box without the grey shaded field around it.
    2. I like threaded comments, being a somewhat old school messageboard/bbs user.  I hope this gets resolved and threaded comments return, but if not, that's okay too.

  23. Eoin Suibhne says:

    Testing 1, 2, 3…

  24. De Tribulis says:

    If this posts, I'm having no problems posting. :) I'm not seeing any Preview button though, even though there's a line of texts under the Post Comment button that suggests there should be one.

    The new banner is gorgeous and I like the new layout very much so far.

  25. profcarlos says:

    It seems I can reply perfectly well. On the other hand, after the Troubles, :)  the RSS feed only shows the first few lines of every entry. As my Internet connection (a GPRS connection through a directional antenna atop a bamboo pole, shared between 4 computers, in the Brazilian countryside) is veeeery slow and the blog has plenty of pictures and other heavy stuff, it takes a long time to read anything in the page itself. I would be glad if the full posts could come back to the RSS reader. Thanks in advance.

  26. C. says:

    No problems.
    <blockquote cite="Groovy!">Enjoying the new options</blockquote>

  27. C. says:

    Can't get those html tags and <a href="">attributes</a&gt; to work though.  And preview doesn't work either.

  28. JohnE says:

    and stuff

  29. Desertfalcon says:

    I have Ubuntu/Firefox and I can't use my spell-check/cut/past/copy/delete function when making a comment.  With the grey box and "styles, font, size, etc." function tabs above it, it will not let me use any of my OS systems mentioned.

  30. kat says:


    I think I can reply and post!

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