There were attacks today. I am not sure what kind. Perhaps generic.
In any event. The time has come for changes.
I have switched to the WP default theme for a bit while I ponder options.
I am told that a bigger machine is needed.
Frustrated with this, and would appreciate prayers.
NB: With this default theme, the right side bar has a large "gap" in it. Scroll down for more useful items.
If there is a WP theme designer out there…
I was wondering why the layout looked different…
Good luck with fixing your issues, Father!
Today’s Guardian newspaper is reporting hacking problems with Facebook. As problems started there Father, maybe they have grown from there. This is the link:
I am sorry to see that your blog has gone down, and I will pray that you up get it up and running as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for all that you do.
The CSS option is cheap and super easy to use. No java on the .com version, which is the one serious drawback. On the other hand, very few people have java script enabled these days. Side bar or posts column graphics can’t burst their boundaries or, depending on the theme, will cause gaps. Good luck.
Well, I’d suggest changing host, but really with hacking no blog hosting site is safe. Could you compose a novena to Saint Isadore against hackers, if there isn’t one already?
I am sorry this has happened. I hope it will be resolved without too much frustration.
I miss the hamster.
Ab omni contagione perniciosa hostis pestiferi libera hunc situm Domine.
Sorry you’re having all this trouble.
As my dad the WWII vet says — when you’re getting flak, you’re over the target.
It’s a trial attack. Fr. Z’s blog is the bell-weather of blogs about to face digital martyrdom. I’m off to batten the hatches on my web servers…
To say: “I am Lazarus, come from the dead,
Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all”—
(T.S. Eliot, Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock, 94-95)
I know what kind of attacks they were – the kind which issue forth from the demonic will of the evil one.
Father, I can help a little bit with the large “gap” problem.
It is due to your “Buy Fr. Z a cup of coffee!” widget. That widget contains style=”clear: both;” in its HTML near the bottom. Change “clear: both;” to “clear: none;” or temporarily disable the widget.
You just had to go to THE VORTEX…didnt you?
“…. I’d say that ice
Is also strong, and would suffice.”
In other words, yeah, the Devil is probably gunning for a lot of folks, but the World and the Flesh are probably sufficient to explain most malicious network assaults and break-ins.
I found you some anti-cracking saints, Father Z!
St. Pancras is against liars, headaches, and cramps, which covers both the basics of cracking and our reaction to it. Couldn’t find any saints against agony in the buttocks. :)
St. Nicholas and St. Leonard of Noblac are saints against bandits. St. Drausinus helps people become unbeatable in trial by combat. (Though that’s for God’s values, not ours — St. Thomas a Becket prayed at his tomb before going back to England and martyrdom. But anyway.)
Then of course there’s our standard digital saints, St. Isidore and St. Gabriel; and good ol’ St. Expeditus, much loved by procrastinators and programmers on a deadline.
pfreddys: You just had to go to THE VORTEX…didnt you?
As I mentioned to you by email, I’m a Joomla! developer. If you’re okay with migrating to Joomla! with your blog, I’d be happy to help you do that. WordPress can be very difficult to secure against a persistent attacker.
About that gap in the sidebar: looking at the html output from your server, I’m suspicious of
this tag
[div style=”clear: both;”][/div]
in the “buymebeer” widget.
(it’s > and < in the html, not ] and [, but then the preview looks wrong!)
I tried to access the blog earlier this morning and my ‘Safari’ told me that it couldn’t. So I came back an hour or so later, and I could.
I’m not much help ‘cyber-wise’, Father Z, but I hope that you get whatever is ‘bugging’ the blog solved soon. So I’ll just pray….
The devil’s pretty mad at you, isn’t he?
So it is not my computer’s fault that your blog looks funny? Good.
And good luck with it.
I must say it does not suprise me….the evil one is always at work,lets all say some Hail Mary’s………………………..
Am I the only person who noticed that the ‘alternative’ Facebook page for Fr. Z, in the absence of his own, seemed to imply that in the past, he was too ‘rigid’ and ‘doctrinaire’ in his posts, but lately he has become more moderate?
Hmmm….seems like you may have gotten a little too close to the Vortex, Father! Let’s just hope that we don’t hear is that NCR thinks you’ve ‘seen the light.’
Father – I’ll pray that your blog problems are easily resolved. Wish I was more PC savvy so that I could be of help.
George from redid Fr. Longnecker’s blog layout about a year ago and it looks really super. I have no idea what/if he charges, but he might be worth a contact.
Fr. Z., I absolutely love the new style. It has cleaned up your site a lot whereas the previous site took a bit to load (even with broadband). If you make any further changes, I hope you don’t replace some of those add-ons and sidebars….
In pace, benedicamus Domino!
-Kevin Symonds
This permutation (17:33:25 EDT) is pretty nice.
It makes for bigger print on my Palm Treo and thus is most appreciated.
The pictures are also larger and clearer.
The look is less cluttered than the legacy version.
I like the tags as well.
Have a good evening, everyone.
Fr. Jim
Just trying to figure out how the tags work.
Fr. Jim, friend of Eastern Blue Birds everywhere.
My prayers will be far more likely to be effective than any computer advice I could give, so consider the prayers for a speedy solution as underway.