From CNA:
North Dakota bishop leads procession at abortion clinic amid protests
Fargo, N.D., Sep 29, 2010 / 12:51 am (CNA).- In time for the upcoming Respect Life Month of October, Bishop Samuel Aquila of Fargo, North Dakota presided over an annual Mass and led a procession over 700 people to a local abortion clinic last Saturday, encountering oppositional protestors for the first time.
The Diocese of Fargo estimated that on Saturday, 700 to 800 people from St. Mary’s Cathedral processed to the local Red River Women’s Clinic, North Dakota’s only abortion facility in downtown Fargo. Director of Communications for the diocese Tanya R. Watterud told CNA that Bishop Aquila led the procession several blocks, carrying a monstrance with Blessed Sacrament and also sprinkling the clinic with holy water amidst pro-abortion demonstrators.
During his homily at the Mass preceding the procession, Bishop Aquila stated that the purpose of the event was “to give witness to the gift of life and particularly the dignity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death.”
“Even reason and science would point to the truth that life begins at the moment of conception,” he noted. “For those who are unbelievers, they can come to know the truth of the dignity of human life through both reason and science.”
“We must also, when speaking of abortion, speak the truth about it,” and refrain from using terms such as “interruption of pregnancy” or “only a mass of cells.”
“Every time a child is aborted it is murder and it is important for us to call it by its proper name.” Individuals, he added, should not use the “politically correct language” of the media but “speak the truth and to speak it clearly.”
He then encouraged those present to pray for the gift of fortitude “to be those people who constantly remind our society and remind others that life is a gift…that every human being created is created in the image and likeness of God from the moment of conception…that every human being has the right to life.”
The bishop also explained that the holy water that would be used to sprinkle the facility showed “prayers for purification…in terms of reparation for what happens there because, ultimately, it is the murder of unborn that takes place there.”
Watterud told CNA that later at the procession following the sprinkling, Bishop Aquila again took the monstrance into his hands and continued back to the Cathedral, while parishioners in attendance prayed the Rosary while walking.
God bless them all abundantly.
Pray for the pro abortion people too, that the Holy Spirit will open their eyes and hearts to the terrible things they are doing and/or supporting.
A true fisher of men. It is nice to see a Bishop truely lead his people!
Bravo to the Bishop-a true shepherd leading his people!
¡ Viva Bishop Acquila !
Aquila victrix. His Excellency is well named.
God bless the good Bishop!
Very well, but “even reason and science point to the truth[…]”?
This is awesome. I’ve prayed at the abortion facilities before and have wished for such a procession to take place on site. Tthe Blessed Sacrament in the environment must have inflicted so much pain to the demons that reside at that place and given graces to those present. I would like to ask if our own bishop could do the same thing as this bishop.
What a powerful picture. It gave me goosebumps. Jesus *was there*!! God bless this bishop.
It would be interesting to know how many Bishops have prayed in front of the Abortion Clinics. I know Bishop Finn & Archbishop Naumann have been at a Mother’s Day Rosary event at one of the larger clinics in KC. Are other readers Bishops ever praying at the clinics?
Fargo just got on my list of cities I’d like to live in.
Pewpew: You don’t think so?
@John 6:54–His Excellency, Bishop Frank Dewane of the Diocese of Venice in Florida prays at the local Planned Parenthood with other pro-lifers regluarly. Most recently, he took part in a prayer vigil on the one year anniversary of the start of surgical abortions at the site. He has certainly been a staunch supporter of the pro-life cause, and I pray that he and his brother bishops, like Bishop Aquila, be given the fortitude to continue to stand up for life!
AJDS: I do, what I mean is of course science and reason lead to the Truth. “Even” sounds like it usually doesn’t .
Was in the procession. It was awesome…it was also surreal facing down the abortionists during the prayers…I kid you not they appeared demonic to me at one point….
I have had the pleasure of meeting Bishop Aquilla. In fact, he was my spiritual director during an eight-day Ignatian retreat. I’m not surprised to see this at all. He’s a very holy, reverent and devout priest.
John 6:54,
Archbishop Carlson of St. Louis, (Cardinal Rigali when he was Abp. of St. Louis), and Bishop Paprocki of Springfield, IL have lead processions and prayer services outside of the baby slaughterhouses. Our bishop has not lead one yet, I pray that he does lead one soon down at the slaughterhouse in East St. Louis.
Initially, I was amazed. I still am, and I remain positively jubilant for (and a bit jealous of) the Church of Fargo. Then I got thinking, why should this be unusual? Let Bp. Aquila’s example become the standard, a call to arms to his brother Bishops, especially on these shores. It is so encouraging to see this. I quite literally could’ve cried reading this story. May God bless him and his community abundantly.
Archbishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit has led prayer vigils at abortion clinics. Here’s a picture of one of them. (Hes the one holding the walkie-talkie.
An excellent display of faith-in-action!
But, I must admit that I thought at first the picture was a joke. At first glance, Bishop Aquila resembles Rudy Guiliani! I almost spit my coffee onto my computer screen.
Rudy once considered becoming a priest and, had he been ordained, probably would have become a bishop, all the while secretly lusting to be Pope!
Lori, how often does the Archbishop do so? I would love to participate in such a thing, and take along all of my kids. Perhaps grab some of our friends with large families, and show those murderers what they’re really doing, who they’re really killing. 5 families, we’d bring close to 30 kids, doubling those pictured ;)
Guess I need to check the AOD website more often.
Pewpew, you said, “Very well, but “even reason and science point to the truth[…]“? ”
But finish the sentence: “that life begins at the moment of conception”
Of course. If there were no conception, why would the woman pay hundreds of dollars to be “relieved” of it? As to the character of the conception, humans don’t beget dogs, horses, cats, goldfish or anything else. They beget human beings. But of course, everyone who enters those doors knows that. It’s why the place exists in the first place.
Use your reason. It’s why God gave it to you.
As for Bp Aquila and the parishoners who accompanied him, I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. I’m amazed and impressed. Bravo!
MatthewSiekierski says:
30 September 2010 at 4:23 pm
Lori, how often does the Archbishop do so?
I don’t know, Matthew. There was at least one other occasion, right after he became Archbishop — I remember seeing a picture of that one also on the blog I linked to. I’m not from the Detroit area. But I am sort of interested in that blog!