Here are some convenient links to recent posts, including some that have scrolled off the first page:
- WDTPRS Collect 23rd Ordinary Sunday – from bondage to true freedom
- St. Moses, prophet
- WDTPRS: Collect 15th Sunday after Pentecost: hard sailing to our safe port
- REVIEW: “Crucifixion” by artist Daniel Mitsui
- REVIEW: New, old book of Prayers and Meditation of Card. Newman
- NYC- Manhattan – September TLM news
- QUAERITUR: Can a priest say Mass alone?
- WY Carmelite Monks: efforts to block their monastery
- A glimpse into planning for liturgy!
- In search of … THE VORTEX [DANGER]
- NCR’s latest Magical Liturgical Mystery Tour
- Connection of liturgical abuse and abuse of minors?
- MUGS GONE WILD: New Translation Coffee Mug
- A Mystic Monk Memo
- What happens when you break one of those over-sized Hosts.
- Archbp. of Westminister’s aide calls Britain ‘hedonistic wasteland…geopolitical epicentre of the culture of death’
- QUAERITUR: Swiss Eucharistic Prayer
- QUAERITUR: self-communication from the chalice
- WDTPRS POLL: sanctuary design for Pope Benedict’s visit to England
- Looking again at “active participation”
- Wholly Ours
Also, I hope that you will try some Mystic Monk Coffee. They roast and sell coffee to support their community. As you use it up, by refreshing your stores using my link, you help them and you help me as well.
- REVIEW: Mystic Monk Coffee
- Pounds and Grounds and Compounds
Furthermore, Penjing adds…