It looks as if the openly homosexual Episcopalian bishop Gene Robinson is going to resign.
I suspect he will not be joining a Ordinariate of Anglicanorum coetibus.
It seems that Robinson wants more time with his “husband”.
I guess that was a social engineering experiment that didn’t work so well.
I’ll now go wash.
I think the experiment worked superbly – from the viewpoint of those who supported it.
It has normalized the idea of homosexual bishops in the Episcopal church.
It has split the Anglican Communion.
It has put paid to any chance of a corporate reunion with more orthodox ecclesial bodies.
Now it is time for the erstwhile Bishop Robinson to move on – to a permanent stipendary position on the speaker and Oprah circuit.
We’ll have to hear him whine for years now – unless we are so fortunate that he decides to take a long walk in the desert like his predecessor, Bishop Pike.
Along the same lines, but on a different point:
I’ve often thought that concerning the issue of “married priests”, there is a major problem that is always overlooked. The problem isn’t “what to do about married priests”, but “what to do about DIVORCED priests” (and that WOULD happen!). The hectic and stress-filled life of a priest (I’m making this evaluation based on talking with many priests…I’m not one myself!) would be setting up a situation where you would have to deal with divorce in the priesthood. What a mess that would be! What would they say to the Tribunal? “I didn’t understand the nature of the Sacrament”?
The Episcopalians found out about the Law of Unintended Consequences in this case. There is something to be said about the “homosexual lifestyle” being incompatible with religious life. That sounds so obvious when you write it out!
As I mentioned elsewhere, my guess is his retirement announcement is like the rock bands like the Who and the Rolling Stones announcing farewell tours. They announced them years ago, but there Roger Daltry and Pete Townsend were at the Superbowl croaking out tired hits.
I guess you could take that up with Cardinal Husar, Patriarch Gregory III, Patriarch Antonios, Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III, Catholicos Baselios, Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX, Cardinal Delly, Cardinal Vithayathil, Major Archbishop Muresan, and the other heads of the Eastern Catholic Churchs who have had married priests for centuries.
I read the article and at the end, I was sad. I have a gay brother who has a “husband”… both are very, very loud atheists. It’s a weddings and funerals relationship, mainly because the anti-Catholicism in their words has become so loud in the past couple years. I suppose the whole thing is echoes of that pain for me. Just sadness……
No matter how I feel about the whole thing … death threats, when I read death threats in the article… we have to be better than that, I think….. Just sadness…..
Just my thoughts.
Swamp Rabbit,
Don’t worry. 99 and 94/100ths of the death threats liberal drama queens receive are bogus. No police reports, no investigations. Ol’ Vicki is just positioning himself as a “Victim”.
I know that, and the “death threats” are spread across the spectrum, I’m just saying is all….
The whole thing makes me sad…..
The man did what he set out to do-irrevocably change the Episcopalian church. He must feel that he has not have to continue being the “poster boy” for the homosexual agenda in that church.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
It was Vicki Gene and his agenda that finally got my husband off the dime and into the Catholic Church!
Unfortunately, Robinson was simply the first homosexual Episcopal clergyman to be ill-bred enough to make a public issue of his sexual proclivities and tear the denomination apart. The Episcopalians have many, many homosexual clergy, more or less open but not shouting it from the housetops a la Robinson. I am sorry to say that our local Piskie cathedral is a well known pickup spot for the homosexual crowd. At one point it was even on Craigslist. And the only reason you don’t hear about molestation of teenage altar boys and choirboys is that the liberal media don’t think it’s newsworthy, since the Episcopalians are on THEIR side.
An appropriate adjective. I’m guessing that’s an adjective anyway. :) Probably not in the dictionary.
There is an Episcopal Clergyman working at my place of business who is married with kids. He’s a really good Christian person. I am often tempted to ask him about the situation in his Church. I don’t know how to do that in a way the guarantees I won’t give offense so I keep my big mouth shut. I can’t imagine working as hard as he had to have done to become a clergyman with a family and all, and then have to deal with this nonsense. Of course our good priests have had to do something similiar because of the pedophilia scandal. God help us !!
Another reason there’s no mention of molestation in Episcopal churches is many, many families have fled out of the church in the past few years. Before I swam the Tiber, my parish had NO teens. I was sometimes the youngest in attendance at Eucharist (48yo). Most poor souls just hope things don’t become too much more outrageous before they die. Most have little or nothing in common with the homosexualists, but they are held by inertia and their need to be their own pope/magisterium.
\\I guess you could take that up with Cardinal Husar, Patriarch Gregory III, Patriarch Antonios, Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III, Catholicos Baselios, Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX, Cardinal Delly, Cardinal Vithayathil, Major Archbishop Muresan, and the other heads of the Eastern Catholic Churchs who have had married priests for centuries.\\
I know several divorced Orthodox priests.
Not every woman can stand the burden of being a priest’s wife.
I also didn’t know that Robinson left behind a wife and two children. You would hope that even among those who accept homosexuality, such shameful behavior who make someone unworthy of being bishop. And then to find he denies the resurrection and the Virgin birth! It almost makes me appreciate my bishop.
Actually “Bishop” Robinson is to be congratulated. He is the best recruiter the Catholic Church has. He just delivered us 5 Anglican bishops. Thankyou!