Cardinalatial eye-candy

NLM has posted some screen captures of the ceremony of the creation of the new cardinals S.R.E. (Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae).

Here two that will be favorites for a long time:

Card. Burke

How nice not to have to say “soon-to-be” Cardinal Burke.

And… Cardinal Ranjith:

I am happy for the whole Church.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Central Valley says:

    Happy beyond words. Thanks be to GOD!

  2. J Kusske says:

    At last! Te Deum laudamus!

  3. Prof. Basto says:

    Nice! May God bless the new Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church.

    The return of the silver trumpeters to the papal ceremonies is also appreciated.

  4. Prof. Basto says:

    Cardinals Burke and Ranjith are indeed favorites, Father. But in that category we must not forget to give thanks also for the elevation of good Cardinal Bartolucci.

  5. Ed the Roman says:

    Dicamus “woo-hoo”.

  6. I will sleep better tonight knowing that Raymond Cardinal Burke and Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith will be in the next Conclave and may it be MANY YEARS in the future and may they live many years too!

  7. Moscatelli says:

    … and Velasio Cardinal de Paolis ordered deacons (Franciscans of the Immaculate) according to the Extraordinary Form just a few weeks ago. Deo gratias!

  8. acroat says:

    Cardinal Burke….a day to rejoice…a blessing to the Church.

  9. Maltese says:

    Ahh, Cardina Ranjith. Amazing that he wrote a laudatory introduction to this (Vatican Council II; a Much Needed Discussion) polemical (if not incendiary) work! Cardinal Burke, too, is very friendly to trads. So, I agree Fr. Z, two fine choices indeed!

  10. Maltese says: (my link, supra, strangely piggy-backed onto Fr. Z’s web link; many apologies)

  11. Supertradmum says:

    May Our Dear Virgin Mother watch over these good cardinals and bless them with more wisdom.

  12. TJerome says:

    Two very fine men, indeed. Deo Gratias!

  13. irishgirl says:

    Te Deum Laudamus for the new Princes of the Church….especially these two, Cardinal Burke [isn’t that cool to ‘finally’ say that?] and Cardinal Ranjith!
    I can see a nice smile on the Holy Father’s face in the second photo!
    Woo Hoo!

  14. That sucker made me cry like no tomorrow. Especially when Cardinal Bartolucci made it up the stairs with some help from a deacon, but also when the Pope gave the red hat to the current Archbishop of Munich and Freising, and when they showed a pope’s eye view of the Tomb hole.

    Cardinal Wuerl looked very happy and pleased, but it worries me that he got the original St. Peter in Chains as his titular church. I mean, it’s sort of like getting a warning from the pope to expect trouble, or at least it’s the sort of titular church to make you think hard about life. Maybe it’s an encouragement to be brave.

  15. Semper Idem says:

    Cardinal Wuerl’s titular church is the same one as Leo Cardinal Suenens. Interesting.

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