I have been getting more and more email messages from people with requests for prayers, many of them for serious problems. It seems to me that they are increasing in number.
I have said this before, but it bears repeating for newcomers.
When I get these messages – I usually don’t write back (I wish I had a secretary for blog stuff) but I do stop and say a prayer, at that moment. Some graver requests I jot down for my daily rosary and I remember people at the Memento of the living or of the dead during Mass. And a constant intention is “for those who whom I promised to pray”, in case I forget. I think we should avoid turning “I’ll pray for you” into an empty platitude. If you say it, do it.
That said: May I ask your prayers for a specific important intention of my own.
Also, since it has been a while, for benefactors out there who have donated or sent things, I will say Mass for your intention on Wednesday morning.