First… this deeply offensive development:
NCR’s very first “Person of the Year”: Sr. Carol Keehan
Happy New Year of Salvation 2011!
What were the biggest stories of 2010?
- QUAERITUR: Stole over chasuble, or “What part of ‘extirpetur’ does Your Excellency not understand?”
- AD RAMOS! Three former Anglican bishops received into Roman Church… ORDINATION TO FOLLOW!
- WDTPRS: Epiphany (2002MR): becoming what we encounter
- “Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell” and the CDF
- WDTPRS: Mary, Mother of God (2002MR): comparison of versions
- Another Vatican website quirk concerning Summorum Pontificum
- Pages removed from Vatican’s online 1960 “Acta Apostolicae Sedis”: Rubrics of Breviary and Missal
- Kathryn Jean Lopez on MTV’s pro-teen abortion reality show
- QUAERITUR: Can I continue to be an Extraordinary Minister of Communion?
- QUAERITUR: Ember Days with the Novus Ordo
- You say “wherever” and I say “everywhere”…
- Interview with Jeffrey Tucker about liturgical music
- Tulsa – 24-26 Jan: workshop for priests on the Ministry of Exorcism
- QUAERITUR: Can we be godparents to the child of followers of the SSPX?
- “I don’t go to Mass because…”
I ask your continued prayers for something important.