With an enthusiastic biretta tip o{]:¬) to His Hermeneuticalness, I share this very cool information for your consideration.
Splendid collection of scanned books
Don Paco of the Ite ad Thomam blog, has scanned hundreds of volumes for the Ite ad Thomam Out-of-Print Library. The amazing collection includes many text books would help you to earn that “Unreconstructed Ossified Manualist” mug: there are some real gems there. As well as the works of St Thomas, there is also Mansi’s Sacrorum Conciliorum and the entire Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique to give just a couple of examples.
The files come with a request for donations – $10 per file or $500 for the whole collection.
I appreciate Fr. Finigan’s mention of the Unreconstructed Ossified Manualist mug!
Put some Mystic Monk coffee in it!
Then vote for WDTPRS today and every day until the voting is over (soon).
Then sign the Summorum Pontificum Petition.
I just thought I would get some of these in and give you all a few things to do.