Catholic New Media Awards: Voting is still OPEN.

The great Catholic New Media Awards are going on now!

Will you please give WDTPRS your support?

We are in these categories:

  • Best Blog by a Cleric
  • Best Blog by a Man
  • Best Produced Podcast

There are lots of other interesting categories as well and some very fine bloggers and Catholic websites represented.  I must say I was surprised that some obvious choices were missing from some of the categories… but… oh well.   It would be great if you could ensure they have a big turn out!

I especially wanted to give some support to Creative Minority Report and Badger Catholic and the Catholic Underground podcasts and iPadre.

I also learned about a few new blogs and sites I hadn’t seen before.

Give the CNM awards your support!

Click HERE and vote today!  Voting is open until 26 August.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Martial Artist says:


  2. APX says:

    Best blog by a man??? Sounds kinda sexist, dontcha think? Lol!

    Vote en route as soon as I’m back home to an actual computer.

  3. ray from mn says:

    I’ve been blogging for six years and reading blogs for longer than that. Most of the nominees I never heard of and there were some strange absences. I don’t think I got the nominations notice and perhaps it didn’t go to all the “usual suspects.” Or maybe I’m getting to be too old.

  4. shane says:

    Anytime I try voting (for this blog of course) it keeps bringing me back to the “Please register to submit your nomination or vote” even though I have already registered and logged-in.

    Anyone else having this problem?

  5. janetinSanDiego says:

    Shane: Check your email. That’s what happened to me, and they sent me a computer-generated password, which I just pasted into the page that their link sent me to, and I was able to vote. Sounds convoluted, but it seemed to work.

    Voted Fr Z. All glory to God no matter what. Hope you win in all your categories, Father.

  6. frjim4321 says:

    … a tough call but will give it some thought…

    In terms of volume of traffic and breadth of content there is a LOT to be said for this offering. Probably in most years this should be the top selection, WAY more than an honorable mention.

    That being said in terms of what is going on in the church this year and in view of the important contribution awr @ PTB has made, he might have the upper hand.

    This is NOT to detract from this blog which is far superior to many others of its ilk. Yet, awr unlike any other person and PTB unlike any other site has provided the unvarnished truth about the genesis of the Vox Clara 2010 product, and for that he deserves recognition.

  7. PhillipE says:

    I voted for you Fr. Z and then linked to the page on my Facebook and told my friends to vote for you as well!

  8. Mrs. Bear says:


  9. Thanks Father! They should have a “Best at Infuriating the Fishwrap” category as well.

  10. old_sage says:

    Yeah, the voting site is pretty clunky to use. Strange wording for the “You’ve already voted” message: “I’m sorry, you’ve already voted. Please try again next year”. Hope I’ll be around then!

  11. poohbear says:

    Anytime I try voting (for this blog of course) it keeps bringing me back to the “Please register to submit your nomination or vote” even though I have already registered and logged-in.

    I am having the same problem. I did follow the directions from the email, it shows I’m logged in, but can’t vote :(

    Will be sending them an email and hope it gets fixed.

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