Here is the graphic Rich Santorum mentioned in his “victory speech”.
The graphic represents the size and composition of the entourages of the GOP candidates in Iowa.
Santorum’s campaign is at the bottom…. of the graphic, that is.
From my phone from off the very page:
Father, I believe this may be of better resolution:
Tonight I was flipping channels in my hotel room and I wasn’t able to find Fox News for coverage of the Iowa Caucus, and so I happened to find myself in the unhappy situation of having to listen to CNN for a time to follow events. I find it truly interesting how Catholics are by and large, deliberately or otherwise, completely ignored by liberal-leaning media outlets. Much ado was made over Evangelicals voting in Iowa for Santorum, yet one of the top candidates for the the conservative Catholic vote is Rick Santorum, along with Ron Paul. Not a single mention of the Catholic vote in the entire time I was watching which granted wasn’t that long; I just find it interesting. Especially since Santorum is Himself Catholic, as well as Newt Gingrich (maybe, sorta, kinda).
Remember you can’t “count on the Catholiv Vote” and CNN has an agenda to push and eyeballs to keep, so they are looking to make comments that will resonate with an audience that will ideally self select or at least identify a hashtag for itself and if needs be attempt to manipulate it. Certainly not peculiar to CNN but that’s how you justify reissuing airtime purchase rate cards.
In Iowa, Santorum got the Evangelical vote as well, which helped him a lot. Iowa Catholics, are for the most part, Democrats and liberals.
Supertradmom is right most of my fellow Catholics here are liberal Democrats.
Every year at the Vigil for Life at the National Basilica they have an area taped off for dignitaries, politicians, and other “VIPs”. Last year Newt Gingrich was the only person sitting in that section.
I think it would be interesting to see who everyone’s second choice would be — especially of those who weren’t in the top 3 in Iowa.
There is no mention of the Catholic vote because it does not exist in the same way the evangelical vote does, Catholics all vote for different candidates depending on their political leanings, religion does not come into it for a large percentage of Catholics, something the Bishops need to figure out how to change imo.
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