Have some good news?

Hearing about the good news other people have can lift everyone’s spirits.

Have some good news?

While you are ponder that…

… please refresh your supply of …

If you haven’t tried it yet, try the Monk’s Four Favorites.

And a grinder.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Friars of the Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, sing the Regina Coeli.

    (from left to right: fr. Rothmans (pastor), fr. Vinicius and fr. Marcio)

  2. kab63 says:

    We have tried for many years to arrange a way for my 80 year old parents living in a neighboring state to move near us. The house next door to us is now reasonably priced for sale, and my parents have a motivated buyer for their own house. Formalities and contracts remain, but we are very hopeful. The intervention of St. Joseph has, as always, been invaluable.

  3. dhgyapong says:

    Our good news here in Canada is that parishes and groups across Canada (small parishes and groups, yes, but a hardy remnant!) of the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada’s pro-diocese of Our Lady of Walsingham will be received into the Catholic Church into their respective Catholic dioceses on April 15, Divine Mercy Sunday, or soon after.

    We will become parishes-in-waiting to form the Canadian deanery of St. John the Baptist of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter under Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson.

    The ACCC is a Church of the Traditional Anglican Communion. It was originally one province with one diocese, but split into two dioceses late last year to accommodate those of us who want to join an Ordinariate immediately. Two of our ACCC bishops and about 2/3 of her clergy will be making this move. None have received a nulla osta from the Holy See; all are leading their flocks into the Church because it is the right thing to do. Our clergy have put their very identities and livelihoods on the altar.

    We have begun a Eucharistic fast in anticipation of our April 15 home-coming.

    Thank you, Pope Benedict XVI for Anglicanorum coetibus! Thank you for making it possible for us to come into the Church bringing with us our beautiful liturgy, hymnody, and other aspects of Anglican patrimony.


  4. Bea says:

    We received our tax refund yesterday and I was able to pay some outstanding debts.
    Maybe I can get my Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi bumper stickers and mugs sooner than I thought

  5. Melody Faith says:

    Baby girl twins are happy and healthy, 4 months old on Friday. During the pregnancy, we had a hard time with names, but finally decided on Gemma Grace and Lily Marie, with some ideas about the meaning and some overlap of saints (Mary, Joseph, Gemma Galgani) I finally got around to reading a biography of St Gemma and some additional meanings have emerged. I found out she is sometimes called the Lily of Lucca, she had a special spiritual connection with St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (my confirmation name is Gabrielle) and the Passionist order of which they are associated has for its symbol is a flaming heart (our other child is named Cora). I am feeling rather “looked after” by a saint I had not known, grateful and unworthy by the attention and the assistance .

  6. Mom2301 says:

    For the past few weeks our parish priest has been quoting from the National catholic Reporter during his homilies. This of course is not good news. The good news is that this week his homily was centered completely on utilizing the beautiful sacrament of reconciliation. He said that we should NEVER be afraid to come to Jesus in confession because the Father did not send Jesus into the world to condemn it, but rather for salvation. Jesus will not condmn us but will heal us if we seek him in this sacrament. He finished his homily reminding us all to “just go”.

  7. JonPatrick says:

    Last year we put up a bluebird box and today a bluebird showed up and appeared to be doing some serious house shopping. I hope he brings his spouse and decides to stay!

  8. Rose in NE says:

    His Excellency, Bishop Alexander Sample, from the Diocese of Marquette, Michigan ordained seven young men to the transitional diaconate this past Saturday at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary (FSSP). One of those young men is from our parish.

  9. tzard says:

    My wife and I are having our 20 th wedding anniversary this week.

  10. tealady24 says:

    Yes, I love thinking about starting this week with St. Joseph and ending it with our Blessed Mother! It doesn’t get much better than that! :)

  11. Kerry says:

    At the Sunday Vespers yesterday at end of the Forty hours vigil, there were some thirty altar servers, several permanent Deacons and a dozen Priests. The observance started with Palestrina sung by the school Schola, vespers were, (of course), chanted in Latin, and ended with the Litany to St. Agnes and procession of the Blessed Sacrament inside the church to Pange Lingua Gloriosi Corporis Mysterium. (Brought tears to my eyes.)

  12. Melchisedech says:

    Good news from the Midwest. I recently visited the FSSP seminary in Neb, initially for a nice quiet retreat during break from college. Great group of guys there! The academics is astounding; the professors are absolutely brilliant. Until now, I had only really considered going into the diocesan priesthood, but after visiting the FSSP, I am really considering applying with them! Wonderful people, a wonderful place, wonderful education, and wonderful liturgy. What more could a man ask??!

  13. Margaret says:

    I had a positive pregnancy test last week. I am cautiously delighted (readers who have had previous miscarriages will understand.) Prayers that the lil’ one survives and thrives and joins the nine older sibs at home would be most appreciated.

  14. Marine Mom says:

    My husband and I are celebrating our 36 year wedding anniversary today. We have already enjoyed a zeppoli. St Joseph pray for us.

  15. Centristian says:

    Father Z’s Swag Store had just the sort of unique and inexpensive gifts I needed for an upcoming gifting occasion. And here I was worried I would have to look high and low for something just right. Keep Calm and WDTPRS.com.

  16. Sissy says:

    Helen Alvere’, a brilliant law professor at George Mason Law School, is having success with an effort to mobilize women against the HHR mandates. It’s called Women Speak for Themselves, and it’s starting to get some national attentional. Here’s the site for women who would like to learn more:

  17. Kat says:

    Tomorrow our brand new firstborn baby boy will be two weeks old!

  18. acardnal says:

    I wish I lived where you do!

  19. One of these days I’ll be able to say that my good news is my Baptism :) and my conversion to the Catholic Church.

  20. Sissy says:

    I second that JonathanCatholic; I’m living for the day that I can share that good news!

  21. acardnal says:

    We all need to keep folks like JonathanCatholic and Sissy in our prayers. Converts are often the most on-fire, enthusiastic and evangelical Catholics out there and can be a real gift to the Church Christ founded 2000 years ago.

  22. APX says:

    I had a rather efficacious Confession on Saturday.

    I also avoided a physical altercation in the parking lot on st. Patrick’s day when some guy was of the strong opinion I stole his parking spot, this found the need to threaten to smash my car and park his big SUV behind it so I couldn’t get out. Rather than react and engage him further I just walked away from him and called the police to deal with it. Eventually, when he realized that he wasn’t getting anywhere, he just left.

  23. Liz says:

    A lovely young lady from our church entered the JMJ Carmelites this morning.

  24. cornelius74 says:

    After four days in the Holy Land, the pilgrim group from our parish of Assumption of Virgin Mary in Prague, Czech Republic, is going to visit the Old City in Jerusalem tomorrow and on Wednesday. Tomorrow we shall pray and walk the Calvary, and I want to assure you, Father Z. and all you wdtprs-niks that I will include you into our intentions. If anyone here has a special thing to pray for here in Jerusalem, please say it here, and it will be remembered in our prayers.

  25. cornelius74 says:

    And one more thing, actually. At today’s Mass, at the Visitation Church in Ein Kerem, we took use of the beautiful marble rails there and… received our Lord kneeling! Truth is, some members of our group were a bit surprised, that there IS another way to receive than the “usual”, but in the end everybody was happy. Encouraging.

  26. KAS says:

    Well lets me see. My first grandchild was baptized today. I’m both grandma and godmother since my daughter couldn’t think of anyone else to be godparent. I’m happy to have an extra excuse to give faith themed gifts!

    Also, my five week old is growing pretty well. We are excited about him and named him for his grandfather and great grandfather. I’m waiting for my chosen godparents to get their paperwork in before setting the date for his baptism.

    I love baptisms!

  27. K_Suzanne says:

    I found out recently that I’ve been selected to present my paper on the relevance of Gregorian Chant to the modern-day Catholic at UNIV Congress in Rome during Holy Week! Prayers please, that the Holy Spirit may speak through me and help my audience come to a deeper love for Christ in the Liturgy! I have a post about my paper, with a link to the full text, available on my blog, which you can find by clicking on my name.

  28. acardnal says:

    @K Suzanne:
    Please keep us apprised of your Rome journey and experiences. Good luck!

    Also, I read your abstract. Perhaps you know the answer to this question. Did St. Patrick of Ireland influence Pope Gregory in development of Gregorian chant? My parish priest mentioned that last Saturday during his homily on the Memorial of St. Patrick. He said the Irish were using chant during Mass in the 5th Century and that this somehow reached Gregory who took advantage of it. What say you?

  29. pm125 says:

    Planting season. Lettuce seeds into the cold frame (on an 80 degree day). Dahlia tubers buried in (very dry) ground. Aids keeping a grip on reality.
    Prayer season. Things are off balance. Blog picture is fitting: dark world and light where Light is protected. God hears our prayer. Aids keeping a grip on reality.

  30. Panterina says:

    Our three year old son was in the hospital. He received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and started to feel better soon afterwards. How awesome is that?

  31. xsosdid says:

    My schedule (mostly of volunteer stuff) has significantly lightened up for a bit so I will have a little more time in joyful relaxation doing things like reading Fr Z!

  32. It is my name day today…And will successfully bake a cake tomorrow in honor of my patronal feast day.

  33. ceich says:

    We got a new parochial vicar (to help our pastor who is becoming vocations director and chaplain of the local Catholic HS). He’s a member of the Missionaries of Faith congregation, from India.

  34. pinoytraddie says:

    A Saturday Confession Counts as Good News!

  35. Kypapist says:

    On Friday Mary 23, at 4:30p.m. the Society of Our Lady of the Assumption Oratory of St. Philip Neri will be established by Archbishop Dennis Schnurr at Old St. Mary’s Church in Cincinnati. He will invest our Parochial Vicar Fr. Lawrence Juarez and two seminarians. Please pray ardently that this foundation will produce countless vocations and inspire in all its members and in all those blessed to come into contact with it, ineffable holiness.

  36. Supertradmum says:

    It is spring in France and beautiful. I have met more educated traditional Catholics here in five days than in Ireland in three months. There is a desperate need for adult catechesis in Ireland and England. Pray for such. But, the best news are the numbers of young men in their twenties turning back to traditional Catholicism, including the Tridentine Mass. Praise God.

  37. AnnAsher says:

    Prayers have been offered for Margaret and the new little one.

    We do not owe the IRS thousands of dollars as they asserted, is my good news. In addition it is Spring and not one family member had the flu this year; we suffered only one mild cold virus. Hallelujah !

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