Mike Malloy (liberal radio talk-show host) calls Pope “Nazi scum” and all Catholics “child-raping sons of bitches”

Here is something I saw on CMR:

Lib Radio Host: “Scum, Nazi Pope.”

Remember when everyone in the media lit their torches and sharpened their pitchforks for Rush Limbaugh for calling a woman who wanted the Catholic Church to pay for her contraception a “slut.”

But last week a liberal radio host in discussing the Hilary Rosen/Ann Romney story, called Catholics “child-raping sons of bitches” and then dropped the “Nazi scum” moniker on Pope Benedict XVI. But oddly,this outburst has hardly caused a ripple among the powers that be.

According to Google News, there has not been one mainstream media story. Not one.

Here’s the transcript from Newsbusters and I warn you, it’s pretty offensive.

MALLOY: And the Catholic League – that piece of human waste Bill Donohue – then twitted or tweeted or tweaked – ‘glad to know Hilary’s fans are in a state of apoplexy – you’d think she was outed by their hysterical reaction. Get over it and grow up! You child-raping sons of bitches in the Catholic Church, I am so sick of all of you – especially your priests and your bishops and your scum, the Nazi Pope, I am so sick of all of you. And this Donohue freak — wow.

Can you honestly imagine saying similar things about any other group of people without becoming the lead story on Anderson Cooper? Jews? Muslims? Gays? Heck, I don’t even think you could say that about oil men and get away with it.But denigrating Catholics with truly offensive language is just completely ignored.

I wonder if President Obama will call Pope Benedict like he did Sandra Fluke. I’m sure Pope Benedict will be waiting by the phone.

I have never heard of Mike Malloy.  His page is HERE.
I think this is a list of the stations which carries his show.  HERE. If you are in the area of one of these stations, you might call the manager and express your opinion about what they are broadcasting.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. digdigby says:

    24/7. Year in and year out, decade in and decade out non-stop. Two things in this world are insanely reviled, spat upon and despised. with a relentless spew of psychotic and almost demonic rage: The Catholic Church and the tiny state of Israel.

  2. chcrix says:

    With enemies like these, our work is done for us. They disgrace themselves.
    Develop a thick skin and consider the source.
    Don’t surrender to the assumed rage of political correctness.

    With respect, I disagree Digdig – Nobody speaking before the western media could get away with saying the equivalent of what was said about Israel with being unpersoned.

  3. Frank H says:

    I imagine the absence of news stories on this disgrace is a reflection of this guy’s minimal audience, in contrast to Rush’s coast to coast presence.

  4. Joseph-Mary says:

    I wrote to that hate filled man. My guess is that he is an ex-Catholic. And his soul is in danger.

  5. Josephus Muris Saliensis says:

    I note Malloy addresses his readers on his website as “truthseekers.” Says it all!

    No even half-bright normal person will give credence to this ranting, and I’m afraid the opinions of the half-witted (of whom there are many) though annoying, count for nothing in the long run.

    Oremus pro invicem.

  6. Supertradmum says:

    Can you imagine if he had said that about any Islamic leader? Theodore van Gogh was killed for less than this type of tirade. Malloy also changes the name of “liberal” in my mind.

  7. wmeyer says:

    And of course, he considers Nazism and fascism to be right wing. History notwithstanding.

    Totalitarianism seems always to come from the left. Perhaps utopia ain’t all it’s cracked up to be?

  8. irishgirl says:

    ‘Can you imagine if he had said that about any Islamic leader?’ – Supertradmum.
    My thoughts exactly! That guy would have a fatwa placed on his head even before he could complete his words!
    He sounds absolutely despicable. Good thing I don’t listen to him; wouldn’t be good for the stress level. Have enough ‘real stress’ going on in my life without some blowhard talkshow host ranting and raving…..
    Wonder if Mike Malloy would ever have the ‘chutzpah’ [that’s ‘gall’ in Yiddish] to call the Holy Father a Nazi to his face? Maybe the goodness and composure of our Papa would disarm him….I bet His Holiness has heard worse….but he keeps going on ‘serenely’. Nothing seems to bother him…..

  9. AA Cunningham says:

    I would wager that Mike Malloy has a secret that troubles him greatly and that the teaching of the Church touches a nerve in him that makes him very, very uncomfortable.

    Either that, or he’s a card carrying member of the NEA.

    Behind every double standard lies an unconfessed single standard.

  10. pinoytraddie says:

    First,Susan Sarandon and NOW Molloy?!


    Roman Catholic Church:Liberal’s Punching Bag for Three Centuries.

  11. Matthew says:

    It would have been a bigger deal, but the guy that listens to him had a Starbucks coupon that expired that night so he didn’t catch the show.

  12. Suburbanbanshee says:

    That’s not a terribly large list of stations. My guess is that nobody listens to him. He probably had to report his own bile.

  13. Dismas says:

    Filing an obscene and indecent programming complaint directly with the FCC may also help as well:


    How can I file a complaint about obscenity or indecency on the radio or television?
    You may file a written complaint and mail it to:

    Federal Communications Commission
    Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
    Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division
    445 12th St., SW
    Washington, DC 20554

    You can file a complaint on-line , using the FCC Complaint form 475B.

    The Commission asks complainants to provide the following information: (1) the date and time of the alleged broadcast; (2) the call sign or the frequency of the station involved; and (3) the name of the program, the DJ personality, and the city and state; (4) information regarding the details of what was actually said (or depicted) during the alleged indecent or obscene broadcast. With respect to item (4), in making indecency determinations, context is key! The Commission staff must have sufficient information regarding what was actually said during the alleged broadcast, the meaning of what was said and the context in which it was stated. There is flexibility in how a complainant may provide this information. For example, the complainant may provide a significant excerpt of the program describing what was actually said (or depicted) or a full or partial tape or transcript of the material. In whatever form, the complainant provides the information, it must be sufficiently detailed such that the Commission can determine the words and language actually used during the broadcast and the context of those words or language. More information about obscenity and indecency complaints.

    Bureaus & Offices: Consumer & Governmental Affairs.

  14. ContraMundum says:

    While walking to church in Tokyo several years ago, a crow pooped on my head. Mike Malloy’s broadcast is just like that: really irksome, enough to ruin a happy mood, but ultimately of no consequence. I washed the crow poop out of my hair with soap and water; I’ll have to wash Mike Malloy’s comments out of my mind with more pleasant thoughts, or maybe with some good music.

  15. wmeyer says:

    Dismas: A noble thought, but don’t hold your breath. Had he been speaking of Muslims, or gays, yeah, sure, O’s storm troopers would be all over that.

  16. Scott W. says:

    If you are not taking flak, you are not over the target.

  17. Dismas says:

    wmeyer: I know buddy, it will probably only serve to spike his broadcast ratings, but I filed a formal complaint anyway.

  18. I am sure that this is the most attention this guy has ever received.

  19. wmeyer says:

    Yes, Father, as Matthew said above, his (one) listener had gone out for coffee. Anyone remember Air America?

    Still, the evil one by the bay (Bernie Ward) attracted quite a following, albeit almost certainly comprising only the folks in SF.

  20. Aquinas says:

    I don’t like Glen Beck, but I noticed that he was recently sacked from Fox News because he made some anti Jewish remarks about the banks and how they control America.
    The Jewish league got a petition together and got him removed from Fox News.
    Now, I don’t know how far this is part of a feud between Rupert Murdoch, who you may be aware is in a lot of troube here in the UK with the present scandal and people like Soros , so that Murdoch may have been baiting the Jewish lobby through Beck, but nevertheless it does show that in US and Europe you can say pretty much what you like about the Catholic church with impunity.
    One point I would mention about the UK , is that we do actually have some excellent blasphemy laws that protect Christianity, but they have never been forced for over 150 years, and you are probably aware we are swamped with muslims and an appalling Marxist elite that run the show here.
    The media in Britain is full of blasphemies against Chritianity and Catholicism.

  21. pfreddys says:

    I think you are spot on in the media’s coverage of anti-Catholics; but let’s not make the mistake here of making this guy seem like he has any importance.
    I think I could gather more listeners if I opened my window and started yelling out of it.

  22. gracie says:

    I saw that Mike Malloy is streamed through Sirius Radio so I called them to complain. I got a woman in India who gave me another to call and when I called it discovered it was the same number I had called. Second time I got a woman in Egypt with a thick accent who told me I could submit the complaint online. I told her I wanted to talk to a human being; she had no clue whom to connect me to and finally told me to tell her the problem. I asked her if she knew anything about American politics or radio show hosts and she said not really.

    At this point I knew it was hopeless but started explaining the situation anyway and about 15 seconds in a computer voice came on telling me that if I wanted to make a call to hang up and try again. I then went to the website, found no complaint link, and so wrote up my comment under the link, “Do you have a question?” Totally absurd. The chances of my comment getting past the teenage techies monitoring the site are nil.

    Hopefully, Bill Donohue will go after this radio jock. He’s got the organization and the access to the public airwaves to shine a spotlight on Malloy’s despicable comments and to challenge President Obama to condemn the remarks.

  23. APX says:

    As horrible as what this person has said, why bother reacting and getting all hissy about it? Not to sound cliche, but shouldn’t we simply turn the other cheek? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t approve of such hateful words, I just don’t see the point getting up in arms about it.

  24. oldcanon2257 says:

    ContraMundum says:

    I’ll have to wash Mike Malloy’s comments out of my mind with more pleasant thoughts, or maybe with some good music.

    Please pray for his conversion while we’re at it. Throughout history, we have seen the Holy Spirit worked wonders, converting persons even more rabidly anti-Catholic than this man. If our beloved Saint Paul the Apostle is any indication, perhaps this man should be on his way to Damascus? :D

  25. AnAmericanMother says:

    This worthless character used to be on the air in Atlanta, in competition with our local “High Priest of the Church of the Painful Truth”, Neal Boortz, who has been in talk radio in Atlanta just about as long as I’ve been alive (he started on WRNG, the first talk-radio station, back in the late 50s or early 60s).
    Neal is abrasive and obnoxious but smart and good at what he does. Malloy is more abrasive, far more obnoxious, and is of only average intelligence (or less) and an on-air no-talent. He would hang up on callers who disagreed with him without giving them a chance to speak — because whenever he let them talk they made him look like a fool.
    He was run out of Atlanta years ago after a few obscene tirades on-air. Apparently he’s landed somewhere, but somebody must be bankrolling him because he couldn’t attract much of an audience on his own.

  26. Clinton R. says:

    Malloy’s comments are unoriginal to say the least. Anyone who hates the Church usually will go right to the “all priests are child rapists” card. Christ was hated by the world, He was spat upon and reviled. So it is not surprising His Church must undergo the same treatment. Lord, have mercy upon Your enemies. +JMJ+

  27. wmeyer says:

    I see on Wikipedia Malloy is not “self-syndicated”, which suggests that the various radio syndicates found nothing of interest, commercially.

  28. ContraMundum says:

    Please pray for his conversion while we’re at it.

    How about just “those most in need of Thy mercy”?

  29. oldcanon2257 says:

    ContraMundum says:

    How about just “those most in need of Thy mercy”?

    That would work great too. That would cover many more including myself. Thanks. :)

    You could pray while listening to “some good music” (chanted “De profundis”, perhaps?)

    That reminds me of a Catholic joke about praying (but in all seriousness, it stresses the importance of praying unceasingly wherever whenever). I’m sure you’ve heard the joke before:

    Two Jesuit novices both wanted a cigarette while they prayed. They decided to ask their superior for permission. The first asked but was told no. A little while later he spotted his friend smoking and praying. “Why did the superior allow you to smoke and not me?” he asked. His friend replied, “Because you asked if you could smoke while you prayed, and I asked if I could pray while I smoked!” :D

  30. AA Cunningham says:

    “I don’t like Glen Beck, but I noticed that he was recently sacked from Fox News” Aquinas

    Recently? Beck announced he was leaving Fox back in April of 2011.

    “because he made some anti Jewish remarks about the banks and how they control America. The Jewish league got a petition together and got him removed from Fox News.” Aquinas

    You mean the ADL and what’s the source for your assertion about a petition? Beck is a populist and his tinfoil conspiracy nut theories drove viewers and advertisers away from Fox. That’s why they parted company. The substance of what he had to say about Soros; who incidentally bankrolls many anti-Catholic organizations, was correct but should have been better nuanced.

  31. LisaP. says:

    Love that joke.

  32. Scott W. says:

    As horrible as what this person has said, why bother reacting and getting all hissy about it?

    Who’s being hissy? Even when people make outrageous assertions, they always unintentionally re-affirm such truths as Clinton R. pointed out and these are usually worth the time.

  33. digdigby says:

    AA Cunningham-
    “The substance of what he had to say about Soros; who incidentally bankrolls many anti-Catholic organizations, was correct but should have been better nuanced.”
    I am Jewish convert to the TLM and I am an uncompromising fighter for sheer Israeli survival. Anything else is unthinkable for me. Yet to me the Soros / Progressive/ Media/ Billionaire crowd of so-called ‘Jews’ are some of the worst enemies of civilization and mankind. They are also mortal enemies of traditional Judaism and Israeli survival. Take off the gloves, the hell with ‘nuance; On the other hand, anyone who lumps together the Israel-haters with Israelis into one so-called ‘Jewish Lobby’ is a bona fide anti-Semite. That would certainly include Mr. Patrick Buchanan.

  34. jflare says:

    I’d say there IS one reason for hope for this fellow: As someone else noted, Mr. Malloy doesn’t precisely have a huge following. No real surprise, really. While a few rather liberal and even cruelly intolerant talk hosts DO make it, most of them don’t last very long or accrue any real audience. For all their bluster, they simply don’t attract listeners. Or perhaps I SHOULD say, BECAUSE of their bluster, they simply don’t attract listeners.

    I’m not suggesting we should blow this guy off per se, but let’s keep him in perspective.

    While I think of it though, I would LOVE to hear more of Al Kresta. I think it regrettable I only get to hear him for one hour each day.
    ..And it’d be nice to see The World Over, Sunday Night Live, or The Apostle of Common Sense at a time when I could watch them. *sighs* Oh well, I can dream, can’t I?

  35. PostCatholic says:

    Those are unfortunate and bigoted comments. I likewise had never heard of Mike Malloy. May he remain in obscurity.

  36. PostCatholic says:

    Indeed, jflare. Liberals tend to prefer not to listen to bluster. There’s no analogue to the power of conservative talk radio not because conservatives so outnumber the liberals, but because the liberal audience tends not to want to hear opinion stated in the analogous way.

  37. SKAY says:

    Glen has been very supportive of the Catholic Church’s stand against the assult on our first ammendment rights when it comes to the Obamacare mandate.
    I do not remember him ever disparaging the Jews when discussing what some of the banks and the Fed had done.
    I do remember his concern for Israel’s people and Obama’s policy toward that country

    Mike Malloy sounds like a very unhappy man and even worse-he has no idea what he is talking about.
    Obviously a Democrat.

  38. dianeav says:

    I’d like to suggest that anyone who lives in the listening areas where this show aired– file a complaint with the fcc against the stations that air his program. It is a real problem for radio stations when a complaint is filed…government gets involved in their business!!! not good! Go to fcc.gov and file consumer complaint…unfair, hateful, biased radio show…it’s very easy to do. d

  39. dianeav says:

    and while you’re at it…on fcc website, there is also a complaint section for obscene, profane, and indecent material…a lot of rock radio station morning shows fall under this category…a lot of men these days seem to think there is nothing wrong with the filth they hear on the radio…makes society sick.

  40. dianeav says:

    whoops! just saw dismas post on the fcc… do it!!! online is so easy!!! they’ll send you a letter about a month later…saying they are investigating it…so you need to be in the listening area.

  41. jflare says:

    PostCatholic, I’m not entirely sure I understand your point, but it appears as though you’re trying to tell me that conservative talk show hosts have little of use to say.

    I’m saddened to hear that you hold conservatives in such low regard.

    I might comment that, if the conservatives can be idiotic, intolerant, irritating, or whatever, they do have something in their favor: Several of them seem to comprehend morals and virtue to some degree, and law and Constitution as well.
    Liberal show hosts? Usually they strike me as being in severe need of catechesis, a few pointed lessons in civics, or else in need of learning to think.
    Too many of them seem to me determined to believe in effective nihilism. They don’t wish to know what somewhat ought to think. If they DID know, they’d be forced to change their tune.

    They grow quite wearisome after a time.

  42. catholicmidwest says:

    Too bad some of that flying spittle didn’t “fix” his sound equipment. There was enough of it.

  43. Aquinas says:

    @ Digdigby.

    I find the debate or atmosphere concerning Jewish influence in the US to be very poisoned and frankly I don’t think it helps either side.
    In Britain and Europe, everything is now complicated by the terrible effects of multi culturism and the fact that we are being swamp by Islam. The multi cultural agenda is being pushed by a number of forces , but amongst them and probably the main driver is the new world order, and sadly there are number of extremely wealthy liberal Jews who are part of that. Incidently, I tend to agree that these liberal Jews are really no supporters of the state of Israel as such, they beleive more in one world government.

  44. Peter in Canberra says:

    These journalists never look in the mirror do they?

    Of course calling them journalists is being kind, or is it being a deceitful, lying S.O.B. ?

  45. FaithfulCatechist says:

    Too many of them seem to me determined to believe in effective nihilism.

    Donny, these men are nihilists, there’s nothing to be afraid of.

  46. digdigby says:

    This is Michael Matt (!) the ‘notorious anti-Semite’ according to the usual cadre of ‘progressive smear merchants’. I think he nails where a traditional person needs to be.

  47. imjustmusing says:

    Fr. asked why there was no outrage in the media about thus as there was against Rush Limbaugh. It’s quite simple, people actually listen to Rush.

    This is why the left wants to silence people like Rush and continue to propose things like the fairness doctrine. In a free radio market people are free to listen or not listen to any one program. They don’t listen to Mike Malloy.

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