Wherein the First Gay President lectures an African nation

The First Gay President didn’t have his way with the President of Senegal:

Sanctimonious Obama rebuffed by African president on gay rights

President Obama got off to an awkward start in Africa where he urged tolerance and equal rights for gays and lesbians in a country where homosexuality is a crime, in some places, punishable by death.

Shortly after arriving in Senegal, Obama praised the Supreme Court’s new rulings on same-sex marriage and asked African leaders to treat people fairly and equally. [Obama went to Ireland and shot off his mouth about how there shouldn’t be Catholic schools in N. Ireland.  Of course, he wasn’t talking to the Irish.  He was obviously talking to his base.  Now he goes to Africa and lectures a nation about what they ought to do concerning homosexual marriage.  Obama is welding sodomitic-marriage into civil rightshuman rights.  That’s his agenda.]

But, Senegal President Macky Sall quickly rebuffed the suggestion, saying his country does not share the same views as Obama and America and that Senegal is “still not ready to decriminalize homosexuality,” the Washington Post reported.

According to the Post, which reported a transcript of the president’s remarks on the same-sex rulings, Obama said in part:

The issue of gays and lesbians, and how they’re treated, has come up and has been controversial in many parts of Africa. So I want the African people just to hear what I believe, [B as in B.  S as in S.  He is playing to his US base.] and that is that every country, every group of people, every religion have different customs, different traditions. And when it comes to people’s personal views and their religious faith, et cetera, I think we have to respect the diversity of views that are there. [But don’t respect them when their religious view differ on, say, funding contraceptives, sterilizations, abortions, etc.  To hell with Catholics and African cultures … sodomitic marriage is a human right!]

Every world religion has this basic notion that is embodied in the Golden Rule — treat people the way you want to be treated. And I think that applies here as well.  [Gosh, I’ll bet the UNBORN would like to BE BORN, just like you were.  No?]

The Daily Caller reported some interesting statistics on Senegal: “97 percent of Senegalese citizens consider homosexuality taboo,” and it is a “95 percent Muslim country and a sexually conservative and patriarchal nation.”  [Hmmm.  I wonder.  He said in Ireland that Catholic and Protestant schools shouldn’t exist because they divide people.  In Senegal did he go on to suggest that there should be no Islamic education because that keeps people from accepting homosexuality?]

To that end, Sall defended Senegal’s values and laws.

“These issues are all societal issues basically, and we cannot have a standard model which is applicable to all nations, all countries — you said it, we all have different cultures,” The Daily Caller reported Sall answered. “We have different religions. We have different traditions. And even in countries where this has been decriminalized and homosexual marriage is allowed, people don’t share the same views.” [For now.]

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Angie Mcs says:

    Reminds me of the scene in the “Titanic” where the young hero, Jack, stands at the front of the ship, crying at the top of his voice “I’m the King of the World!! ”

    Then down, down, down he went , into the deepest darkness. Everyone in the theater wept. Yet do I hear a tiny, anticipatory chuckle of glee in this case?

  2. acardnal says:

    “Every world religion has this basic notion that is embodied in the Golden Rule — treat people the way you want to be treated. And I think that applies here as well. “

    To tolerate mortal sin is not an act of charity.

  3. JKnott says:

    Invite Obama to YOUR home, town, state, country, church …… anywhere and everywhere especially if you want a “good talking to.” Pure finger-pointing “wisdom”, his highness , he is.


  4. Geoffrey says:

    I think I want to move to Senegal.

  5. DavidJ says:

    Here is Senegal’s law on homosexual acts:
    “Without prejudice to the more serious penalties provided for in the preceding paragraphs or by articles 320 and 321 of this Code, whoever will have committed an improper or unnatural act with a person of the same sex will be punished by imprisonment of between one and five years and by a fine of 100,000 to 1,500,000 francs. If the act was committed with a person below the age of 21, the maximum penalty will always be applied”

    While I certainly agree that such acts are gravely sinful, should the acts (I’m not talking marriage here, but the acts) themselves be criminal, punishable by prison time?

  6. HighMass says:

    Evil is very very present….is the AntiChrist now reigning???

  7. Mike says:

    Let’s remember that Islamic countries, despite their laws, have often rampant homosexual activity going on. What does this mean? Islam’s condemnation of homosexual acts, I suspect, are based on very different premises than the Judeo-Christian view. As well: Islam is a religion that favors and in fact deifies man’s fallen tendencies, ie, polygamy.

  8. DisturbedMary says:

    Has Obama heard of AIDS in Africa? or has he gone blind pursuing the charms of gaiety?

  9. one word,antichrist

  10. markomalley says:


    While I certainly agree that such acts are gravely sinful, should the acts (I’m not talking marriage here, but the acts) themselves be criminal, punishable by prison time?

    Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them.

    So it seems like Senegal’s law is quite moderate, really.

  11. Johnno says:

    All these are just empty nice sounding words coming out of Obama’s mouth. For example he cares not for the divisive violence and messaging going on here –

  12. HighMass says:

    boxerpaws1952 ,

    Thanks for saying it and having the fortitude to stand up for what alot of folks believe.

  13. Jean Marie says:

    I think Obama is another forerunner of the antichrist – along the line of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. I don’t think THE antichrist will require a teleprompter and have people behind the scenes script everything he says and does. I also think he will be shortly joined by the Mahdi whom the Islamic world is expecting. That’s why the USA is being brought down.

  14. StJude says:

    Obama’s arrogance never ceases to amaze me.

  15. StJude says:

    Oh and while Obama is being a jerk in Africa…… George and Laura Bush are in Africa helping to renovate a cancer clinic.

  16. Therese says:

    The Senegalese are a lot smarter than Americans.

  17. “I think Obama is another forerunner of the antichrist – along the line of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. I don’t think THE antichrist will require a teleprompter and have people behind the scenes script everything he says and does.” considered him being a forerunner at first. Not anymore. the battle lines are drawn.

  18. DavidJ says:

    markomalley if you’re implying that all acts that are moral evils should be civilly criminal, you’ll find that the Catholic Church does not espouse that principle.

  19. Maltese says:

    The only thing wrong with being gay is being gay (I know: double intendre!)

  20. SKAY says:

    ” Going off lecturing other countries while at the same time destroying ours. ”
    My exact thought.

    Is he now setting himself up to be Secretary General of the UN next? Soros has said that he wants a one world government and that it could be run through the UN.

  21. StWinefride says:

    Re the Antichrist, there seems to be something wrong with the definition of the Antichrist in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Antichrist as a “pseud0-messianism”?

    675 Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.

    676 The Antichrist’s deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism, especially the “intrinsically perverse” political form of a secular messianism.

    I have heard priests say the same sort of thing about the devil – that he isn’t a real being but on the other hand they acknowledge that there is a “culture of evil”. And who or what do they think is behind that?! Unbelievable.

    Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

  22. sciencemom says:

    That about every religion espousing the Golden Rule is not even true. It’s a standard humanist talking point, but if you go and actually look at the statements that are purported to be equivalents to the Golden Rule from other religions, most of them are actually the “silver rule” … i.e. Do NOT do unto others what you would NOT have them do to you.

  23. Edward Klein wrote a book on Obama called the amateur:

    where we hear about Jeremiah Wright saying some interesting things: Of the Obamas, Wright said, ”Church is not their thing. It was never their thing.” Wright told Klein that Obama said, ”You know what your problem is. You have to tell the truth.” The faith leader maintained that this isn’t a bad problem to have and that Obama, being a politician, has transformed into an individual who is not necessarily rooted in truth. “Politicians don’t have to tell the truth. Truth is what we say it is. Well, I somehow can’t live with that,” Wright told Klein. “That’s why I could never be a politician. I think that the transformed Barack has become a politician.” When the author asked when, exactly, Obama made this so-called evolution, Wright said he believes it happened when he assumed the presidency.

    Explains Obama’s “evolution” on gay marriage. He will only enforce what is expedient to him and his power hold regardless of what he personally once believed or didn’t believe – Obama is just there as a blank canvas open to whatever whims of fancy suits his grip on power. Obama is being played as a puppet by forces he doesn’t even realize are at work on him. He has so opened himself to allow any wind to blow him that he is not just a political radical . . . he has allowed himself to become manipulated by the devil. In feeding his narcissism and greed for power, it is in my opinion that Obama has allowed himself to become purely evil.

    [The book The Amateur can be found HERE.]

  24. “Obama has allowed himself to become purely evil.” the Lord of the Flies.

  25. netokor says:

    Obama is a demagogic narcissist who manipulates useful idiots–half the country–in order to feed his egotism while living it up in style.

    Shame on those who voted for this thing. Clearly Romney was the lesser evil.

  26. VexillaRegis says:

    Here is how an Irish member of the Parliament reacted to ” the slobbering” over the Obama family in Ireland. Fasten your seat belts – this lady is doing a fabulous bulldozer job!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rICu2FXkEKQ&feature=player_embedded#at=110

  27. “The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.

    676 The Antichrist’s deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment.” Obama to a t. Now we all think Obama is inept and incompetent but you ask yourself how on earth he got elected given the circumstances in this country he can’t be too inept. I can’t imagine any potus getting a 2nd term with the crummy economy he had.None to my knowledge. Throw in some other terrible policies you wouldn’t think he could get elected. He did.What we have to be careful not to put too much stake in any government. The Obama drones look upon him as their savior-like government is going to solve all their problems.Nothing wrong w/ patriotism and loving our country but our final hope is always Christ and His Church.I think that is the point of the quote from the Catechism. Obama’s claim is exactly that claim. Another words,antichrist. I even told my husband there was no way on earth his man could get elected unless he is the antichrist.Lo and behold.

  28. Eraser says:

    Jeremiah Wright said such things about the “lord & savior” that he tutored in his own twisted school of Christianity? Very interesting indeed.

    From the time Obama came onto the scene, I had him pegged as an out-of-control egotist who would do anything for power. I didn’t even know much about him then but I had the distinct misfortune of working for one of his disciples who ironically turned out to be a closeted homosexual. I’ve wondered the same about him on more than one occasion, since I cannot imagine a non-homosexual turning into such a vociferous advocate. However, I fully believe that he is so thoroughly blinded by narcissism and ambition that he will readily take up any cause that works to his advantage. Add this to the fact that he is none too bright (to put it mildly) and he becomes the ideal stooge for every axe-grinding “disenfranchised” minority in this country. They know it and his handlers know it. He may even know it himself but at this point, he’s in so far over his head that it no longer matters to him, or he is just too plain stupid to figure it out. Either way, it’s clear that he has deliberately turned away from the truth – and isn’t that the definition of evil?

  29. jaykay says:

    Ahhhhh, careful, VexillaRegis!!!!! Just so’s you know: that “lady” introduced her own Private Member’s Bill for abortion last year, and only last April said on her own website, in relation to the latest Bill that: “Legislation without restrictions should be introduced immediately to make abortion available in practise.”

  30. VexillaRegis says:

    jaykay: sorry, I didn’t know that!

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